Just watched the Today Show and had to join!

Beckyjorm Posts: 1
edited September 21 in Introduce Yourself
Hi my name is Becky and I am NEW to this site. I need help. I don't know where to start. While my husband was laied off for almost 2 years I put on 40 Lbs. and I was alread at 250 at the time so u know know what I am now!! I need some one who can understand and help me with loosing this 40 plus lbs. My goal is 135lbs. I hope I can do it :)... Would love to hear from anyone who wants to be my friend. While watching The Today show I was eating 4 crab patties!!!! Then I saw the women who lost all that weight and said WOW if she can do it why can't I?? Any suggestions???


  • Shawna35
    Shawna35 Posts: 65
    Welcome Becky! You will love it here because the MFP community is so supportive. I've learned so much about eating healthy and making better choices when it comes to food. Funny you should mention crab cakes: I just cooked a healthier version from Cooking Light's website. Only 240 calories! What's made a big difference for me is being able to eat the things I like, just finding a healthier way to cook them or just eating a true "serving" instead of as much as I want....:blushing:

    Feel free to add me as a friend if you'd like! Good luck!
  • Corrie62
    Corrie62 Posts: 191
    Welcome to MFP. Suggestions? Log everything, move around, make friends. :smile:
  • I also was watching the Today Show this morning and decided to join right then! Hopefully this will help with our weight loss goals. The site seems great so far!
  • TammyK777
    TammyK777 Posts: 230 Member
    Welcome to MFP. Suggestions? Log everything, move around, make friends. :smile:

  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,033 Member
    I too lost alot of weight, kept it off for about 4 yrs then gained it all back. I know how depressing and upseting that is. But we need to focus on now. Break it up into small goals, looking at the big goal is overwhelming. I am just concentrating on the next 20lbs for now. Feel free to add me as a friend. We can do this
  • daybyday
    daybyday Posts: 537 Member
    I started on this site in April and it has been THE BEST thing for me. I never liked to write down what I eat, but this is so much easier - it's all right here and calculates everything for you. Just being aware of what I was putting into my body has been a real eye opener. So far I've lost 21# and I feel really great!! Good luck to you!!
  • Good luck Becky. I was watching too. I lost 40 lbs. about 6 years ago and it all came back. I am tired of buying clothes to hide in and want to shop for clothes I like! This looks like a great site to get me going. I wish you well. You can do it!
  • i think everybody watched it, cause thats why i join, i hope it works for me
  • cviertha
    cviertha Posts: 32
    Hi Becky! I'm Charlene and I joined in June 2010. I too was around your weight and am now down 83 pounds in 13 months. The big difference with MFP is that you are accountable to you and if you know you have to enter it, you may not eat it. Also make a commitment to exercise. I suggest 4 times a week for 40 minutes to start. Walking, biking, anything to get your heartrate up. I now use an elliptical because I get the most calorie burn for the time spent. You can add me as a friend if you'd like. I would be glad to communicate with you! :happy:
  • I was also watching the Today show this morning, and had really been thinking that this year I really need to get my weight under control. I've gained 60 lbs slowly in the last 5yrs, mostly due to a change from eating healthy home cooked meals to eating most everything on the run or packaged. Was so happy to find a free program to track everything, now if they would just get the blackberry app going :)

    hoping to find some friends to help keep me on the right track and hold me accountable hehe with a friendly nudge now and then!

  • LoriT129
    LoriT129 Posts: 312 Member
    Welcome to both of you that joined today! Joining MFP was one of the best decisions I have made in my life. Until I started recording EVERYTHING I ate I had no idea what I was consuming or how much! I am now dedicated to the ACTUAL serving size and have used healthier versions of all the things I love. The result? 14 lbs. GONE in a month and a half! Once I started adding exercise, the weight started to drop off. Motivation and dedication are two of the main things that you need for this site. There are challenges issued all the time, so feel free to jump in and participate. When I started I struggled to walk 1 mile, I am now walking 3 miles a day and am going to push for 3 1/2 this week. Hoping to be at 5 miles a day by the end of the month! Feel free to add me as a friend, I'd love to help cheer you on! You can click on someones picture and it will take you to their profile, then click on Add as Friend tab.

    Good luck on your journey's! I wish you LOTS of success!!!
  • okkathy
    okkathy Posts: 1
    Like many of you, I had to join after watching Kathie Lee & Hoda this morning. Thank you Tamara for sharing your story & CONGRATS!! Here's hoping that the rest of us share your tenacity & get ourselves on track to a healthy life.
  • I too just find out about this website from the Today Show. My name is Mechelle. My biggest question is... What do I eat? I do not eat a lot due to my work schedule... I work for FedEx... and you would THINK due to the constant running and heavy lifting I would not have an issue, but... I DO! Is there a meal suggestion area that includes portion sizes? I'm not asking someone to do it for me... I just don't really know where to start and how to maintain... Any suggestions would help.
  • smsteed
    smsteed Posts: 9
    Welcome Becky! I think a great idea is to break the big goal into smaller goals and to award yourself a "gift" at each of those goals, such as getting a manicure after losing the first 20 lbs or so. Best wishes to you! Feel free to add me as a friend if you would like!
  • dmcgee
    dmcgee Posts: 28 Member
    Hi Becky, I've been where you are...husband lost job 3 yrs ago and then two more times. He was in the building industry which fell apart. In these three years he has had a heart attack, diagnosed with stage 4 cancer, and had another heart attack 3 weeks ago. I also lost my sister 3 days before he had this last heart attack. I went to see my sister 4 weeks before she passed (she was in very bad health) I promised her that I would start taking better care of myself right along with her. I came home started my diet and joined MFP. This was June 1st. I have lost 24 lbs and for some reason been able to focus and not start comforting myself with food. I also started doing Wii Fit plus and worked my way up to 50min cardio a day. It has been tough but well worth it. I have to continue my promise to my sister so I keep plugging along. Any thing I can do to help I would be more than happy to help. You can do this...just get in that mind set and go for it. You will be amazed at how much you can do. Welcome! If you would like to add me as a friend please do. Look forward to hearing from you!
  • Rochelle05
    Rochelle05 Posts: 1 Member
    I also saw the Today Show in NYC and I joined ASAP!! I'm new to this site and I pray I can make a few pals who are trying to lose weight with me. I always do the weightloss thing alone, but this time I will try to do it with new pals. Thank you.
  • Hi Becky. I also just joined today after watching the show. I am 40 years old and at 270 pounds and want to be 150. I am going through some other big changes in my life so I decided why not jump in with both feet. My daughter (only child) is moving out of the house this month to go off to college so I have been depressed. I decided today to embrace the change run with it. I am spring cleaning, painting my house and upgrading some furniture so why not do the same with my health. I am tired of the back pain and lack of good sleep, no energy. This seemed like a great place to start. I was inspired by Tamara's story today. Maybe we can keep each other up to date on our progress. Good luck to you!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Welcome everyone!

    I think the BEST and most helpful thing you can do as someone new to MFP is stroll on over to the General Diet and Weight Loss Help forum and read all the posts "pinned" to the top.
    Here are links to those threads -- enjoy!
  • akaDumbo
    akaDumbo Posts: 187
    I wasn't watching the today show (I live in England) but if it makes people come to this site it must have been good.

    Welcome to all the new comers feel free to add me as a friend for mutual encouragement and support (or anyone else for that matter). I haven't been here very long but it is a great site.

    My advice to anybody new would be to be honest (even if you have pigged out) and fill in your diary like your life depended on it (it does). Try not to be too strict with yourself (you want to change your life not crash diet), small changes and time to adapt and allow yourself the occasional slip without guilt (it wont be the end of the world and you are not the worst person that ever lived you are a human being and we have all done it)

    Also drink plenty of water and increase your activity but dont try to do too much too soon
  • 24paws
    24paws Posts: 2 Member
    Same here, though mine was pretzels and cream cheese! I just filled in all my info, and pray that this is the day to start getting my life back! I would love to have you as a friend to share our journey to a healthy weight and life.
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