calling motivation buddies :)

Hello everyone, just doing as it saids and introducing myself. I have a ways to go as i have 36lb to lose in time for my wedding so its cutting it fine but i must say so far calorie counting and just losing weight slowly has been the best way and ive been a bit of a yo yo dieter but this time i really can see me doing it. ive never managed to get past 11.6 so this is going to be amazing if i can achieve my goal :) would be nice to get as much support as possible so would be nice to have some dieting buddies ?? any takers lol.


  • royvor
    royvor Posts: 271
    You can reach your goals.
    I like the saying "It won't be easy, but the outcome will be well worth it"
    Also the saying that says "everything in life worth having, is worth fighting for." We need to fight for our happiness, because everyone deserves to feel and be happy.
    I am Yvette and I am 24 yrs old. I have battled being obese all my life. Losing weight and gaining it right back. I started at 227lbs and my current weight is 164 lbs. I am striving to meet my goal and lose the last 14 lbs of my weight, but I know that I have to continue this lifestyle forever if I don't want to ever return to the old me. I am on here a lot to keep myself motivated and give support and encourgement. Lets encourage and help one another on this weightloss and fitness journey to a healthier us.
  • holly1258
    holly1258 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi- I'm Holly, and I am in need of some motivation. I can't seem to get things started. I need to lose 40 pounds, and get off my blood pressure meds. I just can't seem to get started! Any suggestions?
  • royvor
    royvor Posts: 271
    Hi- I'm Holly, and I am in need of some motivation. I can't seem to get things started. I need to lose 40 pounds, and get off my blood pressure meds. I just can't seem to get started! Any suggestions?

    Hi Holly,

    My tips are to start small. Set a goal. Like this Monday- Sunday You comit to working out 3 times a week for 30 minutes. Then once that becomes a habit. Add in a new habit. Next week I will still workout for 3 times a week but wake up 15 min early to pack my lunch early in the morning and cook my breakfast.

    I used to skip meals, but now I make sure to cook my breakfast and pack my lunch because I would get home after work then binge and over eat becuase I was starving. It is all about building good habits and replacing the old ones with time.

    Also I measure out my portions using measuring cups, and spoons. I don't count calories that just doesn't work for me, but if that helps you then do it. I just mentally am aware that I have to eat 3 healthy meals and two healthy snacks.I try to eat every three hours.

    AS far as my eating that was the hardest thing to conquer and over come, and it is still most difficult for me.
    I eat basically the same things that I love and revolve through out the week.

    In the morning everyday. 2 egg omlet that I load up with veggies and I will eat 1/2 cup of beans. or I make ooatmeal I prep it the night before pop it in the fridge with your measured oats, cut up fruit like strawberries, frozen blueberries, cinnanmon, sweetner agave nectar honey. then in the morning I take it out pour water/milk in the micro and in minutes I have my breakfast. You can do it, it just a matter of starting small. Then you takle the next thing.

    Then for lunch I am lazy and just eat cereal which I switched from 2% milk to Almond milk because it has less calories and I eat 1 cup of Special K Almond Vanilla or Special K Pecan Cinnamon ceareal for lunch since I only have a 20 minute lunch,

    My snacks can be any combination of these things and again I rotate them through out the week. I either eat a grapefruit, any fruits, a cheese string, 1 cup of some light and fit vanilla yogurt, 10-12 almonds, 1/2 cup of cottage cheese, I love peanut butter so I eat the substitute of it which is a powder called PB2 because it has lower calories,

    For dinner I eat lots of protein, tuna, or chiken and brown rice with broccoli, and non fat greek yogurt I swap that in for Mayo since it taste just like sour cream.

    These foods are the staple of my diet. I take the guess work out of my lunches and they are predictable and healthier than I used to eat and fufilling. I suggest you try find foods you like to eat that can be your staples of your food through out the week.
    As far as working out I do only youtube videos. I don't like the gym. I am to self concious.

    I have an account on YouTube and I compiled a playlist called (workout stuff)

    There are all different kinds of videos, like (Zumba where people go to the gym and video themselves in class or the instructor, it feels like you are there in a club setting just dancing and having fun but getting a great workout)

    ( Tae Bo videos are great if you like cardio kickboxing),
    (Jillian Michaels videos are on youtube as well for free, her 30 day shred videos for level 1, 2, and 3 are on there. She is brutal but does get you results because she combines cadio, and circuit training with strength.

    ( On days when I want to take it easy I do Leslie Sansone Walk Away the pounds 3mile walk or 5 mile walk with dumbbells for more of a burn).

    This is my playlist link to all differnet kinds of videos that you can check out and see what you would like to do on certain days.

    I change it up.

    I hope these tips help.

    Let me know if you have any other questions. Remember that you can do it because everything in life worth having is worth fighting for. The process won't be easy but the end result will be worth it. Successful people are not people who never failed its people who never gave up. Tough times don't last, tough people do. "Being overweight and out of shape is difficult; losing weight and getting in shape is difficult. Pick your 'difficult.'"

    I love quotes and above are some quotes that I love to remember and reference.
  • sadiescully
    sadiescully Posts: 40
    well my suggestion is to just lower how many calories your having bit by bit. any temptations just remove from the home, its how i started, other than that, these sort of sites are great because the progress is there plain to see. As well as support from other xx good luck and feel free to message me anytime if you need :)
  • sneebuck
    sneebuck Posts: 30
    never say cant :)