Birthday Goal: 130 lbs For My 30th Birthday!

Hey All!

Never really started anything like this. If anyone is on a birthday count down, please join me! :flowerforyou:

I have managed too keep off my last 10 lbs for the last 6 months, however I am at a plateau. I'd really like to get serious again and make a noticeable difference. :glasses:

My 30th birthday is October 20th. That is 10 weeks away. I don't necessarily need to lose the 14 lbs by then, but I work better on short term goals, so please join me!

I do great on food, for the most part, BUT I LOVE sweets and my beer with karaoke! :drinker: I also, need to work out more.
Any motivation and support for a birthday challenge would be greatly appreciated :smile:

Even weekly exercise goals would be great too! Any ideas, please share :)


  • FitFan
    FitFan Posts: 3
    My 30th is on October 13!! I want to look great for my 30th and buy a great new dress (maybe a great pair of jeans!) I have about 19 pounds I want to lose by then! I've lost 18 and am starting to lose I started the Couch to 5K running plan and it's great - just hard enough!

    Beer is my downfall! If I were on the wagon, I may have already lost an extra few pounds.

    Good luck! Happy 30th!
  • emmyvera
    emmyvera Posts: 599 Member
    yah! thanks for responding! what is the couch to 5k running plan? sounds interesting.....
  • emmyvera
    emmyvera Posts: 599 Member
    had a couple of beers last night, but stayed healthy and light on my food. and went walking with the dog. progress is slow but sure!!!
  • bjshooter
    bjshooter Posts: 1,174 Member
    My birthday is Oct 29th and I want to have lost another 14lb also. My sons bday is the day after, the 30th and I would love to say I have lost 2 and a half stone by the time he is one. I also seem to be a bit stuck atm and 14lb seems a lot to try to lose in such a short time, gonna give it a go though.
  • emmyvera
    emmyvera Posts: 599 Member
    alright getting toward the end of august and feeling a little pressure. it's cooled up a bit, so walking at night has become my new past time. my goal is for 45 minutes every other day and shorter walks on the days in between.

    i've been maintaining weight thus far.... so i think 135 is realistic for my birthday. but 130 would be AWESOME!

    i'm glad you have a goal similar to mine! i don't feel so alone:happy:

    any work out goals? what exercises do you do? i heard that walking then sprinting - back and forth - is a good way to burn calories quickly...... i've been trying it.
  • Sweettart
    Sweettart Posts: 1,331 Member
    I have the same goal as you! Except my 30th is Feb 6 and I have 75lbs to lose to hit it:embarassed:

    I actually have a post started on here to start the couch to 5k on monday if you are intrested. Its a 9 week running program that gets you up to a 5k. Its a walk/run program.
  • my2loves04and06
    I started my birthday loss countdown in early June. 30 lbs by my 30th birthday (Labor Day) was my goal. I'm halfway there so I'm happy with that, but a teensy tiny bit disappointed that I won't make my goal. I suppose I can't be too hard on myself since we moved halfway across the country just a few weeks ago. I'd totally recommend Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred. That's the only workout I was doing and I lost 14 lbs plus 7" (total) in 7-8 weeks.

    Anywho, I'm sure you can do it if you put your mind to it!

    ETA: I started C25K today! I've started the program twice before but never made it past week 4. Hoping I can make it t the end this time.
  • EmilyV80
    EmilyV80 Posts: 60 Member
    My 30th Birthday is October 14th! I would like to be below 160 by then. So I have 11 lbs to drop in 8 weeks.
  • rachmj526
    rachmj526 Posts: 82 Member
    My 30th birthday is October 30th! Wow! Lots of us turn 30 in October!

    I'd love to get down to 130lbs. I'm pretty well stuck at 138.8lbs. I really need to buckle down, and I probably wouldn't have too much problem. I'd really like to meet my goal the week before because I have a wedding to go to.

    I know you can do it! I know we all can! :smile: