weight Watchers... does it work

Simply put. Does weight wtchers work. I need to try something to kick start my weight loss... Suggestions please!!!!


  • kelijeanne
    kelijeanne Posts: 1
    YES! It really does work! I did WW about 2 years ago and lost 45 pounds (along with working out) within 6-7 months. I really did love it. Since then I have had a baby and gained almost all of it back so I have now been using just myfitnesspal with the knowledge that I gained with WW. You have to track your food and you have to watch your portions (measuring) so if you can do that, you will have success!
  • aepdx
    aepdx Posts: 218 Member
    What do you mean kick start your weight loss? Weight watchers seems to incorporate a lot of processed foods, I wouldn’t use that diet. Instead, just eat at a calorie deficit and join a gym. That is a pretty easy way right there! When my weight loss stalled, I started zig-zagging my calories which worked wonders.
  • Lalasharni
    Lalasharni Posts: 353 Member
    Of course it works! So does any regime that means you expend more calories than you ingest.
    Honestly though - I think you know this already. On MFP you have all the support and information you need. Some folks need the regimentation of attending a meeting every week to keep them on track, but why would you pay someone to give you the information you have here, for free?
    Read the posts here, and get together with your MFP friends. If you are honest in your logging, your weight WILL go down!
    Good luck on your journey.
  • micheleb15
    micheleb15 Posts: 1,418 Member
    It works, but what is the difference in counting calories vs counting points? I have done both, and realized in a way, they are the same. You just need the discipline to log and be accountable. Free always wins for me though.
  • JessicaPasieka
    JessicaPasieka Posts: 149 Member
    I think it depends on the person. I would personally not waste my money on Weight Watchers simply because I feel like I'd have the same effects if I did it on my own. I don't like the idea of the point system because you could be allowed 40 points a day and someone could eat all those points in pizza. I just don't like how the commercials tell you that you can eat Anything you want and lose weight. They never tell you in moderation. I just feel like I don't need to pay money to do it. Maybe it helps other people feel accountable to have to be weighed in front of someone. But, I've seen various family members go on and off of Weight Watchers for 10+ years.
  • lovelylela415
    lovelylela415 Posts: 91 Member
    The weight watchers point system is a great way to track food.

    I suggest also getting exercise and changing lifestyle to reflect a more permanent weight loss. There are many articles all over the boards here to guide you, but time and time again I hear of people losing weight with weight watchers and gaining it back.

    I'm not a professional, but I think it's because there's a "start" and "end" to the "diet" - whereas a shift in lifestyle has a start, and lasts a lifetime if you want it to. Without building muscle it may be really hard to keep the weight off.

    My mother is doing weight watchers right now, and it's working; she's been a yo yo dieter most of her life. A guy i know, also a yo yo dieter, lost a lot of weight, but gained it back. Then did weight watchers again, and lost it again.

    I think it's a great program but if i did it (and i've thought about doing it) i think i would also incorporate a strength training component, which may change the actual pounds lost but will end up totally changing body composition so that it's no longer a "diet" and just a great healthy lifestyle.

    Just my two cents, and this is is way better than doing any work (i'm at work right now)
  • saraknotts
    saraknotts Posts: 37 Member
    I did weight watchers online a few years ago and did see results. But now I use MFP and to me it's essentially the same thing. You're logging what you eat and the excercise you do. WW online had recipes, articles, etc. that MFP doesn't have. Other than that I think MFP is perfect...and it's free :)
  • bug1106
    bug1106 Posts: 31 Member
    Thank you:) I dont want to pay for it so thats why i m stalling I guess, another reason is that I have a hard time logging my points here. I dont like the droid mobile pp because its confusing. im new to here so i guess it takes time.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    I loved WW. They have a lot of good thoughts, great tricks, a lot of learning, awesome support, etc. in a nicely packaged program. However, after I had my babies, I couldn't figure out how to fit it into my life, so I came to MFP. This works better for me now.
  • WW does work...but it is also really easy to manipulate so that you don't lose anything. My personal experience with WW was that I would use up all the extra "free points" by day 3 of most weeks and then would feel like a failure because I had trouble restraining my eating the rest of the week and there was no more cushion of free points left. Also the fruit is free so you can have as much as you want without counting. Sounds exciting I know but at the end of the day it is still just fruit and I always wanted something else. The difference is that WW doesn't count calories, they look at the food as a whole and if it has more fiber and protein and less fat they will assign it a lower Points value to guide you to making that choice even if it is calorically equivalent to a donut. I don't agree with what someone said about WW guiding you to more processed foods. They don't do that any more than MFP does. WW lets you pick what foods you want. They offer their line of frozen meals as an option because obviously they want to make money and many members will choose their packaged meals over Lean Cuisine but it is not a requirement and the members who lose the most weight will do so through eating healthy and exercise, which is essentially something you can get for free through MFP. It is all a matter of preference because both plans can work equally well if you really put in the work.
  • jkal1979
    jkal1979 Posts: 1,896 Member
    I've been on it since the end of January and I'm losing an average of a pound a week. It does work as long as you put the time and effort into understanding and follow the program. Some go into it thinking all they have to do is count points, but there is more to it than that. It is common sense stuff, but when it comes to eating healthy I lack a lot of common sense so I right now I need those little boxes to check off. It works for me since it keeps me mindful of what I should be doing.

    As far as the processed foods comment, it's not like Jenny Craig where you eat their meals. They do have foods they endorse and they have the Smart Ones, but you are not required to eat them (which is a good thing since I think most of them are pretty bad).
  • sk_pirate
    sk_pirate Posts: 282 Member
    It didn't work for me, the meetings wouldn't fit around my schedule, and the meeting leaders were rude to me.

    I tried online for a bit, lost some weight but couldn't keep up with the costs.

    I found MFP shortly after and will never go back. I find much more value from MFP, not only because it's free but I learn more about macros, what I specifically need, and details about exercising. I found WW never gave me ANY input on how to incorporate exercise PROPERLY.

    It's your call though, all i can offer is my opinion! (Believe me, I've tried them all, and MFP is the BEST for me!!!)
  • cappri
    cappri Posts: 1,089 Member
    Works for me!
  • dellaquilaa
    dellaquilaa Posts: 230 Member
    I did WW a few summers ago and lost a few pounds - it did work, at the rate they claim (1/5-2lbs per week). And I definitely liked the social aspect of it - it can be really nice to physically get up, go out and meet people with a common goal.

    I just didn't like paying for it. And I like it less since they re-vamped the program and added $10. Plus, it really is the same thing as tracking calories, just in a different format.

    The one thing that I really did like about WW is that fresh fruits and veggies had no point value. I think that's actually very important....I've found myself a few times on MFP, deciding between a cookie and a banana because they have the same amount of calories. But that speaks to my personal preferences, not necessarily the program. Now I just figure that if my fruits & veggies put me over my calorie limit, it's fine. I didn't get fat on carrots and grapes and I'd rather have those vitamins and fiber than not.

    My advice? Learn to use the MFP app. It's amazing once you get the hang of it.
  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
    It obviously works for some people and not for others. You just need to find a sustainable way for yourself be it ww or some other method. Everyone is different
  • olores
    olores Posts: 257 Member
    Works for ME!
  • I lost 120 lbs on WW a couple of years ago. Then they introduced their "Eat all the fruit for 0 points" plan and I started gaining each week. I did eat fruit in moderation but still gained along with the majority of the members at our local meeting. We had an average attendance of 50 to 65 people going to the meetings at that time and over half quit when this new plan came out and since then the attendance diddled down so small that they completely close our local WW meeting. I have always loved WW and have lost on that program many times over the years. I am a yo yo dieter and WW was always my go to plan but it is just like any other diet plan, including MFP (even though this is not a per say diet plan) If we do not make it a life style change the weight will come back. Good Luck to us all
  • rebbylicious
    rebbylicious Posts: 621 Member
    I am not a fan - I tried eating clean on weight watchers years back and ran out of points mid day (and i was starving) I was allowed to eat a ton of processed crap but if I had an apple or a slice of cheese it would use a ton of points. Always be skeptical of any plan that encourages you to eat "diet" foods.
  • JDBLY11
    JDBLY11 Posts: 577 Member
    Simply put. Does weight wtchers work. I need to try something to kick start my weight loss... Suggestions please!!!!

    Yes, it does work. They do encourage healthy eating and exercise. I lost 60 lbs a couple years ago on the old plan in 6-7 months, and I have lost 25 lbs in 2 months on the new plan this year. I do limit my fruits but otherwise stick to plan. My doctor thought it was a good plan of eating and enouraged me to follow it. I have just been doing WW online and weigh in at home.
  • JDBLY11
    JDBLY11 Posts: 577 Member
    I am not a fan - I tried eating clean on weight watchers years back and ran out of points mid day (and i was starving) I was allowed to eat a ton of processed crap but if I had an apple or a slice of cheese it would use a ton of points. Always be skeptical of any plan that encourages you to eat "diet" foods.

    They don't encourage you to eat diet foods. They do have their products but you don't have to get them. The actual plan encourages you to eat the filling foods ( whole, unprocessed foods) and the GHG.