Only ten pounds [pic]

I know that ten pounds isn't that much, but I was really surprised to see what the difference was on me.


I weighed somewhere between 200 - 215 in the first photo, since I was feeling so crappy about myself, I didn't actually weigh in at all. The highest I hit at a doctor's visit though was 215.

I didn't really start trying to better myself till two months or so ago, and so far, it's been hard.
I gorged myself on Taco Bell last night, so I made this as a motivation to me, because the one thing that has really helped me out the most mentally from this site is the amount of people that will tell you it's okay to fall off the horse every once in awhile.

It's what keeps me from failing so miserably when I do overeat by a thousand calories or something like that. Before I would have this idea that 'Oh, I screwed up, guess it doesn't matter anymore.' and then I just would stop.

Now, sticking to it, even when I stumble, I can see a difference.

Tell me about the little things that you notice? What motivates you?


  • thinbitch63
    thinbitch63 Posts: 15 Member
    You are 10 pounds less, TEN POUNDS LESS!!! That in itself is a big deal!! I give you props for putting your picture out there, I won't do that till I am on last 10 pounds because I don't want to see that!!!
    Taco Bell is not all bad, the fresco menu can be pretty healthy, make better choices and keep at 300 calories you will feel better about that choice and it won't cause a daily diet explosion.
    When you eat something ask yourself if that will get you closer to your goal or farther away and then make your choice.
  • gangstagirl625
    gangstagirl625 Posts: 187 Member
    looks like 20 great job.
  • dayahobbbs
    dayahobbbs Posts: 10 Member
    For me, the diet part isn't a diet. It's just portion control! I lost that mentality awhile ago, but I'm regaining it. Last night, I ate way more than I should have, but it really did reaffirm me about that. I don't need to eat a lot, because a little will be just as filling.

    Also, thank you! It might be my own mentality of it, but any visible change is a huge deal. I wanted to wait till I was down to my goal, but I was just so excited that I felt like sharing, because there might be someone out there who is in the same place as me and feels worse than I do, and they might see it and feel better about themselves.

    If I can motivate one person, than I feel like it's worth it to share.
  • dayahobbbs
    dayahobbbs Posts: 10 Member
    looks like 20 great job.

    Oh gosh. Thank you so much! It feels like 50, especially going up stairs!
  • ReinasWrath
    ReinasWrath Posts: 1,173 Member
    you look great!!! :D and I used to be that way too. Best phrase i saw someone on here use that I keep in mind when I screw up is, when you're falling down a flight of stairs you try to catch yourself you don't just let yourself keep falling!! Same idea!
  • kiern18
    kiern18 Posts: 61
    Big difference!! Excellent work!!! :)
  • nana6799
    nana6799 Posts: 262
    Amazing ! You really look a lot smaller and more toned! Really looks more like 10 pounds gone! Be proud of yourself and taking pictures is so important for comparisons.

    We all over do sometimes and don't look at that as a failure. Look at it as a lesson and reflect on why did you do that. No matter if we have just started this journey or have been in it for awhile or even in maintenance, there will be these times. Get out your pictures then and look at where you were and where you are now. Then go after your next goal!
  • janetsalley
    janetsalley Posts: 122 Member
    Keep up the good work =)
  • Hollisss
    Hollisss Posts: 88 Member
    10 pounds!
    There is no "only" :tongue:
    Good work!
  • FedoraNinja
    FedoraNinja Posts: 45
    Wow, the difference is amazing. You should be super proud!

    As a point of comparison, next time you have a chance, pick up a gallon of milk. Feel it's heft. Pretty heavy, right?

    A gallon of milk is "only" 8.6 pounds. You've lost several pounds more than that!

    You're doing a kickass job! Keep up the good work, and lose a few more gallons. :wink:
  • XxTuffxX
    XxTuffxX Posts: 9
    Looking great! Keep at it and you will see even more results. Good for you!!!!
  • MrMaxOut
    MrMaxOut Posts: 18 Member
    Only 10!!!! Only 10!!! what there is no only :tongue: that's a big deal keep up the great work.
  • auroranflash
    auroranflash Posts: 3,569 Member
    That's a fantastic change. I know 10lbs makes a huge difference for me, too. This post made me happy. :D
  • Init2winIt79
    Init2winIt79 Posts: 582
    wow what a difference for 10lbs! It could be because you also gained muscle..YOU are looking Great! Good job!