I did it! My first 5K.



  • dutchk
    dutchk Posts: 121 Member
    That is freaking fantastic!! It is a obstacle overcome that will serve as strength for you when you inevitably will need to draw on it in the future. Remember this day, if you keep the faith, there will be more like it for you! Maybe a mud run?
  • runs4zen
    runs4zen Posts: 769 Member
    You are AWESOMENESS!!!!! Congratulations! :drinker: :flowerforyou: :bigsmile:
  • That is so awesome! Really inspirational!
  • kbmnurse
    kbmnurse Posts: 2,484 Member
    Awesome. Now that you know you can keep going girl. Sign up for another. I have my 4th 5k of the season next Saturday.
  • lunglady
    lunglady Posts: 526 Member
  • MsStang02
    MsStang02 Posts: 147 Member
    Congrats!!! So proud of your accomplishment!! Keep up the great work!
  • kristafb
    kristafb Posts: 770 Member
    I literally teared up reading your post! I felt the joy!! I'm on week 5 of C25K, also at the same weight as you & I hate to burst your bubble but we are both runners my friend!! So happy for you!
  • freyaheart
    freyaheart Posts: 220 Member
    I literally teared up reading your post! I felt the joy!! I'm on week 5 of C25K, also at the same weight as you & I hate to burst your bubble but we are both runners my friend!! So happy for you!

    Thank you so much. You'll go great, probably better than me being that you are using C25K! I have it on my phone and I am going to use it. This was kind of on a whim so I didn't train enough.

    Good luck girl!
  • sunshinestater
    sunshinestater Posts: 596 Member
    That's awesome! Thanks so much for sharing your story. I'm in week 4 of C25K and am nervous about my first 5K (signed up for two this fall). Your post is very inspiring.
  • kristafb
    kristafb Posts: 770 Member
    I literally teared up reading your post! I felt the joy!! I'm on week 5 of C25K, also at the same weight as you & I hate to burst your bubble but we are both runners my friend!! So happy for you!

    Thank you so much. You'll go great, probably better than me being that you are using C25K! I have it on my phone and I am going to use it. This was kind of on a whim so I didn't train enough.

    Good luck girl!

    Wow Now I'm really impressed!! The last time I had a whim it was to lay on the sofa & watch Game of Thrones. :laugh:
  • Run_Forever
    Run_Forever Posts: 147 Member
    Way to rock it, congrats ! So, do you have the runners bug now ? Are you going to sign up for another race ? I did one race, got hooked and haven't stopped since :)
  • scottb81
    scottb81 Posts: 2,538 Member
    That's a great race report. I could feel it as you described the different stages of the race. Congratulations on a great finish and here's to many more to come. :-)
  • Crazy4Healthy
    Crazy4Healthy Posts: 626 Member
    Way to go, what an awesome accomplishment!! You took the bull by the horns and succeeded. YaY you!! :drinker:
  • MGreensides
    MGreensides Posts: 173 Member
    I also ran my first 5k yesterday!! Wasn't it amazing?!? The adrenaline was amazing and every time we ran past cheering onlookers i got goosebumps! My husband ran with me and he pushed our 15mth old in his stroller, when we got near the finish line we held hands and ran across the finish as a family. To think that just 6 short weeks ago i couldn't run more then 90 seconds without having to stop, its amazing! Ok, didn't mean to hijack your thread, just know how you feel. Congratulations on the first of many amazing races.
  • freyaheart
    freyaheart Posts: 220 Member
    That's a great race report. I could feel it as you described the different stages of the race. Congratulations on a great finish and here's to many more to come. :-)

    if there is one thing I can do it's tell a story! Oh and finish a 5K.......now I'm just being cocky :P

    Thank you so much.
  • freyaheart
    freyaheart Posts: 220 Member
    I also ran my first 5k yesterday!! Wasn't it amazing?!? The adrenaline was amazing and every time we ran past cheering onlookers i got goosebumps! My husband ran with me and he pushed our 15mth old in his stroller, when we got near the finish line we held hands and ran across the finish as a family. To think that just 6 short weeks ago i couldn't run more then 90 seconds without having to stop, its amazing! Ok, didn't mean to hijack your thread, just know how you feel. Congratulations on the first of many amazing races.

    That's amazing! I'm trying to get my husband to go with me next time :)
  • workaholic_nurse
    workaholic_nurse Posts: 727 Member
    Congrats Freya on what I hope is the first of many runs for you...I :heart: running NSVs:drinker:
  • freyaheart
    freyaheart Posts: 220 Member
    Way to rock it, congrats ! So, do you have the runners bug now ? Are you going to sign up for another race ? I did one race, got hooked and haven't stopped since :)

    I think I may have caught the bug ;)
  • MorganLeighRN
    MorganLeighRN Posts: 411 Member
    Great job! You must be so proud of yourself! Keep it up and you will find that runners are some of the best people that you will ever meet!
  • Tiff050709
    Tiff050709 Posts: 497 Member
    That is awesome, great job! I am nervous to run a 5K but will sometime in the future.