a speed bump for sure

I have been dieting very well for about a week or so and exercising consistently for about 3 weeks. I really surprised myself by standing on the scale a few days ago and have been receiving compliments from people. So far so good right?

Then last night I ate two and a half bowls of cheerios with no sugar and non fat milk right before bed. I was bored and hungry and I told myself I was carbo-loading so I could workout hard today. That hasn't happened (yet?) because I forgot the pool would be closed on Labor Day, and I haven't felt like doing my 4 mile run that I have recently started being able to accomplish.

Then two newish friends called and wanted to eat lunch and catch up. I was good I got a 500 calorie salad, but cheated by splitting avocado egg rolls 3 ways and then splitting Ms. Fields after. I guess I got caught up in the "we're getting cookies after this" consensus.

I don't feel like I'm going to fall off the wagon and back down the hill, but this has definitely been a rough 20 hours or so.

Does anyone else do well by themselves but then cheat when they're out with friends? Is this a viable weight loss strategy if i'm going out with friends like once a weekend for food? Maybe it would be kinda cool to look like you can eat anything you want but behind the scenes you are grinding away the fat.


  • Alta2000
    Alta2000 Posts: 655 Member
    I have bowls of cheerios lying around the kitchen mixed with a few goldfish and nimble so I wont eat anything worse. You can eat out as long as you are honest and write everything in your diary, even if you 1000s of calories over. Do not take it hard, at least you split the cookies and the eggrolls. Just work harder the following couple of days in the gym.
  • bonelessskinless
  • daniellemm1
    daniellemm1 Posts: 465 Member
    My social life definitely puts a damper on my healthier lifestyle. I don't plan to give up my social life so I have to find a way to incorporate healthier choices when I am out with friends. I try to plan ahead so that I don't overdo it too much. I will usually exercise more before or after to make me feel better about straying from the plan. It is funny how socializing always involves food and usually greasy, fattening food :)

    It does sound like you made some good choices by sharing the appetizer and cookies and having a salad. That's much better than I usually do.
  • nikilis
    nikilis Posts: 2,305 Member
    you seem to have it down really, you don't sound too worried about it, and really you shouldn't be. just log it, even if it goes over (I know, noone likes red lettering) and just remember that its not big deal to do it once a week, but if it does worry you, just add another workout.

    I've had some epic days like that where I've had a family occasion and had a pretty big meal and then 3 servings of desert, probably topping 600 or more per serving. I still lost that week. same at christmas, lost more than usual that week and I had like 2 full plates and 2 big deserts.

    1 bad day a week doesn't ruin your deficit, unless you really, really go for it. sometimes its good to say no tho.


    EDIT: also its not as if you ruin your weekly deficit and make you gain, you would still have to go over maintenance. you dont gain eating maintenance, which would mean eating more than 3500 extra calories, infact 7000 extra calories to gain a pound (if your set up to loose a pound a week). its not like you go over the MFP number and instantly hit gain territory.

  • hladams8110
    hladams8110 Posts: 27 Member
    Eating out with friends every once in a while isn't going to kill you, especially if you're doing really well at home. As for wanting to make it look like you can eat anything you want and still lose weight, while I'm sure you can do so, for the sake of women everywhere don't. It's hard enough to be on a weight loss journey without having people around you that aren't being honest about how they're doing it.
  • bonelessskinless
    Update: After posting on here for a couple hours I got motivated to go run just before it got dark. I couldn't measure it because the track was closed, but it was a hard workout and I incorporated hills and sprints. Thank you community!
  • mmddwechanged
    mmddwechanged Posts: 1,687 Member
    I have bowls of cheerios lying around the kitchen mixed with a few goldfish and nimble so I wont eat anything worse. You can eat out as long as you are honest and write everything in your diary, even if you 1000s of calories over. Do not take it hard, at least you split the cookies and the eggrolls. Just work harder the following couple of days in the gym.

    I like this idea. I'm going to copy you but add pistachios and random glasses of wine lying around also.