Day 1 of insanity, have i lost my marbles?



  • JayD8924
    JayD8924 Posts: 5
    Tbh I didn't find the warm up or fitness test that hard over all. I mean I'm crap at push-ups all together but I still pass the military standard of 44 in 2 mins right after 60 sit-ups and a 1.5mile run (my p.b been 7.55)

    Any cardio is great beats slugging it out in the gym bored out your head. Run forever lift nothing :p
  • jdad1
    jdad1 Posts: 1,899 Member
    Just in case you really did lose them. Here are some new ones. Glad to help.

  • dharqvenym
    dharqvenym Posts: 35 Member
    100% Know your limits and know the difference between the SORENESS of pushing your muscles and the PAIN doing damage. Insanity is a huge challenge. Recovery is important. Once I got my shirt I gave up the 6 days a week training in favor of training every other day because I think recovery is important and avoiding injury is paramount. Nutrition is also critical because you are pushing your body past it's familiar limits and likely into uncharted territory (although military PT probably helps you already).

    It's not for everyone, but it can be a tremendous accomplishment to get 'er done.

    Insanity is also very scalable, meaning you can do a scaled down version with longer rest periods, less reps, slower tempo, etc, and still progress a lot right up into hardcore training.

    For those that know the program, you may enjoy this:

    Validation! Someone agrees that he was sleeping with Tanya! FYI I think she's the most annoying lol. When she yells "It burns!" and smiles I just want to punch her and knock her on her butt. She gives it her all don't get me wrong but her attitude is waaay too perky for the amount of effort being put into the work outs.
  • Sul3i
    Sul3i Posts: 553 Member
    I am on week four and am in love w insanity!! I feel stronger and faster and I get a rush after I finish like a high! Not to mention my body is toning up! Best workout program I've done! Keep up the awesome work! And good numbers BTW!

    And BTW I do my insanity after work before bed..
  • dharqvenym
    dharqvenym Posts: 35 Member
    Btw, 5 days left and I'll have finished my first run through. Plan to do it all over again in about two weeks. Anything I wasn't capable of doing I modified to a similar exercise to build my strength up to being able to do the exercise. Basically almost all the fancy push-ups. I am excited to get my t-shirt. it's what's helped me push play on the worst days.
  • ashleachrysafis
    Haha I love reading this... I'm starting it on Monday =S makes me nervous hearing how much exercise you already do lol.
  • NeverThatEZ
    NeverThatEZ Posts: 43
    Yeah man, you're not crazy as all Lol. I'm on my second round of Insanity, just started up this last Tuesday. I'm in the military as well, serving in the AF. And we have a PT program running 4 days a week for 60 mins. So I know what you mean. Also do a little pre-workout called YAYOG ( prior to my insanity workouts.

    As far as time goes, I'm usually up super early around 0330 - 0400 to get all my morning workouts in before having to head into work.

    Good luck on the program!
  • ToriKern
    ToriKern Posts: 15 Member
    They both kick your butt! I love them both! I am currently doing a P90X/Insanity hybrid! So, I get weights and extreme cardio both in!!!! Loving the results! You can start at any fitness level! Just do what you can but you have to PUSH yourself too to get to the next level!!!
  • RoseTears143
    RoseTears143 Posts: 1,121 Member
    Today will be day 48 for me :) Congrats on getting started!! And Yes, you need to be slightly nutty to do this...because you are basically inducing self torture every time you workout. LOVE the burn though! :love:
  • janebshaw
    janebshaw Posts: 168
    Today will be day 48 for me :) Congrats on getting started!! And Yes, you need to be slightly nutty to do this...because you are basically inducing self torture every time you workout. LOVE the burn though! :love:

    If exercise is self torture, it sounds like you really need to modify the routine so you won't accidentally injure yourself.

    Remember, doing things in moderation (as opposed to pushing to the extreme) is the key to long term success!
  • jennifermads1
    someones recommend I do this and has lent me the dvds etc I am really nervous to try it as obviously you are super fit!
  • janebshaw
    janebshaw Posts: 168
    someones recommend I do this and has lent me the dvds etc I am really nervous to try it as obviously you are super fit!

    You can try it to see if that is the kind of exercise program you want to undertake, but there's no obligation to complete the program just because someone else told you to. If it's too intense for you, you can thank that person, give back the DVDs, and suggest they pass them onto someone with more fitness experience.
  • marias2gaa
    marias2gaa Posts: 118 Member
    lol love this
  • meeper123
    meeper123 Posts: 3,347 Member
    :D That's awesome You can def do it you army guys are tough my hubby is army and he agrees with you
  • denitraross
    denitraross Posts: 325 Member
    Good luck with Insanity - I did it up until the last week of month 2 and quit because I was completel bored and unmotivated with it anymore..and I really missed the gym and lifting...which leads me to your reasoning for doing really will not beef up with this program, it is more endurance training than any type of strength training...dont get me wrong, it is a kick *kitten* program, but high, high cardio focus...however - I have done the videos from Insanity Aslum (part 2) now this series has some good strength mixed in...or you could always try P90X - this would work wonders for strength and definition :)

    Good Luch!
  • ashleachrysafis
    Think I can safely say. What was I thinking! Fit test only and I'm dreading day one tomorrow lol!
  • janebshaw
    janebshaw Posts: 168
    Just because you did the fitness test doesn't mean you have to do the entire Insanity program.

    If you dread an exercise class, it probably isn't the best choice for you. Find something fun that you really like instead!

    Have you checked out the local gyms for group exercise classes? The Body Training Systems and Les Mills franchises sell exercise packages to many gyms where they do group exercise classes to rock music. Now THAT can be fun!
  • _funrungirl
    _funrungirl Posts: 145 Member
    I'm starting on June 2 (with a small group). Looking forward to it, but not at the same time :) Good job on Day 1!!
  • janebshaw
    janebshaw Posts: 168
    The only problem with starting something like Insanity with a group is the pressure to continue, even though it may not be the right kind of exercise program for you.

    If doing Insanity makes you too sore, don't worry about what the other people think and find ways to get exercise that you can enjoy and won't leave you too sore to walk the next day!
  • gramshots
    gramshots Posts: 1
    What is insanity?? :happy: