Need some friends to keep me motivated!

Alrighty. I've been on MFP before. Used it to get from 175ish to about 155ish. Then I stopped using it for some stupid reason and ballooned back up to 175. I'm serious about losing the weight this time and I've found a new love of hiking/jogging/just being outdoors. Plus at work I'm on my feet for 8 hours and according to my fitbit I do roughly 5 miles on my shift. I've been back on here since about march and have lost 9ish pounds and feel great. But I'd love to have some people to help keep me motivated!!

Btw my name is Michelle and I'm a 20 year old single mother to a 2.5 year old and work 40 hours a week at an assisted living facility

Height 5'5.5" (that .5 is important haha)
Weight 165.8 !!
Goal keep changing my mind - aiming right now for 145 but depending on how I feel i could keep going or maybe stop before!


  • jannessy
    jannessy Posts: 23 Member
    my goal is to lose that as well i will add you we need to keep each other motivated :)
  • kbmnurse
    kbmnurse Posts: 2,484 Member
    Help. I too lost, gained, lost, gained. UGGGGGGGGGG. Where do I begin? I have no motivation to exercise. Brand new treadmill. Love to run in fact I have a 5K next Saturday. I will probably die. My eating is out of control and so is my beer drinking. My clothes are tight and I look like a fatass.

    Any ideas? I know small wt loss goals, healthy eating and EXERCISE.
  • kylamaries
    kylamaries Posts: 291
    You can always add me if you'd like! I typically run/walk a lot because I hate being indoors when working out! I'm just now getting back into the swing of things too!
  • lenamae23
    lenamae23 Posts: 60 Member
    Hello ladies. I am looking for more support too. I log everyday. My exercise is sporatic. I have been using mfp for 30 days straight sofar and have lost 8.6lbs. I am aiming for 40-50 more. Feel free to add me.
  • hilsidney
    hilsidney Posts: 93 Member
    I did the same thing... I lost 55 lbs, and only had about 10-15 to go. A few very stressful things happened and I gave up. Now I've gained 25ish back and am working hard to try to take it off. I recently got diagnosed hypothyroid and it's not coming off as easy as it did last time, but I'm not giving up. You all can add me if you like, I don't have very many friends on here anymore and it really helps keep you motivated!
  • wanttoloseweight4
    i would love someone whos on all the time that we can check in together and make sure we stay on target!
  • Rosytakesoff
    Rosytakesoff Posts: 321
    Add me. I am a supportive friend. Our height and weight are close, too, but I'm 20 years older. Lol
  • kbmnurse
    kbmnurse Posts: 2,484 Member
    Please add me. Tomorrow exercise.
  • car_lotta_
    car_lotta_ Posts: 3
    Add Me! I want to lose around the same amount of weight! <3
  • WatchMeLose80
    Feel free to add me :smile: