Is my calorie count wrong?



  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    In for more tales of folks that get stuffed eating 800 calories.

    And basically every calorie burn estimate I've ever seen is a fantasy. There's just no way the burn rates are that high. But if you're only eating 800-1200 calories, then go ahead and eat back whatever the Zumba estimate is. That will help compensate the under eating in the other days
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    In... see where this thread goes.

    OP, there's a bigger problem than the accuracy of your calorie burns. Even at the most conservative estimates for calorie burn, you aren't eating enough. <800 calories is generally a bad idea (IMHO), even if you weren't exercising at all. And I acknowledge that most people disagree with me on this, but I honestly believe that if you can't reach a reasonable number of calories eating "healthy", then it would actually be beneficial long-term to fill in those calories with "unhealthy" foods if that's what it takes. Yes, I'm actually advocating eating junk food and eating when you're not hungry in order to at least reach a reasonable *gross* calorie level (of say, 1500) least for a while until things level out for you.

    Sufficient "healthy" foods > sufficient "healthy"/"unhealthy" foods > insufficient "healthy" foods > insufficient "unhealthy" foods...or something like that.

    I agree.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    I have been fairly sedentary for the past 3 weeks-ish because I had bronchitis.

    I also didn't have much of an appetite until recently because I'd cough so hard I'd barf, so there are some super (like 500) low calorie days in my diary.

    I'm trying to figure out stuff food-wise because I was told to look at restricting carbs (and sugars) because of Poly-Cystic Ovarian Syndrome, but wasn't told where to cut it down to. My doctor said that there was possibly a link with PCOS and insulin resistance so I didn't want to mess things up that way. It was suggested that I lose 26.2 pounds, or 15% of my starting weight.

    So I figured switching to Diet Pepsi might help, or Splenda instead of 3 packets of sugar in my coffee. I don't actually know what a "healthy" amount of grams/day in sugar is...

    I have had a hard time with dairy stuff (lactose intolerant) so I can only have small amounts of whole milk or cheese a day. I've looked at switching to rice or soy (Lactaid is gross) but some of the one's I've found are loaded with sweetened stuff. Very Vanilla Silk tastes like coffee creamer to me. Also, I'm trying to figure out leaner protein sources.

    I guess what i'm trying to say is that, did I jack myself up from trying to cut down on stuff and where do I go from here.

    I like the idea of introducing things gradually.

    Ask your doctor about the optimal carb levels. In the mean time do a google search for low-carb recipes and find some food you can eat that will give you enough calories.
  • hkb85
    hkb85 Posts: 37
    I have been fairly sedentary for the past 3 weeks-ish because I had bronchitis.

    I also didn't have much of an appetite until recently because I'd cough so hard I'd barf, so there are some super (like 500) low calorie days in my diary.

    I'm trying to figure out stuff food-wise because I was told to look at restricting carbs (and sugars) because of Poly-Cystic Ovarian Syndrome, but wasn't told where to cut it down to. My doctor said that there was possibly a link with PCOS and insulin resistance so I didn't want to mess things up that way. It was suggested that I lose 26.2 pounds, or 15% of my starting weight.

    So I figured switching to Diet Pepsi might help, or Splenda instead of 3 packets of sugar in my coffee. I don't actually know what a "healthy" amount of grams/day in sugar is...

    I have had a hard time with dairy stuff (lactose intolerant) so I can only have small amounts of whole milk or cheese a day. I've looked at switching to rice or soy (Lactaid is gross) but some of the one's I've found are loaded with sweetened stuff. Very Vanilla Silk tastes like coffee creamer to me. Also, I'm trying to figure out leaner protein sources.

    I guess what i'm trying to say is that, did I jack myself up from trying to cut down on stuff and where do I go from here.

    I like the idea of introducing things gradually.

    you need to drink more water. not enough water = thick mucus. harder for your body to cough up.

    insulin resistance = pre-diabetes. Maybe get referred to a diabetic educator - they would have some awesome ideas on whats best to eat

    Dont know if your lactose intolerant, hard cheeses dont have lactose in them, yogurts have very little cause the bacteria that makes them eats the lactose.
  • reneelee
    reneelee Posts: 877 Member
    I'm 48 and burn 250- 350 calories an hour doing zumba. I know ladies half my age that burn 800-1000 calories per hour.
  • twelker878
    twelker878 Posts: 146 Member
    I weigh 123 and wear a hrm for zumba. The best I've ever got is 401 calories in 50 minutes. I usually average around 370 for 50 minutes
  • madrose0715
    madrose0715 Posts: 463 Member
    Re: Zumba burn. I do a 45 minute class, am 5'9", wear a HRM, currently weight 178. I burn over 600 calories. When I was 10 pounds heavier, I was burning over 700 calories. So, yes, high calorie burns are very possible with Zumba DEPENDING on many variables.

    OP: The food journal you have pasted into your thread is not an example of what I would classify of 'good' eating. Now, please do not misunderstand. I eat plenty of 'crap' food on a daily basis - feel free to look at my journal. I aim for 80%-90% good stuff and 10-20% of not-so-good-stuff.

    Anyway, like most people here, I will also re-iterate that 800 calories is far too low. Did a doctor give you that number? I eat between 2300-2500 calories per day, have a very physically demanding job and workout 4 times a week. Losing 1 - 1.5 lbs/week. Down 67 pounds in total.
  • jennifershoo
    jennifershoo Posts: 3,198 Member
    PCOS is an estrogen dominance condition. Don't switch to soy as it's estrogenic and will just make things worse.
    And yes, PCOS and insulin resistance are linked which means you shouldn't stuff yourself with cakes and chocolate.

    And yes, eat your exercise calories back!!!
  • bevmcarthur
    bevmcarthur Posts: 341 Member
    OMG you really need to sit down and do some reading on eating 1200 or under calories a day.
    You say you find it hard to eat that many calories i eat very healthy check out my diet and i have no trouble eating 1200 a day
    ADD really food to your diet
    Almonds , Almond butter, avocados vegetables, coconut oil ,fruit ,oh and PROTEIN ,seaweed ,EAT REALLY food
  • The half of piece of birthday cake is probably 200 calories but even so you are still under eating.
    You really shouldn’t be eating under 1000 calories regularly. 1,200 is better.
    It will make keeping the weight harder to keep off because your body will get used to eat.
    When your children see you starving yourself they can pick up disordered eating.

    I give myself one or two days to eat higher calories it helps me not to feel deprived and also gives my metabolism a boost but everybody’s body is different.

    The zumba is probably 300 calories burnt at the most.