"If every day were like today, you'd weigh..."



  • cmcollins001
    cmcollins001 Posts: 3,472 Member
    Take stock in it if you want, but I don't find it all that reliable...

  • albertabeefy
    albertabeefy Posts: 1,169 Member
    I just perused your diary a bit. Are you logging all your water, because if not, I would suggest drinking more of that. Also, my unprofessional and unqualified opinion is that you could try reducing the carbs you eat and increasing protein. The biggest thing is not to give up. Keep at it and the results will come...eventually!
    Her protein isn't bad ... It's already over 1g per pound of lean mass.

    For many people it's reducing CHO (carbohydrate) intake while simultaneously upping healthy fats that gets their weight-loss started. Especially anyone with metabolic syndrome.

    OP may want to look into LCHF diets - they work well for many overweight people and are quite healthy IF done properly.
  • Tyggress73
    Tyggress73 Posts: 104 Member
    But at some point, the weight has got to follow...I mean, have you ever seen a 180# girl in size 7 jeans? I think not.

    Yes but they didn't zip and the muffintop was epic. Plus it took me forever to get back out of them.

    LMAO...this made me smile~! :laugh:
  • bellyboosmom
    bellyboosmom Posts: 55 Member
    It is just an educated guess at best. It is saying if every day were like today, that is what you would weigh. Now, you aren't going to eat exactly the same foods, drink exactly the same amount of fluids, excercise exactly the same way to get exactly the same heart rate and calories burned. No one can or will do that. Just do your best every day, and try something new if what you are doing isn't working. I know it's frustrating, but a pound at a time is still better than nothing. Btw...I was 185 lbs and wore a size 8. I am only 5'4.
  • Tyggress73
    Tyggress73 Posts: 104 Member
    Thank you everyone for the replies and the encouragement. This is a tough journey, and it's taking a long time. Sometimes I just need to remember how far I have come, I guess. Hopefully I'll get in those size 7 jeans someday!
  • Rhonnie
    Rhonnie Posts: 506 Member
    Ignore that number completely - it is meant as 'motivation' but is useless.

    Everyones body is different and will react short term in varying degrees when you change your diet and exercise. You have been at a plateau for a while so you are right in that it might be time to 'tweak' some things, but it sounds like you did that recently by upping your calories so be sure to be patient to see if that is working.

    Have you taken pictures and/or measurements? The number on the scale is nothing more than a measure of the gravitational pull the earth is putting on your body. It is a horrible indicator, especially 'day to day' of how our body is doing.

    Another thing is to make sure you are being really accurate on your logging. It's real easy to mis judge a couple hundred calories and not be at the deficiet you thought you were. Same goes for execise, MFP tends to be a little high on how much credit it gives you for calories burned. If you are using the system where you eat your calories back, you might want to only eat about 75% of them. You could see how easy it would be to be misjudging how many calories you eat by 200 a day and then thinking you are burning 400 calories and eating them back when actually you are only burning 300 - all of a sudden you are eating 300 more calories a day then you think and aren't at the deficiet needed to lose a pound a week.

    If you aren't exercising, it may be time to start. If you are, it may be time to change things up. Our body gets efficient at doing any exercise we repeat over and over and we don't burn as many calories doing it. If you walk or run or do an elliptical etc, try interval training (where you 'sprint' for a few seconds every few minutes) - it increases your heart rate and ups the intensity of the workout without the workout really feeling that much 'harder'.

    And even if you haven't seen a big difference in pictures/measurements - you are improving your health so don't be discouraged. There is so much more to a healthy life then our weight. You've done great so far, even if it is slower then you hoped. Keep it up, make little tweaks to see what works for you, and be proud of this new healthy you!
  • minizebu
    minizebu Posts: 2,716 Member
    Usually, the answer to this question is that you are underestimating the calories that you ingest and overestimating the energy that you expend.

    The reason that increasing one's intake seems to help people break through plateaus is that it is easier to adhere to a less calorically restrictive diet, and people tend to be more accurate about logging the food that they eat. There was a study that showed that even registered dietitians inaccurately logged their intake to the tune of several hundred calories when on a hypocaloric diet.

    Also, as we lose weight, not only does our BMR drop, because we now weigh less, but also we spontaneously and unconsciously reduce our NEAT (non-exercise thermogenesis activity, that is all the moving around that we do that is not formal exercise).

    That being said, if you are really concerned, then you can go have your metabolic rate tested or your thyroid checked.
  • jharb2
    jharb2 Posts: 208 Member
    I have found that statement to be a load of crap - marketing by MFP. Everyone is an individual with their weight loss. I don't lose according to MFP - I lose according to my body and how it functions and what I do. Its a guideline, not the bible
  • JewelSmith
    JewelSmith Posts: 155 Member
    That thing is a joke, I look at it purely for entertainment purposes..LOL
  • Ed98043
    Ed98043 Posts: 1,333 Member
    I just checked my diary for 5 weeks ago and it said "If every day were like today, you'd weigh 197.3 lbs in 5 weeks" - which would be a 14 lb loss in 5 weeks. Well, THAT didn't happen and I don't expect it to (I'm actually 6 lbs down from 5 weeks ago). I usually ignore that number. It's just a meaningless calculator that subtracts that day's caloric deficit based on your estimated TDEE, and divides it by 3500 calories. Weight loss just isn't that linear and predictable.
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    It's just an estimate, not to be taken so literal. Plus for most of us 'everyday is NOT like today'...there's a lot of variables day to day that are not taken into account. Overall you're having success in your weight loss...Congrats on the 12 pounds. In looking at your diary...there are some days that you're over the 1600 by a few hundred. Not judging...it happens to all of us. Maybe stay more consistent with your calories. I'm not sure what type of exercise you're doing, it's not logged and I know you mentioned you're following the TDEE method. Hang in there, it's working!
  • Tyggress73
    Tyggress73 Posts: 104 Member
    I'm not sure what type of exercise you're doing, it's not logged and I know you mentioned you're following the TDEE method. Hang in there, it's working!

    I do a LOT of weight training (4 days a week), 1 day with a trainer, and 1 day of focused cardio + ab work. Hence, all the inches I've lost. :)
  • haymancm
    haymancm Posts: 280 Member
    I find that if you eat back the calories you burn, you won't lose much, you just kinda maintain. So if you are looking to lose weight, don't eat back the calories from working out.

    Also - alot of people "plateau". You lose some weight and then get to a point where you can't really seem to lose anymore. When that you happens you need to change up your exercise regimine. You need to increase the amount or the intensity of your workout, and even try different exercises as well.

    This actually makes sense! I feel like I've plateaued w/ the gaining weight, maybe even gaining the last week. I was doing so much better earlier. But, I have been eating back my calories, not all of them. I eat probably about 1600 cal/day total, sometimes 200 more. I just joined a gym earlier this week to get some weights in & a different routine from my normal walks everyday. I'll see how this works out for me. I know I've lost inches already.
  • tootoop224
    tootoop224 Posts: 281 Member
    If your TDEE as input/calculated by MFP exactly correct and...
    If the amount of calories you consumed was exactly correct and...
    If your metabolism is exacly as efficient as the MFP calculator uses and
    If you consumed and burned exactly the same amounts for 5 weeks, then...
    That is exactly what you would weigh.

    That is too many "if's" and "exactly's" for me. I just use it as motivation, because while I can't control everything to the level to make it real, I can control enough to get to that number if I can average out my good days and bad days enough and it's a good visual when I do have a really good day.
  • KaraAlste
    KaraAlste Posts: 168 Member
    I think it's consistancy and writing down each day what it says you will weigh in 5 weeks. After 5 weeks if it's not working, you need to switch it up. Try something new. A new exersize regimen, or a new diet. Or anything. But stay consistant for five weeks with one thing and see how it works. People either Change it up too much or not enough. :smile:
  • Tyggress73
    Tyggress73 Posts: 104 Member
    I guess I find it interesting that the scale doesn't move much AT ALL for me, nevermind the 5 - 7 pounds that MFP claims I will lose. If I lost 2 or 3 I'd be happy. I don't mind slow progress....but .5 pounds a week is VERY slow. Especially as I am not near goal weight...I have roughly 30 pounds to lose.
  • jaimepuk
    jaimepuk Posts: 2
    Does the "if everyday were like today you'd weigh..." calculate what you'd weigh from the weight that you entered at setup or does it calculate it from the weight you are currently (taking into account you actually use the progress weight feature)? If it did work off the weight you entered at startup would i be correct in assuming that eventually you would end up bypassing that weight and be lighter than its calculation over time??
  • Mr_Excitement
    Mr_Excitement Posts: 833 Member
    Weird-- mine said:

    "If every day were like today, you'd probably kill yourself in a month."

  • splitdog79
    splitdog79 Posts: 106 Member
    It's cool to check it out for fun, but I don't put a whole lot of stock in it. It might as well just tell you your horoscope and lucky number for the all the likelihood it'll be accurate.
  • mmddwechanged
    mmddwechanged Posts: 1,687 Member
    It makes sense to me. I wonder if you were very careful for a few weeks to measure and weigh everything if that would make a difference. It is very easy to add a few hundred calories without realizing it.