Do you link your MFP to Facebook?

Or post your weight loss on Facebook? Do you prefer to announce the weight you lost to your Facebook friends? Why or why not?


  • BarackMeLikeAHurricane
    BarackMeLikeAHurricane Posts: 3,400 Member
    No, but occasionally I post gym pics or flexing pics on Facebook
  • Coyoteldy
    Coyoteldy Posts: 219 Member
    Hell no I don't link..LOL I prefer to let people see the changes when we hook up together... Facebook is intrusive enough with out my weight journey LOL
  • MelsAuntie
    MelsAuntie Posts: 2,833 Member
    No. I don't do Facebook anymore. WAY too much religion and politics, both equally repulsive.
  • bethlaf
    bethlaf Posts: 954 Member
    No this has pretty much replaced th for me. I don't have time to do both. And health wins over pictures of kittens and bacon jokes everytime
  • jwdieter
    jwdieter Posts: 2,582 Member
    No, because golden rule.
  • Garlicmash
    Garlicmash Posts: 208
    No because if I want to tell all my friends how much I've lost I can do that my self and I don't want them to know every little thing II'm doing in any of my life. weight loss or other
  • ChristinaR720
    ChristinaR720 Posts: 1,186
    Nooooo, definitely not. I annoy my family and friends on Facebook enough with posts about my kiddos and other things they probably don't need to know about my life, but I choose to share anyway...I'm sure they would rather not know (nor would they care) when I've dropped a pound or went down a pants size!

    I have received all of the support I need (and more!) from my amazing MFP friends! :love: :heart:
  • MayaSPapaya
    MayaSPapaya Posts: 735 Member
    Nope, when I first started here I didn't want all those people to know the details of my weight loss journey. Now, I don't care who knows but I just don't feel the need to connect it to Facebook.
  • khall86790
    khall86790 Posts: 1,100 Member
    I don't because I think it would annoy some people and give others an excuse to have more of a look into my life than I'd be happier for them to have.
    I have pictures of me now on facebook looking a lot better than I did and have had lots of compliments and people asking how I did it, then I'll respond publicly and tell them.
  • tschaff04
    tschaff04 Posts: 296 Member
    Nooooo, definitely not. I annoy my family and friends on Facebook enough with posts about my kiddos and other things they probably don't need to know about my life, but I choose to share anyway...I'm sure they would rather not know (nor would they care) when I've dropped a pound or went down a pants size!

    I have received all of the support I need (and more!) from my amazing MFP friends! :love: :heart:

    Pretty much this exactly! ;)
  • jkal1979
    jkal1979 Posts: 1,896 Member
    I mention it when I hit milestones, but I really don't see the need to let everyone know what I'm eating every single day.
  • tiffanypardus
    I line the exercise I completed.
  • thesupremeforce
    thesupremeforce Posts: 1,206 Member
    I make a weekly post commenting on my progress and referencing the ever growing list of things I intend to be able to do. I also posted a few pictures. Otherwise, I hang out around here. MFP is better than Facebook anyway.
  • jennsbluebyu112
    jennsbluebyu112 Posts: 1 Member
    Absolutely not! I have weightloss friends on this and another forum. I have family and work people on FB. They don't need to know all of the details. LOL!
  • berriboobear
    berriboobear Posts: 524 Member
    This is more of a personal journey for me. There are definitely "friends" (more like acquaintances) on Facebook that I don't really feel like sharing such things with. I'm sure when I reach my goals it'll (hopefully) show in pictures on Facebook, if people ask I'll divulge a little.

    MFP is my homepage and I actually check it more than Facebook these days :)
  • chicanita91
    chicanita91 Posts: 154 Member
    Same here, I don't because I'd like friends and family to notice for themselves in person!
  • MercenaryNoetic26
    MercenaryNoetic26 Posts: 2,747 Member
    No, I don't want those friends to hate themselves even more when they keep seeing my progress posts. Nor, do I want them to hide my comments because they're sick of seeing my progress. This is the only community to share that info, because this is the only community that gives a ****.
    FFXXIV Posts: 38 Member
    I haven't had a FB in a while, but I still wouldn't link the two if I did. For me, this is a much more personal matter and I wouldn't want people I was friends with 10 years ago in high school to know or see it. If we happen to run into each other in person and they notice weight loss, then thats fine.
  • MyOwnSunshine
    MyOwnSunshine Posts: 1,312 Member

    Most people do not want to hear you droning on and on about eating healthy foods, exercising and losing a pound. Eventually, the pictures you post will show off your progress and dedication, and those who are interested will ask you about your methods.

    People often mistake lack of interest in the details of their every idea and action as a lack of support. You really don't need every person you've ever met to provide constant attention, encouragement and compliments in order to succeed. You just need a good plan, some discipline and self-motivation to reach your goals.

    I don't mention my health and fitness behaviors to anyone unless they specifically ask me how I've accomplished my goals.
  • MsStang02
    MsStang02 Posts: 147 Member
    Nope. I figure when people see me they can see my progress.
    And since I've become active on MFP, I rarely go on FB anymore.