What Are Some Of Your Self-Motivation Phrases/Self-Talk?



  • kimad
    kimad Posts: 3,010 Member
    'it's easier to have none, than to stop at one'
  • simplyciera
    simplyciera Posts: 168 Member
    "I don't recite excuses; I achieve results"
    "I'm a fxcking sexy beast that needs a beastly body"
    "Ugh I feel bloated. Time to get on the stationary bike & sweat until I'm not anymore"
  • kzandarski
    kzandarski Posts: 51
    ♫ ♪ ♫ burnin' burnin' burnin' keep that fat a burnin' ♫ ♪ sung in my best Johnny Cash voice.
  • KathryneJY
    KathryneJY Posts: 83 Member
    I always go with the small goals that add up to the big one. I swim lengths at least three times a week, and one or two of those workouts is my big swim at 2K. So I count. I have four strokes I work, and do 10 lengths of each, twice. Except I count one out and back as one, so I only need to do five out and backs (25 meters each way). I never look at it as having to swim 80 25 meter lengths. I'd never make it.

    'Front crawl - 5 out and backs. You're at three. Two more to go and you can change your stroke"

    It works with reps, time, etc, for me. Small goals for the overall workout.
  • sm00r
    sm00r Posts: 5
    Whether it be what I'm about to eat or do, I have the conscious thought "Is this going to put me closer to or further away from my goal."
  • SteelySunshine
    SteelySunshine Posts: 1,092 Member
    My favorite that I read on a thread here is: No matter how slow you go you are still lapping everyone on the couch.
    Yeah I go so very slow. But, it is true. A daily walk is helping me lose a bit faster and I am walking almost as fast as a normal person's leisurely pace.

    Mostly I don't talk to myself to get motivated, because I don't really need to so much. Today I did though cuz was chilly, rainy, and overcast. So I said go out and walk for as long as you can, you don't have to walk 2 or more hours everyday. I went for about 90 minutes and that let me not feel bad for going over my pre-exercise calorie goal.
  • auroranflash
    auroranflash Posts: 3,569 Member
    I ran earlier. I'm still not able to run an entire mile, but I do intervals and usually run at least 3.1 miles (5k) when I go, which takes about 40-45 minutes. I know the only way I'll get more endurance is to push myself, so I set goals ahead of me in the distance. "Just to that mailbox..." ...then before I'm even there, the inner trainer in me tells me "Okay, now three more". Keep setting further distances. You'll find yourself with some interesting inner-dialogue that often involves cussing yourself out, but it will get the job done and when you're finished, you've accomplished more than you thought you could.

    I think the ability to find that inner voice to drive you on is one of the major keys to success for anyone trying to lose weight or any athlete, for that matter. Either that or I'm just extremely bull-headed. I just tend to falter at the follow-through of doing it daily.
  • SutapaMukherji
    SutapaMukherji Posts: 244 Member
    1. C'mon, 2 more laps you can do it (show it to the trainer who keeps limiting the beginners to 5-6 laps). This usually motivates me enough to do 10-12 laps.

    2. Just another minute more and then I promise we shall hit the stop button (while on the treadmill)

    and my favorite:

    Better sore than sorry!
  • CDub73
    CDub73 Posts: 6 Member
    1. F*** It and Go!
    2. Wake up...Be awesome.
  • aquinoz
    aquinoz Posts: 182 Member
    "Quit being a p*u*s*s*y"
  • WalkingMermaid_
    WalkingMermaid_ Posts: 205 Member
    "Do something today that your future self will thank you for"

    ^ This keeps me motivated and on track :)
  • alisonlynn1976
    alisonlynn1976 Posts: 929 Member
    I use contingencies for motivation. "You can't do [thing I would prefer to do] until after you do the workout."
  • lambchoplewis
    lambchoplewis Posts: 797
    Fake it till you make it.
  • bossyfairy
    bossyfairy Posts: 111 Member
    I AM IN CONTROL. - NOT MY CHIMP! (This book is brilliant)


    I remind myself that I make the conscious decisions and I am in control of what I eat and of the exercise / activeness (if that's a word?!) every day.

    I dont NEED to eat it now. - The food will still be there tomorrow - I don't have to eat it today, I can plan it in to my calories later in the week / tomorrow (if I still want it then!) If it gets eaten by someone else, I can always go and buy it again.
  • kelleygi
    kelleygi Posts: 583 Member
    My self motivational words to myself are something like this, " Get off the couch Fat Azz and DO SOMETHING, TUBBY!! " But I'm pretty hard on myself!! :smokin:
  • bearcher
    bearcher Posts: 2
    Don't forget BUTT DOWN and GIVE ME ONE MORE!!
  • javajunco
    javajunco Posts: 81
    A one hour workout is 4% of my day....No excuses!

    love this
  • SutapaMukherji
    SutapaMukherji Posts: 244 Member
    Five more minutes. Five more reps. Just run until it says you've burned X calories. Just run until it's an even mile. Just do them in sets of fives. You can stop when it says X.

    I lie to myself little by little. haha.

    Ha ha... this is soooo me!!
  • splitdog79
    splitdog79 Posts: 106 Member
    Honestly, my motivational phrases mostly consist of calling myself a lazy, fat *kitten* mentally and telling myself that they're gonna have to knock a wall off of my house when I die to get my corpse out if I don't stay on point :)
  • Harlequinndancer
    Harlequinndancer Posts: 86 Member
    I will persist until I succeed.
    You're worth at least one more Van Halen song, aren't you? Just hold out till this song ends...
    Feelings don't control your actions. You may feel tired, but there's nothing stopping you here. Keep going!

    I too use the 'oh, it's only one more song' motivator....and then I try to talk myself through the next one until I've finished