Short people with PCOS????



  • Yanicka1
    Yanicka1 Posts: 4,564 Member
    I am 4'11'' I have PCOS, I lose very slowly but getting there. It take a lot of patience....more so than those who do not have PCOS but it is worth it. It took me more than 2 years to get where I am today.

  • Amie_Girl
    Amie_Girl Posts: 80 Member
    Hello. I am not short but I do have PCOS - or should I say - I did.

    I started taking Metformin when I was diagnosed. Big mistake. Maybe I was allergic to it but it made me so very sick. Doc's had me go to a very low dosage but even a half a pill once a day made me vomit violently for hours. I started vomiting blood and they took me off it. I did some research into other meds for PCOS and I found SPIRONOLACTIN. It's a mouthful, I know. But it has "cured" me. I took it for about six months until I found out I was pregnant. Whoops! I had been unable to conceive for so long, I totally forgot to worry about that! So it was working. The pills did cause a miscarriage so I started using protection and kept taking the pills for another year and a half. My last abdominal scan showed NO signs of cysts. I will go for a scan every six months for a few more years but I have been off the pills for three years now and NO cysts have come back.

    Ask your doctors about SPIRONOLACTIN. It may be good for you too!
  • princesspea234
    princesspea234 Posts: 182 Member
    PCOS diagnosis and petite! Going to try a new doctor this year and start down the fertility path with the hubby. I'm really hoping to find a doctor that isn't just concerned with fertility, but will treat the symptoms as well.
  • Oncebittentwiceshy38
    Oncebittentwiceshy38 Posts: 127 Member
    I'm 5' 3 and have PCOS. Weight loss is possible, I lost 65 lbs 2 yrs ago. I slipped back into some old habits and gained some back, but now I'm back on track. It can be done, but just like anyone with weight issues it takes a life style change. :) Good luck and feel free to add me. My diaries will show I don't eat perfectly, but am doing well most of the time. :)
  • pineygirl
    pineygirl Posts: 322 Member
    I just got a diagnosis of PCOS and hypothyroidism, and I'm 4'11.5" tall and 108lbs. I'm going to start eating like I'm diabetic, and might go gluten free if I feel it's necessary (not quite ready to totally give up fresh homemade pasta).

    Oddly enough I've never had symptoms of either disorder. Blood work diagnosed the hypothroidism and a random ultrasound found poly cystic ovaries. My ob/gyn asked me a few questions and diagnosed me with PCOS. I still want some definitive blood work done though.
  • kleavitt1992
    kleavitt1992 Posts: 592 Member
    pcos 5ft 3 about 2 years ago id gone from 182 to 139 (still have some pics on my profile of when i was at my lowest) i gained it all back and then some not taking care of myself but am back and back on metformin (which really helps my pcos and IR) have lost 12lbs already good luck feel free to add
  • jdad1
    jdad1 Posts: 1,899 Member
    PCOS confuses me.
  • LexyLou_5
    LexyLou_5 Posts: 43 Member
    My turn to stand up..

    * Hi all, i am from the UK, 5ft 4 and have PCOS*

    Although i am not overly overweight at 147lb i carry 60% of this around my middle/thighs.

    Feel free to add me, am also on fitbit under the same name
  • alicebot
    alicebot Posts: 50 Member
    Hi, I am 5'3. I was diagnosed with PCOS in 09 and with hypothyroidism in 2011. It has changed my life drastically. No matter what I eat, or how much I exercise, weight loss is a constant battle for me now. But now I have come to realize that it is going to be a different course for me, I need to be steady and more motivated then ever. I see results but not as soon as other people might.
    I workout 4-5 days a week, I do different aerobic classes like total body plus, kickboxing, zumba and weight lifting. I am seeing results but super slow.
    I just hope that my healthy eating and working out habits get better with time and hopefully I see myself in amuch better shape

    I started 2 months ago with gym and 1300 calorie diet, with one cheat day/week(Saturdays). I was 160lbs at that time and today I am at 154 lbs. I was at 150lbs last week but it just came back somehow. I wish I knew what I was doing wrong.

    Good luck ya'all.
  • Ljs417
    Ljs417 Posts: 2
    5'2" with PCOS diagnosed over 20 yrs ago.
  • saramccray
    Hi my name is Sara Im also very short 4"10. I was just wondering if any one that is short with PCOS started puberty early? This is kind of hard for me to share but her I go. When I was in first grade I started to grow boobs and arm pit hair. I was 10 yrs old when I had my first menstrual cycle and by then I had full size boobs. And have always had dig ones and for my llittle fram it's been really hard . I'm 25 lbs over weight and have had such a hard time with facial hair seens I was 17 yrs old. The doctor put me on metformin about a year ago and it made my heart race and I felt really sick on that so I quit that. I'm 36 yrs old and I have a pretty face but if only the hair on my face would be gone with out having to shave or get on meds with all these side effects. I'm sorry to sound so up set about this but now it is even effecting my voice so people ask why my voice is so deep. And when I shave it leaves a shadow and my kids are still little so when there friends come over to stay the night they see the hair on my face because that is how fast it grows. So it is getting so embarrassing so I had to get some of this off my chest. I just need to know if this might have to do with my size or the fact that I have meet a migrate with some of the same problems seens she was young. The other reason I was asking about this is to find out if there has been any studys about PCOS and short women? I'm going to the doc. Next mounth to talk to talk about this all so . Who ever started this site thank you so much because it is at least nice to find out that there are others like me out there and that I m not alone on this. If any one has in info on this if you coule please share it would b3 so helpful nice to meet you all.
  • HeatherLynn82281
    HeatherLynn82281 Posts: 17 Member
    Every lost one of you feel free to add me and THANK YOU to the OP... I thought I was the only one out there strugggling with this! I'm 5'5", so I'm not actually short, but I have struggled with PCOS since I was 18. I have state insurance so I'm limited to what drs I can see, but mine told me the only way to fix it was birthcontrol pills, tripling my doseage everyday until I was sick, bloated, gaining weight and forming stomach ulcers. I have no idea there was other medicine out there to help this! So happy to see this, now I can really start fighting for me! I lost 25 lbs last year but fell back into old habits, working on getting it down again, so happy to see other people with the same struggles!
  • jdad1
    jdad1 Posts: 1,899 Member
    PCOS is a pain huh?
  • stormygirl_82
    feel free to add me if you have not already.
  • plantgrrl
    plantgrrl Posts: 436 Member
    Sarah, I didn't start in first grade, but about 4th grade I started getting hairy and wearing deodorant. I got my period in the last month of 5th grade. I got my first facial hair in 7th grade. Thank god I pretty much only had one or two going though middle school/high school. I have a few more now, not as bad as a few other people I know with PCOS, but I still use an Epilator morning and evening. Someday, electrolysis.