Breathing while jogging

Hey everyone!

So, some time ago my husband and I decided to run a 10k (the first one for me). I've been training like crazy, but I'm having issues with my breathing. I have read forums and tried everything: 5 short breaths and a long one, breathing in through the nose and out through the mouth... no matter what I do I always end-up gassy :laugh: and with abdominal pains.

What are your breathing tips while running? Has this ever happened to you? I'm fearing this might have to do with the fact that I am still overweight :cry: and I hope that's not the problem because I'm supposed to run on June 9th and I'm getting pretty anxious.

Thanks in advance!


  • 55in13
    55in13 Posts: 1,091 Member
    I breath only through my nose, regularly paced lung filling large breaths. If you are panting then your pace is too fast for current conditioning level.
  • StephieWillcox
    StephieWillcox Posts: 627 Member
    I am using the C25K app (week 5) and I have found that my breathing works best when I breathe in for 3 strides, and then out for 3 strides.

    My strides are super short as I run in the ball strike motion, so it's about a 1 second breathe in, 1 second breathe out.

    Make sure you do abdominal breathing (so as you inhale make sure your stomach is being pushed out) as this will stop cramps and pains.

    Good luck :)
  • ellycope
    ellycope Posts: 80 Member
    I've found that singing a song under my breath helps as it helps to regulate the breathing but without adding the stress of counting strides, etc. Find a song you like or one that seems to match your running tempo and breathe the words as you run. I think it helps you take deeper breaths and then also breathe out for longer so it should help! I'm not sure I've explained it very well but it might help!

    Good luck, enjoy the training and the race!
  • IHeart90s
    IHeart90s Posts: 38 Member
    I breath only through my nose, regularly paced lung filling large breaths. If you are panting then your pace is too fast for current conditioning level.

    I think I tried that, but after some minutes I forgot and started breathing through the mouth again, LOL. Maybe I should concentrate a bit more. Thank you!
  • IHeart90s
    IHeart90s Posts: 38 Member
    I am using the C25K app (week 5) and I have found that my breathing works best when I breathe in for 3 strides, and then out for 3 strides.

    My strides are super short as I run in the ball strike motion, so it's about a 1 second breathe in, 1 second breathe out.

    Make sure you do abdominal breathing (so as you inhale make sure your stomach is being pushed out) as this will stop cramps and pains.

    Good luck :)

    I will definitely check out that app! Thank you very much for your tips =D
  • IHeart90s
    IHeart90s Posts: 38 Member
    I've found that singing a song under my breath helps as it helps to regulate the breathing but without adding the stress of counting strides, etc. Find a song you like or one that seems to match your running tempo and breathe the words as you run. I think it helps you take deeper breaths and then also breathe out for longer so it should help! I'm not sure I've explained it very well but it might help!

    Good luck, enjoy the training and the race!

    That's a good tip, will definitely try to apply it. Thanks!
  • 55in13
    55in13 Posts: 1,091 Member
    A little further clarification - when I said "If you are panting", I meant "If you have to pant". Not a minor difference; most people will breathe harder than they really have to when they first start running.
  • Rockstar_JILL
    Rockstar_JILL Posts: 514 Member
    I find I am breathing pretty good, but I get a runny nose when I run...anyone know why this happens?
  • jwh225
    jwh225 Posts: 45 Member
    Are you sure your abdominal pains are not side stitches?
  • Marlene_33
    Marlene_33 Posts: 211 Member
    What works best for me is breathing in through my nose and out my mouth. Then a deep breath in and out throughout my run. It has taken me some time to do this; I seriously have to concentrate on my breathing. Otherwise, I may forget to breath. LOL!
    I think as your train, you will figure out what works best for you. Just don't give up! :)
  • lollypop114
    lollypop114 Posts: 31
    I find I am breathing pretty good, but I get a runny nose when I run...anyone know why this happens?

    I don't know why but I am EXACTLY the same. It really bugs me. At first I thought it was running in the cold but now summer is here (?) I'm still running while I'm running.
  • crista_b
    crista_b Posts: 1,192 Member
    I find I am breathing pretty good, but I get a runny nose when I run...anyone know why this happens?
    It's possible that it's rhinitis, but I don't think so. Exercise causes the mucous membranes and metabolism to increase their work.

    More in-depth answer here:

    ETA: I have the same problem. I try not to sniffle since it affects breathing, so instead, I wipe my nose with my hands since I have to clean myself up anyway (showering) when I get home.
  • Marlene_33
    Marlene_33 Posts: 211 Member
    I find I am breathing pretty good, but I get a runny nose when I run...anyone know why this happens?

    I do to, but usually on breezy days. I figured it was my allergies.
  • crista_b
    crista_b Posts: 1,192 Member
    I've found that singing a song under my breath helps as it helps to regulate the breathing but without adding the stress of counting strides, etc. Find a song you like or one that seems to match your running tempo and breathe the words as you run. I think it helps you take deeper breaths and then also breathe out for longer so it should help! I'm not sure I've explained it very well but it might help!

    Good luck, enjoy the training and the race!
    Good idea! I'm only on week 3/week 4 of c25k (I switch it up depending on how sore my legs are from lifting), but I'm trying to better my breathing before moving on to the longer running weeks.
  • Rockstar_JILL
    Rockstar_JILL Posts: 514 Member
    I find I am breathing pretty good, but I get a runny nose when I run...anyone know why this happens?

    I don't know why but I am EXACTLY the same. It really bugs me. At first I thought it was running in the cold but now summer is here (?) I'm still running while I'm running.

    I totally get the sniffles and almost need to bring a few Kleenex with me on my run...Hard to breathe and sniff at the same time! LOL
  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    I breath though my mouth and nose at the same time. I needs the O2! I don't worry so much about any sort of breathing pace. If I get side stitches I then exhale on the non hurting side.

    Are you slouching forward when you run? I push my shoulders back a bit and slightly lean ahead. If you are crunched up some bad breathing things might happen.
  • 6spdeg
    6spdeg Posts: 394 Member
    i just do slow long controlled breaths primarily through my nose. This will keep heart rate lower so you can do more work. yes you do have to think about it for sometime till it becomes second nature. Yoga may also be good if you have a class on breathing techniques as well.
  • jar41yo6m
    jar41yo6m Posts: 108 Member
    I am using the C25K app (week 5) and I have found that my breathing works best when I breathe in for 3 strides, and then out for 3 strides.

    My strides are super short as I run in the ball strike motion, so it's about a 1 second breathe in, 1 second breathe out.

    Make sure you do abdominal breathing (so as you inhale make sure your stomach is being pushed out) as this will stop cramps and pains.

    Good luck :)

    I'm not using C25K, but agree on breathing in strides. I'm 2 steps in and 2 steps out, it was never planned I just happens about 1/4 mile into the run. Everything before that is kind of random as my heartrate is coming up.
  • badbradclark
    badbradclark Posts: 47 Member
    Do what's comfortable - mouth - nose - whatever. I've always breathed through the mouth when running or cycling and when I started reading about how that was the "wrong" thing to do I decided to do some research. My research lead me to many articles including this one ( that validated that what I chose to do was not actually wrong.

    Some people mouth breath, some nose breath. My research led me to conclude that neither is wrong. However, the one factor that affects my cycling is that you can take in much more oxygen through the mouth than through nose. Watch a cycling even some time when the cyclists are sprinting or climbing - their mouths are hanging wide open.
  • michele2377
    michele2377 Posts: 50 Member
    I can't get the breathing thing down either. In my head it feels like I sound like the Hulk having an orgasm. I start feeling like I can't catch my breath. I feel great after my runs and feel like I could've went alot further if it wasn't for that whole having to breath crap.