Bad week... :(

Grrrrr....such a bad week!!! It's not fair!!!! And before you say you are what you eat... I don't get a choice in what I eat for dinner which is usually high calories....I have limited exercise time and under constant pressure from everyone to eat more...or eat better (such as junk) ....or eat this....not that...
Breakfast I own choice but it has to be a substantial amount
Lunch....I usually eat a salad
Dinner....I don't get a choice
Snacks....everyone expects me to eat what they are having and WONT let me eat anything else...
Like for dessert...I would be happy with an HAVE to eat icecream otherwise I will be scrutinised, taken to doctors to say I'm not eating properly (happened) and other and grrrrrr had such an unhealthy week!
I'm going to be 350cal over weekly goal for this week which just annoys me as if it were my choice..I would be having a low cal mashed potato for dinner but no...I'm stuck having greasy unappealing chips which I don't like to eat...but have to...GRRRR
And no...they don't understand that I don't like junk food....
And I get in really bad moods when I have to eat it...sometimes I do voluntarily...when I want to...want to...which I don't want to today!!!!!!!!!!!

Sorry for my rant...


  • Alexandra289
    Alexandra289 Posts: 330 Member
    Do you live with your parents? It's frustrating when your diet is influenced by others. Just remember 350 cals over your weekly limit is actually not much at all and it's only one week. I don't know how much you're eating but if your family have genuine concerns about you not eating enough could you not prove to them that you are eating enough but with healthy food rather than junk. How many calories do you aim to eat?
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    Something tells me there is more to this story...
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    I'm sorry you've had a bad week. Honestly, I would listen to those around you who obviously care about your and are worried about you. For a young, active person, you probably should be eating a lot more than you have said you are eating (on other threads). Maybe it's time to focus on developing a healthier relationship with food. :flowerforyou:
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    first, you might not get a choice of what is served, but you most certainly get a choice about how much you eat.

    and getting scrutinized for not eating ice cream?? well, would you rather get scrutinized or eat healthy?? oh, and you can totally make room for ice cream in your daily calories.

    oh, and being over 350 calories for the week?!?! no big deal.
  • Volleyball_Chick5
  • Volleyball_Chick5
    Do you live with your parents? It's frustrating when your diet is influenced by others. Just remember 350 cals over your weekly limit is actually not much at all and it's only one week. I don't know how much you're eating but if your family have genuine concerns about you not eating enough could you not prove to them that you are eating enough but with healthy food rather than junk. How many calories do you aim to eat?

    Yes I live with my parents, I aim to eat 1200cals a day PLUS whatever I exercise!!! That's not bad..!!!!
  • khall86790
    khall86790 Posts: 1,100 Member
    Do you live with your parents? It's frustrating when your diet is influenced by others. Just remember 350 cals over your weekly limit is actually not much at all and it's only one week. I don't know how much you're eating but if your family have genuine concerns about you not eating enough could you not prove to them that you are eating enough but with healthy food rather than junk. How many calories do you aim to eat?

    Yes I live with my parents, I aim to eat 1200cals a day PLUS whatever I exercise!!! That's not bad..!!!!

    No, but 1200 cals per day (even net calories) is quite low so if you went over your weekly goal by 350 cals, you still aren't even hitting 1300 cals per day. I lost weight at 1400 cals per day and 1600 cals per day, so you WILL still lose weight this way.
    You should consider working out your TDEE calories (you don't eat back your exercise calories with this method) as it will be a higher amount of calories you can eat to lose weight...
    This tells you how many calories to eat to remain your current weight, if you subtract 15-20% from that it'll create enough of a deficit (if you are honest about height, weight and activity levels) to lose 1lb per week.
    With your diet restrictions, I think this will be much more manageable for you and make you feel better as if you eat every week like this week, chances are using the TDEE method you'd still be under your goals for the day so it gives you more room.

    As for being scrutinised over what you are eating, how old are you? I say you need to sit down with your parents and explain it's not down to losing weight you want to eat better but down to your general health. Clean eating promotes better skin, increases your moods and gives you more energy anyway so there is a bunch of other reasons for wanting to eat fruit over ice cream.
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    The fact that you're stressing over being over by 350 for the week tells me there's more to this that I don't know. I'm guessing you're quite young if you still live with parents. And if they're concerned about you eating enough, is this because you're already quite thin? Or had eating issues in the past?
  • runawayescape
    runawayescape Posts: 58 Member
    I know how you feel!
    Could you try cooking a healthier meal for all your family and maybe they will enjoy it? You might get extra brownie points for helping out :)
  • metaphoria
    metaphoria Posts: 1,432 Member
    If you're living with your parents and are in fact 18, then it's time to start contributing to the household instead of just complaining about it. You can help grocery shop and even offer to pay for more fruit or veggies and healthy snacks, cook meals and control the ingredients, and yes, eat a single serving of ice cream occasionally. Half a cup is small, under 200 calories. You could even cut up fresh fruit as a topping.

    Unless you are under 5 feet tall, 1200 is generally too few calories. I suggest looking up a total daily energy expenditure (tdee) calculator online and finding out how much you use per day for regular activity, then subtract 15-20% from that to create a reasonable deficit, and eat back most of your exercise calories. Hope this helps. :)