No confidence I will ever lose

jaz050465 Posts: 3,508 Member
I am within healthy body weight but have thin arms and legs and excess weight on my torso. I know I can't spot reduce so I need to lose bodyfat generally. . I have been counting calories and using BMF for months and months and I constantly go up and down the same few pounds. Consequently, I subconsciously don't believe the weight will ever come off and so I lack motivation. I am great for a few weeks, don't lose weight and then give up. I'm trying to work on a deficit of about 300-500 ish (using my BMF to measure TDEE). I'm 5ft 7 and weigh 148 but am 36% body fat.

Please someone inspire me with what has worked for you.


  • janimei
    janimei Posts: 105 Member
    My doctor kept telling me I needed to do a food journal and I resisted because it was so much work.
    Finding MFP has made that task much easier. He told me to cut out grains/white potatoes, and then see what happened.
    So far 23 pounds have left the building. My arthritis pain has diminished, I've dropped a clothing size, and I don't feel too deprived.
    I'm not trying to be perfect, just doing my best daily and forgiving my mistakes.
    My top ten list of favorite foods includes pasta & buttered bread. When I crave them, I eat nuts or a KIND bar (low-sugar ones). My fat totals are usually over goal, but it won't kill me right now. Later, I'll work out a way to have the occasional bread or pasta.
    One Paleo book mentions allowing yourself 1 "free" day per week. That seems dangerous to me right now. In summary, figure out what is doable for you and don't beat yourself up about lapses. Eating healthier is a goal in itself, regardless of weight loss. Luckily, I love my water aerobics class and walking, so exercise hasn't been a chore.
  • cestabbey
    cestabbey Posts: 25 Member
    Don't lose confidence.

    Are you exercising as well? If you're just cutting calories you may lose weight (or stay the same, in your case) but not necessarily be losing just fat. If I were you I'd get myself to the local gym and talk with a professional about an exercise routine that you can maintain (preferably one that contains some sort of strength training). Read up on these forums and other websites on how to build muscle. Because honestly it doesn't sound like "losing weight" should be your biggest concern. Losing fat and building muscle should be (IMO). :)

    But don't lose confidence! Just try a new method. :)
  • WandaVonDunajew
    WandaVonDunajew Posts: 184 Member
    I am within healthy body weight but have thin arms and legs and excess weight on my torso. I know I can't spot reduce so I need to lose bodyfat generally. . I have been counting calories and using BMF for months and months and I constantly go up and down the same few pounds. Consequently, I subconsciously don't believe the weight will ever come off and so I lack motivation. I am great for a few weeks, don't lose weight and then give up. I'm trying to work on a deficit of about 300-500 ish (using my BMF to measure TDEE). I'm 5ft 7 and weigh 148 but am 36% body fat.

    Please someone inspire me with what has worked for you.

    Weight train!! Diet alone will keep you skinny fat, add in strength and boom! You got yourself low bodyfat and sexy muscles to show off :)
  • lizz2013
    lizz2013 Posts: 331 Member
    I agree I think weight training might be the answer for you. You'll lose inches and that torso will quickly look amazing.