Eating SLOW

Hey all!

I've been a speedy eater all my life... literally all my life. My mom always laughs when she remembers how I would finish a bottle in less than 2 minutes.

Lest to say... old habits die hard and I have a lot of issues with portion control.

I eat way too fast and therefore that compromises how full I feel. Any tips or tricks to help break this habit? I know, the easy solution would be to just eat slower (duh) but it's really not that simple for me.

Help!!! Thanks! :drinker:


  • stealthq
    stealthq Posts: 4,298 Member
    I had this problem, too. For me, it helped to consciously time my chews - no need for the jaw to work at breakneck speed, after all. Then purposefully chew no less than X times. That will slow you down in the short term.

    But, for it to be long term and not have to count all the dang time, I started to make a point of trying to pick out all the flavors in every bite of food. Savor what you eat. If you're eating foods you like (and you ought to be), this is will slow you down and be enjoyable. It didn't take but a couple of days before I didn't need to count anymore. I just enjoyed my food more than I had and ate slower because of it.
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    IIRC, it takes your stomach roughly 15 minutes to produce the hormone that tells your brain that it is full. If eating more slowly isn't an option, try breaking your food into smaller portions. Eat the portion you have, then reevaluate.

    Ultimately though, you will need to learn and practice self control.
  • golden6911
    golden6911 Posts: 50 Member
    Don't think about it as eating slow, think about eating MINDFULLY. Feel the food touching your lips, entering your mouth. Concentrate on the feeling of the food on your tongue and the various tastes and smells associated with it. Concentrate on really enjoying what you are eating and you will naturally slow down.
  • Be an attentive eater! Meaning, instead of watching t.v. or browsing the internet or whatever while eating, just eat. Pay attention to the different flavors, let yourself enjoy each bite.

    My biggest thing is that I let myself get way too hungry before I eat so by the time I have food in front of me, I want it all in my stomach right then! So try to avoid that, if you're not already doing so. :)

    Other than that, maybe try taking a sip of water between each bite or something?
  • mmoonstars
    mmoonstars Posts: 103 Member
    I totally have this issue, not sure what your timeframe is for work etc, but I try to eat one thing ie my sandwhich or apple etc, and then read a chapter from my book, or get up and walk a bit and then come back, that way I am eating throughout my whole ~30 min rather than done in the first ten and wishing I had more to eat. Also a large glass of water to start lunch and end it.
  • Put your fork/spoon/hand (whatever you're eating with) for 5 - 10 seconds between bites :)
  • Also, Take a bite of food.

    Chew it slowly...

    Does it still have the flavor? Yes.

    chew it some more.

    Still have flavor? Still taste good?


    So chewing and swallowing quickly doesn't make it taste any better.

    Enjoy your food :)

    I like to savor every calories I allow myself a day lol.
    REDI4CHANGE60 Posts: 170
    Don't think about it as eating slow, think about eating MINDFULLY. Feel the food touching your lips, entering your mouth. Concentrate on the feeling of the food on your tongue and the various tastes and smells associated with it. Concentrate on really enjoying what you are eating and you will naturally slow down.

    I like this ... MINDFUL eating. I have found something I love, sat down to eat it and it's gone before I even realize I am eating it and I didn't even get to enjoy it ... what a disappointment! I eat more slowly now than previously, but I am still working on it.
  • beatleschic87
    beatleschic87 Posts: 260 Member
    Wow thanks so much you guys! I will totally try these tactics at lunch and dinner today. (I scarfed my breakfast :grumble: )

    I didn't even realize but I am almost always doing something else when I eat; whether it be working, watching TV or even talking. I love the ideas of really savoring the food slowly.

    The water trick will work wonders as it totally helps keep me from snacking between meals.

    I will give these things a try!

    Thanks again!!
  • JessicaPasieka
    JessicaPasieka Posts: 149 Member
    I look forward to my meals and snacks every day. And for me, I want them to last as long as possible. I've gotten into the habit of chewing each bite of food 30 times. It helps my meal last nice and long, and it Great for digestion. It helps me to eat slower.