Sudden Unexplained Nausea After Eating? :(

Hey folks,

I'm getting discouraged and need some advice... For the last three days, I have been experiencing extremely strong nausea every time I eat or drink something. It could be just a spoonful of broth and my stomach will be churning. If I eat enough, I'll experience forceful vomiting, often until around 3 am. The strange thing is that if I eat nothing at all, I have no nausea whatsoever.

At this point I am becoming very frustrated because it's lasting so long and I cannot eat or drink. Do you have any ideas on what might be wrong with me and whether there are any cures? I know for certain that I am not pregnant. As for food poisoning, I cannot think of anything that could have caused this reaction. The last meal I had before feeling sick was a simple wheat bread + turkey sandwich. The turkey was not expired and smelled clean. I threw it away anyway ...

Thanks :)



  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    Have you ever heard of the "BRAT" diet. It's what Dr's used to tell us to feed our kids when they are ready to eat again after being sick. They are supposed to be foods easy for the tummy to tolerate and supposed to let us know, once the kids keep them down that it's okay to proceed with more foods next. Bananas, Rice, Applesauce, Toast(dry). That's the only thing I can think to try, and to make sure you stay hydrated.

    The only thing similar that happens to me sometimes is, for some strange reason on occasion if I have a breakfast that consists of the combination of coffee AND eggs I get nauseaous. Have no idea why that combo ONLY prompts this but as it's easy to avoid said combo, it's nearly a non issue.

    Hope you get good answers hear and these suggestions allow you to at least get something in your belly.
  • BreytonJay
    BreytonJay Posts: 86 Member
    I just posted about this a couple weeks ago. Never did figure out what it was. But yes, nauseous everytime I eat. Maybe it's a diet change thing, or week before TOM thing. I'd be interested too if anybody comes up with anything! so...bump lol
  • MalkaChana
    MalkaChana Posts: 6
    Thank you for your response :)

    Yeah, I actually did try the BRAT diet. Problem is, if I eat a single bite of toast I start getting that intense nausea. Bananas and applesauce proved too much as well. I'm trying to sip water/broth to stay hydrated but even that makes me very nauseaus.

    Good tip on the coffee though - oddly enough, I've noticed the same thing, even when not having this stomach problem! Probably the acidity of the coffee and the difficulty of digesting the protein are too much for the stomach at once.
  • MalkaChana
    MalkaChana Posts: 6
    I hope we find an answer. I even researched the idea that reduced carbohydrates could be causing the nausea (like the "ketogenic diet" flu symptoms). But I don't cut on carbs that much and I don't have the other symptoms like bad breath, etc.
  • TerriOuimet
    TerriOuimet Posts: 3 Member
    are you on any anti-inflamatories? I had the same problem and spoke to my diabetic specialist who said that it was probably those and had me go off them. within a day I was back to normal with no stomach issues with food. I would talk to your doctor.
  • MalkaChana
    MalkaChana Posts: 6
    Hm... no anti-inflammatories except one aspirin for a headache 4 days ago ...
  • I would suggest seeing your doctor. I thought maybe it would be an intolerance to gluten, but you said even broth makes you ill. If this has been going on for a few days, you need to seek professional medical opinion.

    Hope you feel better soon.
  • goodtimezzzz
    goodtimezzzz Posts: 640 Member
    yeah U are not eat anything..drink lots of water with sea salt added..u sound dehydrated as till tom morning
    sounds like a virus..where in the us do u live?
    best from NYC
  • MeanSophieCat
    MeanSophieCat Posts: 200 Member
    Not a doctor - so this isn't a sub for medical advice - just a personal story.

    I had a similar thing. It went on for a whole week and I was also throwing up about once per day. After a week, I finally went to the doctor - ended up being a stomach virus. Went away within another few days. Before that, I thought stomach viruses were typically short-lived. 24 or 48 hours but my doc said up to two weeks is totally normal.

    I was only getting sick when eating - but that is just the way the virus affected me. Hope you feel better soon!
  • JenMc14
    JenMc14 Posts: 2,389 Member
    Could you be pregnant?
  • NanaWubbie
    NanaWubbie Posts: 248 Member
    Have you lost a lot of weight over the past year? It could be gall stones. It really snuck up on me.....but once I had the gall bladder removed after a very severe attack, I realized just how sick I had been. ....nausea, very general dull pain....not even recognized because the nausea masked it. The nausea was worse when I ate beef, and salads, weird yes? ...just saying...
  • thecakelocker
    thecakelocker Posts: 407 Member
    I would see a Dr because that sounds like it could be serious.
  • marz42
    marz42 Posts: 223 Member
    That sounds unfun. I don't want to scare you but I'd get to the doctor sooner rather than later. My former boyfriend had very similar issues.. all his life he'd had a pretty big appetite and it went from that to hardly being able to eat anything without feeling ill and if he forced himself to it came up...he put off going in and kept saying oh it'll work itself out. It turned out to be a big tumor. Now, very good chance yours is nothing like that and maybe its gluten or a stomach virus. But...I wouldn't put that sort of thing off. At all.
  • stealthq
    stealthq Posts: 4,298 Member
    As for food poisoning, I cannot think of anything that could have caused this reaction. The last meal I had before feeling sick was a simple wheat bread + turkey sandwich. The turkey was not expired and smelled clean. I threw it away anyway ...

    Thanks :)


    It could still be food poisoning. Not only are we not able to smell or see when food has been contaminated enough to make us sick unless the food is completely spoiled, but the reality is that the symptoms of some of the most common types of food poisoning don't show up for a while.

    For example, the onset of symptoms from E. coli poisoning is 1-3 days. Noroviruses are 1-2 days. Salmonella is 6-48 hrs.

    And, it could be a stomach bug that is not a Norovirus. I'd visit your doctor if you don't start to feel better in 24 hrs.
    LINIA Posts: 1,159 Member
    White Rice eaten around the same time as applesauce have the identical effect on me, i avoid the plague! ☺☺☺☺☺
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    Go to the doctor. Two people from my office have had that in the past couple of weeks. One ended up in the ER.
  • if it's within an hour of eating, check gallbladder.

    My father had this issue and he needed emergency surgery last week for a gall bladder removal. He thought it was just indigestion.

    if it's more like a stomach flu thing - gatorade, cola syrup, bland diet until normal digestion returns.
  • abeasl28
    abeasl28 Posts: 1
    I had the same issue not long ago, every time I tried to eat anything I would become ill very shortly after. It got to a point I didn't want to eat anything at all. I went to the doctor and explained my symptoms and found out I had acid re-flux. The symptoms of acid re-flux can also be replicated by a bacteria so they may check for that too. I'd definitely recommend going to the doctor, after getting my prescriptions I haven't had any issues at all. I hope this helps and you feel better soon
  • auroranflash
    auroranflash Posts: 3,569 Member
    Going to the doctor would be a smart thing to do. I got a really bad virus once and couldn't keep even water down for a week. They gave me some sort of shot and it fixed me immediately. I have no idea what it was, but it ended my misery. If you don't go, I suggest sipping some sprite or gatorade to make sure you stay hydrated.

    Hope you're well soon.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,909 Member
    Hey folks,

    I'm getting discouraged and need some advice... For the last three days, I have been experiencing extremely strong nausea every time I eat or drink something. It could be just a spoonful of broth and my stomach will be churning. If I eat enough, I'll experience forceful vomiting, often until around 3 am. The strange thing is that if I eat nothing at all, I have no nausea whatsoever.

    At this point I am becoming very frustrated because it's lasting so long and I cannot eat or drink. Do you have any ideas on what might be wrong with me and whether there are any cures? I know for certain that I am not pregnant. As for food poisoning, I cannot think of anything that could have caused this reaction. The last meal I had before feeling sick was a simple wheat bread + turkey sandwich. The turkey was not expired and smelled clean. I threw it away anyway ...

    Thanks :)


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