Not in the mood for breakfast

MollyNK88 Posts: 54 Member
Hey everybody. I know breakfast is the most important meal of the day but sometimes I am just not hungry for breakfast. Any suggestions on a small snack to eat so I'm at least eating SOMETHING? Nothing processed though...I like to stick with whole foods :)

Update: So I've been schooled on the myth of breakfast being the most important meal of the deal. Go figure!


  • NikkiiiT
    NikkiiiT Posts: 34 Member
    I'd say have fruit if you really aren't hungry. I used to be exactly the same but I think it's because you need to get into a routine.

    If you just even have a small bowl of porridge or slice of toast everyday your body will start to automatically feel hungry for breakfast. That was the case for me anyway.

    It really sets you up for the day and I end up having loads more energy, especially for exercise.
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    It's not "the most important meal of the day". It's a catch phrase that's been thrown around for years (and I feel like I remember someone saying it was a marketing slogan for cereal, but I might be making that up). Anyways, meal timing does not affect weight loss. Eat when you are hungry, and make sure you are eating enough food to give you the energy you need and to support workouts, but still give yourself a moderate deficit. If that's one giant meal, fine, if it's 6 small meals, that's fine too.
  • MollyNK88
    MollyNK88 Posts: 54 Member
    Wow well there goes one belief I've always had. Thanks for the articles to go along with your post.
  • TheDoctorDana
    TheDoctorDana Posts: 595 Member
    It's not "the most important meal of the day". It's a catch phrase that's been thrown around for years (and I feel like I remember someone saying it was a marketing slogan for cereal, but I might be making that up). Anyways, meal timing does not affect weight loss. Eat when you are hungry, and make sure you are eating enough food to give you the energy you need and to support workouts, but still give yourself a moderate deficit. If that's one giant meal, fine, if it's 6 small meals, that's fine too.

    This ^ It was a marketing slogan by a guy named Edward Bernaise (sp?) to sell pork for breakfast. Before he got a "doctor" to back up his claim the normal breakfast was coffee and toast. He was related to Sigmund Freud. It was this that started what commercials have become today and why "sex sells" advertising came to be.
  • Abells
    Abells Posts: 756 Member
    so don't eat -- i don't have breakfast all the time -- and I go straight to late morning snack or lunch
  • Pangea250
    Pangea250 Posts: 965 Member
    I rarely am in the mood for breakfast right away in the morning. I bring something light to work with me. Usually a piece of fruit or yogurt or cottage cheese.
  • casy84
    casy84 Posts: 290 Member
    As long as you don't have stomach problems because of skipping breakfast, go for it. Maybe bring a snack with you at work/school in case you get hungry later. I usually eat almonds+yogurt or bananna+strawberry+almond milk smoothie.
  • BeachGingerOnTheRocks
    BeachGingerOnTheRocks Posts: 3,927 Member
    I rarely eat solid food before 11 am. It's not important. Eat when you want to eat, when you are hungry, and get the calories in then.

    This lie should be reserved for children like my daughter who refuses to eat breakfast. There's nothing like being called into school when the oldest daughter says "mommy didn't feed me again today." But that's a different topic altogether.
  • jakkisr
    jakkisr Posts: 175 Member
    I'm never in the mood for breakfast! I just can't face the thought of eating when I get up, never have been able to for some reason!

    I like to eat a few hours after I get up so I've changed the name in my diary to Morning 7am-12noon and I find I don't stress that I haven't had a 'proper breakfast'. I tend to graze through the morning and then have a good lunch at mid-day, a snack around 4pm to keep me going until dinner. I like snacking so I list them as a seperate diary section too.

    (Not that it's ever stressed me actually, I'm 49, I know my body and what suits me best - I think just seeing it there every day as a heading in my diary kind of shouted 'this naughty woman doesn't eat breakfast!!' Changing the title of that meal tricked my brain lol! My diary is open if you want to see what I mean)
  • melindasuefritz
    melindasuefritz Posts: 3,509 Member
    i sleep through it anyways-
    1. toast with peanut butter
    2 yogurt
    3. fruit
    4. cereal
    5. granola or breakfast bars
    6. sometime i eat pretzels for breakfast
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    Just to pile on, in an anecdotal way... I often don't feel like breakfast either and it often makes hunger a bigger problem for me through the morning. So, about 4 days of the week, I don't have breakfast and don't eat until about 1pm. On some days, when I'm a bit more active in the morning, I tend to find I need some food in me, so I do have breakfast, usually abut 150-200 cals worth. Just find what works for you and your body/circumstances.
  • dancingj2
    dancingj2 Posts: 4,572 Member
    When I first get up, I usually do not want breakfast. Its usually a few hours after I get up that my body is ready for something. When I am not that hungry I will have unsweetened applesauce with cottage cheese.
  • toutmonpossible
    toutmonpossible Posts: 1,580 Member
    No, as you've learned it's not the most important meal. You might want to read about Intermittent Fasting, there's a group here and a lot of information on the web. There are many ways to do it, but an easy way is to skip breakfast, drinking water, and coffee and tea in the morning and having your first meal in the early afternoon. When you break your fast, you eat normally and within your calorie limit during whatever eating window you've decided on.

    If you're already inclined to eat that way, it's a relatively painless way to lose weight. The biggest thing is overcoming the societal and psychological pressures to eat even when we're not hungry.
  • branson101
    branson101 Posts: 173 Member
    I'm not hungry when I first wake up nor do I have time to eat at that time. I wait until my morning break at work and have a bowl of cereal.
  • SkinTightDenims
    I don't eat when I roll out of bed in the morning, either. If I eat too early, then I'm hungry again before lunch.

    I boil several eggs on Sunday afternoon, then take one to work with me every morning of the following week, to eat after my morning meeting. Protein in the morning gives your metabolism a kick-start. Hard- (or soft- ) boiled eggs are very portable. And they're bland enough to settle a stomach in the event that you have a little morning nausea (as I usually do because of medication I'm on). On the days I need a little more, I'll add a packet of instant oatmeal. They're also portable, and easy to keep several loose packets in my desk drawer.

    "Breakfast" doesn't have to be some big production. Eat something healthy when you're hungry. :)