Let's make it... Fabulous in our 40's!!!



  • mumofsix
    mumofsix Posts: 28 Member
    41 (42 in Sept). Mother of 6. Married for 25 yrs. I am anemic and struggling with my thyroid. Plugging away. I am determined to do this! Anyone feel free to add me :)
  • mimiteh35
    mimiteh35 Posts: 486 Member
    I'm 39, is that too "young" ? Hehehe.... Please anyone feel free to add me, I'm in need of some encouragement and motivation! :) When I started MFP back end of Dec. 2012 my short term goal was to lose 40 lbs by my 40th bday (10/31/2013), so far I've been stuck the last couple of weeks, with 16 lbs lost so far, so 24 to go, not sure I can make that mini-goal, had some life-busy things come up but hoping to get back into it! My ultimate goal, I'm not sure weight wise, but I'm a 5' 1.5" girlie, was size 22/24 (stretchy jeans) and hoping to get back to maybe a size 10/12 ish? I'm not sure exactly, its been a long time since I was smaller than that which was before I had my son and 20 yrs ago, lol. At this point I just want to get healthy, stop having so much back aches, bring my BP down, and feel sexy again! :)
  • LOL! I will be turning 45 on Tuesday- after Memorial Day. I have 3 children, all grown, graduated and out of the house. My oldest has married and given me a grandson. :-)
    I was divorced for 15 years and remarried two years ago. Since that day, I have put on 40 pounds! I have never weighed this much in my life and have been having a hard time. It would seem that each and everytime I got on here, or joined weight watchers, or some diet fad, my heart would be in it for all of 2 weeks and then I stop.
    I quit smoking in December after smoking for 30 years, and gained 20 pounds (10 since March).
    For some reason I felt like I lost the drive to 'go', to 'live', to 'enjoy' my life. My marriage is wonderful, and we are happy in love, with our little ups and downs as all marriages do. I have nothing to complain about, but I got lazy. I quit my job in December and got lazy.
    I am moving to Missouri in July and decided it was time to get back in to my life ~ back into LIVING my life. 40's are supposed to be FABULOUS..like being the new 20's or 30's...lord knows, I really wouldn't want to live my 20's over again tho...ewe!
    So one week ago, or 6 days ago I decided to get serious. I was having a hard time breathing, tired from just walking up a flight of stairs, ONE flight of stairs IN MY HOUSE! Now that's just not right...shows how cozy my and my couch have gotten. :-)
    I have a treadmill and have dusted it off, and started using it every other day, doing ZUMBA in between, and walking my dogs each day or every other day. I am starting to get into the swing of my life and enjoying it. I am watching my food intake a lot closer, cutting out the Junkfood nites which were every nite...movie nite, candies, cookies, chips, icecream and more candy! Popcorn too..not the healthy kind.
    It has been tough. I love my husband but for the first 4 months this year, each time I 'tried' watching my food intake, or eating the 'right foods' he'd come home with chips, ice cream, cookies galore, I would go bonkers. I couldn't win with him. I told him this junkfood was like a drug for a junkie - yes we can relate and he has been clean for over 15 years. I told him I was now over 40 pounds over weight and couldn't wear any of my clothes. I asked him for help. I told him that I really needed him to quit bringing his food binging foods into the house. He could keep them in his truck if he liked, but PLEASE keep them away from here. It worked for a blink..... Finally I decided 6 days ago to just take charge..wouldn't you know it, he isn't bringing foods into the house I don't want/need, AND LOL Get this....He couldn't put on his favorite pair of jeans. . . hehehe! So, With my effort I have put forth, and since I have started back up here at MFP, I have taken off a total of 4 pounds. 1 pound lost this week so far, I will know by monday my true total loss for this week. Anyway, I realize that I can't do this alone and have decided that I will reach out to a couple of people here on MFP, hoping this keeps me going and on top of things. With the move happening in July, I am really going to be busy and my hopes are that I wont be too busy to 'be good to me" and my body.

    Have a safe and Happy Holiday this weekend!
  • gdnplnty
    gdnplnty Posts: 170 Member
    I am 42, two grown gone children, one furbaby and one hubby at home. I started on MFP a long time, did well, I lost weight, I was happy. Then, I stopped. I stopped the logging, stopped doing anything, didn't care. I gained everything back. It sucked. But, I did it to myself.

    Heart cath two weeks ago, and a cardiologist telling me "If you don't change your ways, you will die." S*%T!!

    If anything was to be a eye awakening experience that I needed to change; that was it.

    So, I am here...again. Starting over...again.

    I can not fail. I can't.
  • Just reached the big 40! Add me if you'd like. My 3 kids have me feeling young as ever!
  • Hi nice to meet you all. I need friends, so feel free to invite me. I am 47 mom of three great kids, wonderful husband and it's just time to get this 30+ pounds off after the "kid years" are winding down and I don't have to eat on the fly anymore. Joined a gym a few months ago and have never seen the inside of it yet!! haha! I joined while they were still building it so I could get the cheap deal, but I need some motivation to actually go there!
  • Analigo7
    Analigo7 Posts: 6 Member
    I'm 44 and a mother of 3 beautiful children, 18, 13 and 10. Although I like being in my 40's the one thing that is absolutely different is how hard it is to lose weight! I find that you have to limit your intake AND increase your exercise to see that scale move at a snail's pace. Quite different from when I was younger and could do one OR the other and easily take weight off. Plus, at this age there is a certain comfort level with life and it is easy to not want to get too caught up in the weight thing. So much that I now find myself needing to lose that 30 (preferably 40)! I would love some support from others in their 40's. Please feel free to add me!
  • heatherloveslifting
    heatherloveslifting Posts: 1,428 Member
    Honestly, I prefer my current age to any I've ever been! I am in love with everything. I wish I'd felt like this all my life and hope to for the rest of it! :heart:
  • Nenusky
    Nenusky Posts: 37 Member
  • stephsmithmagee
    stephsmithmagee Posts: 4 Member
    Bring it on, I keep needing my *kitten* kicked! Keep falling off the wagon!
  • allgoodthings
    allgoodthings Posts: 82 Member
    I'm turning 42 this weekend. I'm also starting graduate school at the end of the summer. I've lost 18 pounds on MFP and hope to lose 10-15 more. I'm focusing on building muscle and toning so I'm not stuck on the scale's numbers. Please friend me if you so desire!
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    In for the cougars! :drinker:
  • Hello, I'm 41 and will be 42 in August, I'm ready for this big change in my life and need to take this weight off permanently . I have 3 children 19 yr old whose almost 20 and just finished her 2nd year in collage, a 16 year going to the 11 th grade and a 14 yr log going to high school next year. And let's not forget the hubby and my dog coco... Sooo, I'm a very busy women. Been on this journey for a month now and just discovered this site. Looking forward to making new friends.
  • lklkl5
    lklkl5 Posts: 113 Member
    Anyone feel free to add me. I'm 47, happily married for 24 years and 3 kids 21,19, and 15. The older two are attending school away from home so things have slowed down significantly. Trying to be fabulous 40's! It may be harder to lose weight in your forties but with the age comes a lot more experience and maturity. No excuses, just get it done!
  • Chieflrg
    Chieflrg Posts: 9,097 Member
    43 here...congrats on your new adventure in life. :)
  • bubaluboo
    bubaluboo Posts: 2,098 Member
    Hello, it's great to read so many posts from positive 40+ people. I live in the UK and am 45yrs old. I grew up not doing much exercise due to health issues and didn't really make an attempt to get fit until a walk up a hill when I was about 23 showed me how unfit I was so I worked fairly hard to get to a moderate level of fitness. Since then I've tended to be off and on with fitness but my weight naturally tended to stay at a mid healthy range BMI. After having my daughter though, I gained weight through grabbing junk food to counteract tiredness. I ended up about 35lb heavier than my normal weight. I made an effort with slimming world and lost about 28lb but since then, I gained again and have been losing the same 10lb over and over. I'm now about 20lb off the weight I was before having my daughter but I would love for my forties to become my most healthy age. I just started MFP 4 days ago and I can see that it could work for me if I don't give myself excuses at the first hurdle. I did the 30 day shred (over 40 days) and am doing it again now. While I don't think I look any better as I wasn't really dieting the first time around, I do think that I'm feeling so much fitter now and really just as good as I did in my 20s. For me this is brilliant as I was starting to feel old before I did the shred and I was wondering whether I'd left it too late. :smile: No slowing down for me now!
  • rhondajoco
    rhondajoco Posts: 16 Member
    43 here, and really loving my 40's so far! I have three kids, eldest, 18, just graduated high school and is off to be a big college football star in the fall (well, in his mama's eyes he's a star anyway but he isn't half bad) :wink: I also have a 16 yr old son chomping at the bit to get his drivers license and a beautiful 14 yr old daughter who keeps me motivated. Shortly before turning the big 4-0, I did some reassessing of my life and made some terrific changes. I quit smoking after 20 yrs, went back to college for the degree I've always wanted and began moving up the career ladder to a challenging, but sedentary desk job. All of these changes were wonderful and I will never regret any of them - but I ended up gaining 75 lbs in the process.
    I'm not thrilled with how I look, but I realize that losing the weight is just another part of the challenge in reaching my goals. I miss doing some of the things I loved before and look forward to getting back to that point. Once I get there, I think my forties are going to be the best yet! Feel free to add me
  • kzilla94
    kzilla94 Posts: 15 Member
    I am 45 and about 40 pounds from my goal. This is the best I have felt in 15 years since my son passed away. Everyday is a struggle but I am going to make it!!
  • liftingheavy
    liftingheavy Posts: 551 Member
    My very first post! :smile: Wishing everyone luck on this crazy, sometimes frustrating, but in the long run rewarding (and staying that way this time) journey we are all on together. Looking for those in their 40's so we may be able to relate a little better to what's happening to our bodies and all the external factors and distractions (spouses, relatively same age children/stepchildren, family, work, etc.) that come along with this time in our lives. Would love to be added to your Friends List.

    Let's do this! 44, lost it, and toning like crazy! Who knew? Your skin WILL TIGHTEN as you lose fat and build muscle.

    I would love to be in this group!
  • liftingheavy
    liftingheavy Posts: 551 Member
    I am 45 and about 40 pounds from my goal. This is the best I have felt in 15 years since my son passed away. Everyday is a struggle but I am going to make it!!

    What a strong woman you are. I lost a son too. God bless you and I really admire your strength. Made me teary so I wanted to reach out, you HAVE made it. It will always hurt, but know that you are not alone.