Registering for my first 5k



  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    +1 for sending it in, setting goals like this are a great way to keep your motivation level high.

    I will warn you however, 5Ks are a gateway race. Train consistently, set realistic goals (as it's your first the most important goal is to finish with a smile on you face) and you may find yourself hooked. I can tell you from personal experience there's no feeling like crossing that finish line. Have fun!
  • KateRunsColorado
    KateRunsColorado Posts: 407 Member
    DO IT!

    I'm completely serious when I say, signing up for my first 5K last summer, literally changed my life!!!

    I'm a crazy running freak now, and I LOVE it! I actually look forward to when I can go running next. Since my first 5K (in July 2012), I've ran tons of races, including a half marathon and a 25K (15.5 miles), and I've reached my goal weight, gained confidence, and am just happier overall! I'm now signed up to run my first marathon in January.

    And like other people have said - you can totally walk parts of it if you need to - you will not be the only one - lots of people do! (but definitely still train for it - you may end up falling in love with running like I did!).
  • fitnesslovergirl
    MAIL IT!;)
  • lydialou87
    lydialou87 Posts: 12
    Go for it!!

    I recently signed up for one too! The C25K programmes are great - I'm on week 5 now - wish me luck!

    Enjoy :)
  • AshleyMRawls
    AshleyMRawls Posts: 3 Member
    I just recently did my first (April 27- the Glow Run in Colorado Springs) and now, like others have said, I'm hooked. There were a ton of people there and a lot of them were walkers (not runners). Being able to say you did it (something you may not have thought you could before) even at a jog/walk pace feels awesome =) You won't regret it.
  • heystephie
    heystephie Posts: 34 Member
    Mail it! It'll definitely act as motivation for you to keep going with the couch to 5k and improve your fitness! I just registered for my first 5K too, which happens in July :D Really excited about it :)
  • short_nerdy_lady
    Mail it in! I did my first 5k in March and though it was hard, the feeling when I crossed the finishline was undescribable. I actually started crying I was so full of joy.

    keep training and eating well and you will do it! Add me if you like as a friend on here
  • Codefox
    Codefox Posts: 308 Member
    Send that form in and then just do the best you can on race day. No matter how good/bad you feel afterwards, its your first one and it gives you a goal for the next! Once you spend the money on a race its so much easier to stick to your training plans ;)
  • Chocolate_Queen
    Chocolate_Queen Posts: 59 Member
    Do it!! You will have a great time and never look back.
  • freyaheart
    freyaheart Posts: 220 Member
    Send it in!!! I just did my first 5K yesterday and I was able to finish it without a lot of training. You are doing C25K and you have plenty of time to get ready for the race. don't even think of it as being a race just do it to do it! Have fun and let us know how it goes.