Looking for some support

Hi everyone! I am a 27 year old woman that is looking to get into shape, as I am sure we all are. I have never been much of an exerciser until last May when I had to try on bridesmaid dresses for my sister's wedding. Lets just say I went home and cried for hours. I had no idea that is what I REALLY looked like. After that I tried Weight Watchers, which helped some but I found it hard to be consistent, especially when I would go out for dinner. After losing and then gaining weight I found this site and decided to give it a go...hoping to be more accurate in my food logging. So here I am ready to start this journey to fabulosity and healthiness.

I look forward to learning from everyone and feeling like I am not in this alone. Here is to a staying on track and reaching my goal!!!!


  • Precious_Nissa
    I think you'll love this site....It has been awesome for me and there are alot of great people on here that are very inspiring and supportive....Good luck on your journey and feel free to share at anytime....
  • sadenniston
    sadenniston Posts: 96 Member
    I totally know what you mean. I have my brother-in-law wedding and I'm a bridesmaid and I really don't feel like being the "fat bridesmaid." This is a great site and it's a lifestyle change! Good luck with your journey! We're here if you need any help!
  • melville88
    melville88 Posts: 137
    The fact that you've sat down and searched the internet for a support site for weight loss just shows how much u are ready and can do this- and that is so so important when anyone starts trying to lose weight because you need to be completely dedicated to the cause. Add me as a friend if you want support- I know how you feel about being unhappy with your weight- at the start of october last year (2009) i was 22 and a half stone, now I'm 13 and a half (almost) and half of that weight loss is down to myfitnesspal. People on here are so supportive, go on the forums etc and find recipes and things like that- some of them are so super yummy that you won't even miss the full-fat/cal version! xxx
  • monateresa
    Congrats on the loss! I know what you mean about the dress shopping! I got married on the 4th of July...my dream wedding--Eloping to Florida! When I saw my wedding pictures and how my belly was bulging I was mortified! My perfect day was ruined! Like you I cried and cried! Just like I've cried a million times! I've been overweight all of my life, my highest was 200...and that's on a 5'0 frame. I had lost 80 pounds, but over the last few months I've put on over 20 pounds. But I made a plan. I'm working on the weight...I started on the 31st of July and have lost a pound. When I reach my goal we're going to have new pictures made....and then I'll proudly display the ones taken on my wedding day. I'll celebrate the fact that my husband loves me no matter what my weight, and I'll celebrate my future giving him the best I have! This is so very hard...it's about more than the food...the exercise...it's about the dresses...it's about feel good about ourselves! It's about being able to go out and buy jeans off the rack without having to face those awful dressing room mirrors!! Good luck! And congrats again on the great start!
  • ADJulie
    ADJulie Posts: 605 Member
    Welcome to the site. You will love it. The support and motivation that you receive here is amazing. We are all in this together whether we have to lose 100 lbs. or 10. It is still hard. My advise, become actively involved in the site and be sure to post so that you can talk to people about your progress.
  • Lainey04
    hi there, health is what matters! I might be a bit smaller than others but it sure isn't fun to get out of breath after a short walk. just take one day at a time. this site has motivated me more than ever to just embrace the change and keep going. good luck and we are all here if you need us.
  • unocentavo
    unocentavo Posts: 82 Member
    WELCOME. This is a great site with lots of supportive people. You're in good hands. You will achieve the results you want in no time at all.
  • Sherry1979
    Sherry1979 Posts: 457
    Hello & Welcome Randi! I love this site. . .using the food & exercise diary everyday makes me want to do as good as possible since I know I actually have to "see" what I'm doing. . .and I have only been here a couple weeks but I've already met some really awesome people here!! Wishing you much success in reaching all of your goals. . .I know you CAN do it!!!
  • fun_mom
    fun_mom Posts: 54
    HI & Welcome! I'm fairly new myself. I think I've been here about 2.5 weeks and I've already lost some weight, learned some fantastic new habits and feel so motivated and I credit it to this site and my ability to adapt and start making new lifestyle choices. I think you'll love the tools and the people. I've never been anywhere either physically or "virtually" where the people are so supportive. I keep this site open all day long and even if I only have time to quickly log my food I know there's a whole host of people here who are rooting for me and who I'm rooting for and it keeps me going! I hope you find the same benefits and even more! Good luck. I'll send you a friend request and do what I can to motivate you and maybe you'll do the same for me! I could use all the support I can get! Welcome!
  • frecks
    frecks Posts: 20 Member
    I have only been using this website for a week as i want to look better in a jane norman silk dress (we all know what silk does to your bum!) and just by swapping foods to healthier versions and walking every day i have lost weight and feel so great in myself. Ive never tried weight watchers but have done things like the special k diet which was just a waste of time but i think this site is great as the people who come here are such an inspiration! I think its helped me also to log and see what im actually eating, i cant believe how many calories are in some foods and how much i must of use to eat! Even when i get to my goal i will keep using this site to monitor what im consuming not just for weight but for health reasons too. I think with the support on this site you will do it! Everyone is so nice and when you are having a downer people help you and its so nice!

    Good Luck! x
  • Clairereynard
    Welcome to the site... it is really good at tracking what you eat and do. Its also good to meet new friends and support. You can always add me as a friend to support each other. Good luck Claire
  • ashmholland
    Welcome! I'm new here myself! You can add me as a friend if you'd like, you can never have too much support!! Good luck!! :smile:
  • Dianeb412
    well you came to the right place. I got away for awhile but I came back.
    Not only the daily way to keep track of your food and exercise but the support is great.
    If people out there want to be my friend I would be thrilled.
    Hang in there everyone !!!!