lap band anyone?

Does anyone else have a lap-band? I am a new bandee as of may 8th, and I would love to share success stories, info, diet tips, and more. First long dog you stay on the liquid/puree diet? How did you map out your day?


  • smm773
    smm773 Posts: 56 Member
    Hey there! I haven't had the surgery, but I am very interested in hearing more about your experience thus far. Would you be willing to friend me and share? I will be attending an info session soon and am very interested.

  • hockey7fan
    hockey7fan Posts: 281 Member
    Yes - I had mine done last August. I was on the liquid/pureed diet for 2 weeks and then moved on to solid food. Are you seeing a dietician? That's part of my program - I see her every 2-3 months. She just gave me a meal plan to follow that maps out what I should be eating as far as protein/veggies/fruits at each meal and snack.
  • steffyp01
    steffyp01 Posts: 34
    I will be getting a lap band in about the next month and would love input from others who have it as well. I have purchased a juicer thinking ahead and am looking for some good juice recipes. What types of foods are you pureeing, and how are you incorporating the protein?
  • mjgregg12
    mjgregg12 Posts: 36
    Lap band, where do I begin?

    Went to get an adjustment today (4 years post op) and was told by my doctor that they are doing more reversals than procedures.

    I lost 70 lbs and gained back 30, while exercising and eating right. The band just did not help me, plus I have odd working hours and other factors that hinder weight loss.

    Just being honest. Do not think of the band as a "miracle cure." The band is hard work, I decided today I am giving it one more shot (6 months) then I am considering having it removed.
  • VistaJerry
    VistaJerry Posts: 45
    My wife was on lap band. She did the liquid for about a month, but I think she was recommended to do it for at least 3 weeks. She lost about 60 pounds when on it, and is now maintaining about a 45-50 pound loss. Gained some originally after removal, but she worked at hard and lost again after a plateau.

    We purchased a Omega Vert Juicer, best purchase we could've made. Slow juicers are the way to go.
  • chill12810
    chill12810 Posts: 4
    I am scheduled for lap band surgery on June 11. I have already lost 22 lbs with the help of a great nutritionist and the mindset to make all of this a permanent lifestyle change! I know a couple of people that have had it done and they both say the don't regret it and while there are adjustments they have to make (both say eating out is no fun anymore), they are glad they had it done. I'm a little nervous (or course) but would love to hear from anybody that has had it done, pros and cons, successes or failures. :smile:
  • 1shauna1
    1shauna1 Posts: 993 Member
    I have been banded since October 2010. Have lost almost 50 lbs. It hasn't been as easy as I thought it would be. Lately I have been thinking of having it removed but it's just in the thinking stages right now. I'm just not feeling right. But I'm afraid because I know the band is helping me slowly lose & keep it off. I'm afraid if I have it removed I'll revert back to my poor eating. If you have any questions I'll help if I can; send me a PM!
  • epiphany29
    epiphany29 Posts: 122 Member
    Wow. I had my lap band done in Sept 2010. While my weight loss has been very slow (117 lb) over that time I am STILL losing weight. I never go to the doctor and have the scale read higher than it did the last time.

    I still struggle with my brain not understanding what is an appropriate amount of food. My stomach reminds me to stop. I have a wonderful emotion I call "hangry" it's a combination of hungry and angry. However, it is my brain that is hungry. My brain that constantly thinks I need portion sizes of the extra large value meal or the "it's free if you eat it all" type of meals. If after nearly 3 years my brain hasn't adapted I doubt it will. I need that tool in my stomach to feed back and force that stop I haven't the will power for.

    It's not a miracle cure that's for sure. I still have to make smart choices about what I stick in my mouth. And it is hard since I love fried food and chocolate. I cannot imagine having the band removed. I lost 50-80 lbs several times before my surgery only to gain it back because I would slip up lose my ambition and not get back on track.

    I still slip up. I still have those days when I want a pizza. Before the surgery I would eat the whole pizza (not proud of that but it's true). That would just make me feel all horrible about myself and that would downward spiral me. Today, I go buy that wonderful Papa John's that I love and I can eat a few bites of a slice and then finish the toppings on that slice. Good Entire pizza and that degree of fail...nope. It does make me stop faster when I am doing wrong and makes it easier for me to smack myself into getting back on track. Remove that tool and be able to eat that whole pizza again...NO BLOODY WAY.

    By the way, my dog loves me now that there are leftovers :)


    I have friends who have had all 3 procedures. Some have lost and maintained, some have lost and regained, some have even never lost much. It's a tool. Use it that way.