Becoming a healthier me

Hi, my name is Kelsie Conner. I had joined MFP a while back, but could never stay motivated. I have recently decided to stay committed to get healthier. It was hard trying to lose weight when you're the only one in your family trying. My mom started the Atkins diet and has lost 30 pounds! She has given me a little motivation to start back. I'm looking for friends that could help motivate me and also give me tips for at home exercising. Any adds would be great! :)


  • WalkingMermaid_
    WalkingMermaid_ Posts: 205 Member
    Welcome! I added you. Looking forward to sharing this journey with you :D
  • ShallaLovee1
    ShallaLovee1 Posts: 356 Member
    Welcome back! I hope you stay dedicated to yourself and this journey this time around. You deserve to be happy! I'm always here to support and motivate people as much as I motivate myself. As for tips for working out. What are you looking for? I'll just tell you about things that I've done.

    TurboFire- Love love love TF. It gets you pumped up. It's kind of dance-y. Very fun. Great music. It's kickboxing which I love.

    Insanity- TOUGH! But worth the work. Your going to be sore like hell and sweat like a pig.

    Hip-Hop Abs- Great dance routines but not really a workout to me.

    ChaLEAN Extreme- Great if you have weights. Love the cardio workouts in this program.

    I'm not a big Jillian Michaels fan. Her workouts don't compare to anything I've done intensity wise but a lot of people think that's a great start.

    Zumba- Ahh, LOVE Zumba. If you love dancing then go for Zumba classes or look on youtube and learn. Buy the DVD's. I have the DVD's and I love them.

    Taebo- If you like Billy Blanks or like kickboxing try Taebo. He has many workout DVD's for dirt cheap on amazon. Also, it's videos on youtube.

    Hope this helps. Good luck!
  • oneblumsy
    oneblumsy Posts: 16 Member
    Welcome back. I have the same problem. i try to "diet" and my son (trying to be nice) will buy me my favorite snacks. I will add you.
  • Zydrata
    Zydrata Posts: 8
    I sent you an add request. :)

    Welcome back - and good luck!

    I try to "diet" and eat healthy, but with my roommate always bringing in chocolate, and junk food it is hard.. but this time around I am really going to do this! I look forward to being supportive in your journey.

    Anyone else feel free to add me. :)
  • wateryphoenix
    wateryphoenix Posts: 644 Member
    I understand what you mean about staying motivated! For over two years I get super motivated, and end up slacking off! I'm doing it this time, dangit! Help me stay motivated, and I'll do my best to help you, too!

    Add me as a friend, if you want. Btw, anyone can add me. =D

    Exercising at home: Jillian Michaels can be good. P90x is awesome, but can be a bit extreme for some. Heck, even doing some jumping jacks, running up and down stairs (if you have any), walking around the block, squats, push up, sit ups. Heck, lift your ottoman or something to help work your arms. The main thing is to just stay moving. I've even tried lifting my cats as an exercise, but one in particular isn't very fond of that. >.>'
  • Carolinapitch24
    Carolinapitch24 Posts: 1 Member
    Hey Kelsie,

    Good for you for trying to get healthier. As for at home exercising, I am IN LOVE with Insanity. If you like to push hard and be dripping with sweat when you're done, then you should give it a shot. I also like the Biggest Loser Cardio Max DVD and Pinterest has a bunch of workouts that require no equipment or DVDs. Let me know if you want me to get you started with some workouts. Good luck! I have about 20 more lbs to go to reach my goal weight.

  • jandjcassidy
    jandjcassidy Posts: 143
    Hey there!! I love helping others I will add you to my friends list!!
  • babmore
    babmore Posts: 1
    Hi Kelsie,
    I have added you as well. I have recently started to get SERIOUS about my health not just my weight.
    If you are looking for motivation. Check out one fit
    She also has a face book page. I have been following it for awhile now and it helps me stay on track. Give you challenges. And workout. Teaches you how to eat healthy!
  • Hi, Kelsie,

    Welcome to MFP! Becoming active does not need to start out, or become; "over the top" unless this is where you set your own personal goal. Other than my work I have been pretty sedentary for far too long. I am now up to walking 3 mile hikes 4 to 5 times a week. I love it. I walk on a nicely paved, very scenic and not heavily traveled historical roadway through a national park. Lots of inclines, declines, twists and turns. My goal is to get back to running. This was so therapeutic and freeing for me. But, it is going to take time. Be motivated, even ambitious if you want, but also be patient and kind to yourself. Best wishes!!! Add me as a friend if you would like.