anyone else using coconut butter

started taking x3 daily and have seen my body get a lot more toner anyone else using it?


  • daltem
    daltem Posts: 138 Member
    How do you use it? Does it taste like coconut?
  • sneebuck
    sneebuck Posts: 30
    great for cooking to use instead of butter or oil and also good for energy before a run and drinking a full glass of water and eating it raw before meal to feel fuller heres a link
  • jakkisr
    jakkisr Posts: 175 Member
    I just started using virgin coconut oil (I think it's the same as coconut butter?). I only started yesterday so it's too soon for results but I'm interested to hear people's experiences :)
  • LuHox
    LuHox Posts: 136
    I like to spread 1 Tbsp coconut oil on whole wheat toast with 1 tsp ground cinnamon at breakfast & eat that with some fruit &/or nuts, but I'm weird so I don't know if that sounds good to anyone else :P

    If I use 1 T raw virgin coconut oil a day, I feel like I have a significant improvement in my mood and feel less hungry throughout the day, but in terms of fat loss I fail to see how consuming 120-360 extra calories a day helps unless you're exercising more to compensate.

    then again I hear other people (who claim they don't even exercise) swear by its magical weight loss powers as if it's more than just a healthy fat... Maybe I'm doin' it wrong lol
  • sneebuck
    sneebuck Posts: 30
    ya i run a look 5 days a week i feel like its good fat for energy. im more worried about healthy living then weight loss but will see