I've been a bad girl...



  • thistimewillbedifferent
    thistimewillbedifferent Posts: 217 Member
    I sometimes bring my workout clothes to work and change right before leaving to go home. Makes it MUCH easier for me to feel mentally committed to working out by the time I finish my commute back from work. Plus, workout clothes are WAY comfier than business clothes! (unless you get to wear scrubs to work)
  • askrachel
    askrachel Posts: 1
    I like to use a 10k training app on my phone. It helped me begin running from 0 miles/week to about 20 miles/week within 4 weeks by alternating jogging and walking. It's helpful for me to have the little voice in my earbud telling me when to jog or walk. It also helps me a lot to have someone to egg me on. I have a running partner that I meet up with EVERY Tuesday and Thursday and sometimes on one weekend day. We both aim to do "training" runs 3x/week, so if we ever can't meet up, we still always text each other to make sure we're both doing it and to check on each other's mileage and speed.
  • Girl it happens when you get on a diet...all you gotta do is be strong and beat up your habits like a punching bag. Its hard I KNOW!!! But as soon as you get back on track you will feel amazing!!!! ~Samantha
  • I Like to dance to a song that comes on...Even if i look stupid.. And also clean...Cleaning your room or rearranging some stuff around burns those calories
  • PattyManuel
    PattyManuel Posts: 6 Member
    Cheer up, we all have those days. I started walking a few weeks ago, but between the rain, and lack of motivation, well... But, today, I discovered a series of DVDs called Leslie Sansome, Walk at Home. The one I tried today was called Walk Your Belly Flat, and it was quite fun. They have them at Walmart for $10.00, or you can order them from Amazon.com I think you can check some of them out on youtube also. Try it out and see what you think. It may be the thing that will help you, i know im excited about it!!!!
  • conniemaxwell5
    conniemaxwell5 Posts: 943 Member
    Got it! Sounds easier than done but I'll do my best.

    I have another concern though. What do you guys do when you feel sooooo darn lazy to work out? I don't have the time to do it in the morning so I do it when I get home from work and my job's really tiring.

    You'll never FIND the time. You have to MAKE the time. Get up earlier in the morning. You'll have more energy throughout the day and sleep better at night. I get up at 4 every day, work out for 45-60 minutes, shower and go to work for 10 hours, then have some sort of activity almost every night of the week. I typically get 5-6 hours of sleep and feel good all the time.
  • grimendale
    grimendale Posts: 2,153 Member
    I promise myself to work out for at least 15 minutes. I can do anything for 15 minutes right? After that, I can quit if I want. Typically, once I get going, I feel good and don't want to stop. If not, at least I got 15 minutes of exercise, and that's better than nothing. In that case, you just do the same thing the next night.
  • slkehl
    slkehl Posts: 3,801 Member
    Honestly, squeezing in a workout isn't going to burn *that* many calories. Sure, it helps, but if you don't have time, you really gotta focus on eating less. And that means logging everything that goes in your mouth.

    You're just starting out. It's hard, but don't let yourself fall away! When you mess up, just get back up again. This is all so worth it! And you've made some huge steps already by acknowledging that you need to lose weigh and by making plans to get it off.
  • auteurfille22
    auteurfille22 Posts: 251 Member
    So have I. Six double stuff oreos today, and I haven't worked out since Sunday. We got this girl! Let's get back on track NOW.
  • kweni16
    kweni16 Posts: 30
    Wow I'm in awe you guys! I went offline after my last post to get my *kitten* on my stationary bike for 30minutes and went back here to check replies and I'm really happy to see all the support I get from here!

    You guys are right. Resta are okay but should not be turned to laziness. I felt bad for the past days I missed eating right and working out.

    I'll keep on pushing through and once I'm sexay I'll make those who are making fun of me jealous lol!