29 things the uk does that the usa should be doing !



  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    We used to be able to drink at 18 here and have open containers everywhere, but a bunch of liberal crybabies got that changed.

    I agree about Markets. I hate Superstores.
  • vtmoon
    vtmoon Posts: 3,436 Member
    We used to be able to drink at 18 here and have open containers everywhere, but a bunch of liberal crybabies got that changed.

    I agree about Markets. I hate Superstores.

    liberal crybabies?
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    We used to be able to drink at 18 here and have open containers everywhere, but a bunch of liberal crybabies got that changed.

    I agree about Markets. I hate Superstores.

    liberal crybabies?

    That bunch that wants to ban anything they disapprove of others doing. :smile:

    In fairness, conservative crybabies get plenty of things banned too.
  • vtmoon
    vtmoon Posts: 3,436 Member
    We used to be able to drink at 18 here and have open containers everywhere, but a bunch of liberal crybabies got that changed.

    I agree about Markets. I hate Superstores.

    liberal crybabies?

    That bunch that wants to ban anything they disapprove of others doing. :smile:

    In fairness, conservative crybabies get plenty of things banned too.

    The age thing was done by MADD, was both sides agreeing on it after looking at the statistics. I hated it between age 18 & 21 but I understood why it was a good idea.
  • squindles
    squindles Posts: 350 Member
    1, 4, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 16, 26, and 29 are why I'd rather live in the U.S rather than the U.K.................:laugh:
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    I'm proud to be British lol. Number 1 - reminds me of student days drinking snakebite and black. Ugh.

    I was also lucky enough to go to university at a time when tuition was free, and graduate in Canterbury cathedral.

    Given a choice...I would live in France though :)

    As a teacher, I get 13 weeks paid holiday a year. Nice!

    Also, not on the list, we get a year for maternity leave. It makes me sad to hear of women in the US have g to go back to work when their baby is a few weeks old.
  • MacDHH
    MacDHH Posts: 34 Member
    I'm American but was living in London up to a year ago, and this list makes me miss it so much :)

    Totally agree on the maternity leave issue. I had both my kids in the UK and it was great to know I could spend that precious first year with them.

    That said, as for speaking with "dat accent," it totally depends. I lived in south London, and it's not the greatest accent. And as for public transport, well, the UK has nothing on the continent...public transport here is great.

    But pubs, especially pubs with playrooms for the kids, yeah, totally miss those!
  • PepperWorm
    PepperWorm Posts: 1,206
    I don't think it's about one country versus another I am british but have lived in America and Australia. If I could ban one thing it would be the ubiquitous multi national food companies and franchises. I would be happy to see the back of McDonalds, Pizza Hut et all even their healthy options are too fattening. I would also love to see a ban on food advertising on TV. I personally have not bought food from an outlet for 3 years and think all mfp pals should do the same. Like good old Martin Luther - I have a dream! If you don't eat junk tell people.

    Given the conversation - Martin Luther didn't have a dream, Martin Luther King Jr. did. Martin Luther is responsible for Protestantism, and as I understand it, the founding of America by the Puritans, though.


    Also, I work at Pizza Hut. I don't eat the food, but it's actually one of the better places I've worked at to get through college. Also, where the eff do you find ANY healthy option on the Pizza Hut menu? Trying to order healthy pizza is like taking this post seriously. You're doin' it wrong.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,369 Member
    Can't drink on the tube. Or shouldn't. - not the same thing unfortunately. Too many drunken louts in Britain. There is more to do in life than get p####d.
    Greggs is an abomination. Bring back artisan bakers. Mass produced bread and cakes are c##p.
    David Beckham has too many tattoos.
    Does anybody actually drink snakebite? I have never met anyone. Our beer is delicious. Not the lager rubbish. - the draught.
    University fees are extortionate and are ruining life for the next generation. Anyone who goes to uni will never be able to have children or buy a house until they are 40. I was lucky enough to get it for free. Good on you Scotland.
    This is the rant of an oldy. Not that the USA is any better. :laugh:
  • stephenenglish
    You don't have to pay to get well, that one does it for me!
    You can fight and die for your country at 18/19 but can't go into a bar!? that seems a little tough?
  • SteveJWatson
    SteveJWatson Posts: 1,225 Member
    I always thought the whole 'drinking age' thing was fairly arbitary anyway since it has always been 18, and in the village I grew up in, at least - it was common knowledge that the pub would sell you beer at 16, and the coppers turned a blind eye, mostly because it kept you out of the churchyard and mixing with adults, so you had to behave like one or youd get your *kitten* kicked in the carpark.

    Maybe thats just a country thing though, I hear they are pretty strict in the towns these days.
  • sedwards9999
    sedwards9999 Posts: 160 Member
    19 looks gross.
  • k8blujay2
    k8blujay2 Posts: 4,941 Member
    I agree with a few things on this list.

    Herein lies the problem with making University "more affordable" or "free"... 1) the US of A would have to get it's act together and take the State schools out of State control (to place them under federal control) AND they would have to raise taxes... Pretty sure there would be at least 50% the country and the majority of our congress that wouldn't be down with that... not to mention the banks that issue student loans and make a crap ton of money on college graduates.

    However, I am down for the bank holidays and 4 weeks paid vacation... Cursing on TV (it made me laugh when I was watching PramFace on Hulu) and boobs in ads, but then I grew up in the Netherlands.... And I definitely could do with more real castles... but because of the History of the UK (not just England) I'm kinda an Anglophile.
  • vtmoon
    vtmoon Posts: 3,436 Member

    Herein lies the problem with making University "more affordable" or "free"... 1) the US of A would have to get it's act together and take the State schools out of State control (to place them under federal control) AND they would have to raise taxes... Pretty sure there would be at least 50% the country and the majority of our congress that wouldn't be down with that... not to mention the banks that issue student loans and make a crap ton of money on college graduates.

    Based on this, I'm going to make a wild guess that you don't have a good grasp of student loans finances.

    This year the US government ( not private lenders) will make close to 60 billion in profits ( not revenue, profit) from the interest of student loans.

    Every year around 1.7 million students graduate school with a Bachelor degree.

    So to make school affordable without federal government takeover or raising taxes, you can just hand them a 50k check that goes only towards student loans with their bachelor degree.

    Problem solved and will be an incentive for students to actually graduate and contribute.

    Sadly, nothing as simple as that in the US anymore, cause lobbying and special interest feed on making sure the country stay divided to prevent common sense solutions. Cause they led most people to believe if you don't agree with one side, you must supporting the other.
  • anemoneprose
    anemoneprose Posts: 1,805 Member
    As a British citizen I fully support this! HAHAHHA :laugh:

    ^^ add this. A sense of humour and humility about the self. (don't know if the link mentions that, didn't check it out). Seriously lacking in Americans.
  • mak061
    mak061 Posts: 19
    This is funny stuff. My husband made the best triffle I ever had. Yummm
    Personally, I love it. Though I'm not from the US and we know how pernickety and cranky they get with someone putting down their cobeuntry, even in jest...LOL

    Specially, when it's a former prisoners' colony!

    It is actually shocking that some of us Yanks do not know there were British penal colonies here before the American Revolution. I got into a disagreement with a teacher and an Aussie over it with them failing to believe that there were British penal colonies here at one time.

    awh yeahh, I am an Auzzie and I knew that there were British penal colonies before the American Revolution..
    Aust beats both places just quietly
  • mcfc4tony
    mcfc4tony Posts: 107 Member
    And that makes me SOOOOOOOOOOO proud to be English! :drinker: