Hiya, I must loss weight.

I started at 300lbs and only 5'7" ~a month ago. As a 44yr old male that had a few health issues and every doctor basically saying that if I loss weight it would be the best treatment. My wife started crying last appointment and said she feared I would die soon....guess that's my motivation.

I cut out sodas, and not eating as much fast foods. Good for a start....

With my health issues/ injuries, I will have to loss some of the weight before any serious "working outs".

I also work shift work urg.


  • jem5065
    jem5065 Posts: 28 Member
    Welcome and good luck!! Cutting out sodas is definitely a good start if you were a big soda drinker.. if you cant cut out the fast food all the time change what you order.. having MFP as an app on your phone helps greatly when your out and have a temptation i usually look up the food and once i see the calories i can easily turn away or drive by a restaurant i would want to stop in..

    As for working out, just walking every day is a good start! Thats all my step mom did when she started then she added weights while walking and now she can actually do some videos at home to work out

    feel free to add me if you want we can help motivate each other!
  • bj450
    bj450 Posts: 7 Member
    You have to start in order to finish, So you made the first step. A Doctor told me once, to walk every day some days you will feel like it somedays you wont, do it anyway, that was really good advice. Blessing on you! You can do it, one day at a time.
  • simplydelish2
    simplydelish2 Posts: 726 Member
    Looks like you are off to a great start. Walking will be your easiest workout. Just start a little at a time - like to the corner and back. Gradually build your distance and before you know it, you'll be up to a mile...two miles....three miles.

    I have found that considering this a healthy lifestyle vs. a diet has helped my mindset tremendously. I now eat as clean as possible and cut out processed foods almost completely (salad dressing, mayo, and other condiments are it).

    Best of luck! You can do this!
  • bomberchamp
    bomberchamp Posts: 30 Member
    I was also in the same boat kind of. I really don't have any injuries but have been a tile and carpet installer for about 27 years and don't have the best knees. I started out a little over 260 and started watching calories and walking. That led to some weight loss but it didn't really kick in until I started running. I took it easy and followed a program on the run keeper app called run for fat loss. I can now run almost 2 miles without stopping and ran my first 5 k about a month ago.

    just hang in there and keep up the good work, it is all worth it.
  • Kris6344
    Kris6344 Posts: 23 Member
    I log daily and I am looking for friends who also log regularly. And I too am working on cutting out (diet) soda.