What do you think? Silly question . . .



  • khall86790
    khall86790 Posts: 1,100 Member
    I never even notice the advertisements on here, but I've heard others complaining about it.
    Apparently it's meant to be something to do with things you commonly search for? Right now mine are clothes... sounds about right. :laugh:
  • sheepysaccount
    sheepysaccount Posts: 608 Member
    Just install Ad Block Plus. It gets rid of all ads on all sites. No more stupid, annoying sabotaging ads.

    On a "funnier" note. On a games site I play at (was made for college students, but now it's turned "family friendly" meaning it's mostly for kids) where we are not allowed to speak about things like dating, relationships, politics and whatnot, I get ads for dating and pron sites. I am slightly concerned...
  • khall86790
    khall86790 Posts: 1,100 Member
    The ads come up based on your searches - eg mine comes up with ebay, weight loss sites, lite n easy (a food delivery service here in Australia) from your search engine.

    So at some point, you must have searched for pizza....

    I disagree, atm im gettin ads for tooway (something to do with internet speeds)
    Zero dark thirty (gonna say its a film.. as its on blu ray an dvd...)

    and Vodafone, this one.. yes i did go on vodafones website last night.... the other 2 though, i have no idea?

    And im the only one with access to my laptop

    Zero Dark Thirty is most likely on there as maybe you are a member of Netflix or another movie site? Alternatively, you've searched for movies.
    As for internet speeds, that would most likely be related to any search about internet providers or questions/things you've searched on general internet problems.
  • Bbwnomore2
    Bbwnomore2 Posts: 225 Member
    i never see ads, why? probly because i don't care lol. i assume they keep this site free. And i like free!!
  • cherryd69
    cherryd69 Posts: 340
    The ads come up based on your searches - eg mine comes up with ebay, weight loss sites, lite n easy (a food delivery service here in Australia) from your search engine.

    So at some point, you must have searched for pizza....

    I disagree, atm im gettin ads for tooway (something to do with internet speeds)
    Zero dark thirty (gonna say its a film.. as its on blu ray an dvd...)

    and Vodafone, this one.. yes i did go on vodafones website last night.... the other 2 though, i have no idea?

    And im the only one with access to my laptop

    Zero Dark Thirty is most likely on there as maybe you are a member of Netflix or another movie site? Alternatively, you've searched for movies.
    As for internet speeds, that would most likely be related to any search about internet providers or questions/things you've searched on general internet problems.

    Netflix nope

    internet problems nope..

    Random :D
  • BonnieFife
    BonnieFife Posts: 104 Member
    I think its what is commonly searched for, just now i'm getting adds for mobile networks & holidays lol, but i here ya why have adds on a fitness & diet site for pizza hut, mcdonalds etc
  • Fozzi43
    Fozzi43 Posts: 2,984 Member
    I have ASDA advertisements :laugh:
  • Pearsquared
    Pearsquared Posts: 1,656 Member
    It could be remarketing. You would only receive remarketing ads if you have visited that site (or a site owned by those people) within 30 days and you have cookies enabled (most people do). That's why everyone is seeing different ads, and some specially catered to their own local area (although this can be the the result of location targeting as well).

    It could also be that since so many people are referencing the desire for cakes, cookies, etc. on this site (cravings!), those ads are showing up as being "relevant". A pizza place would have pizza in their keywords, and if a forum or thread references that a lot in context, that ad is more likely to show up.

    The whole point of that text above was to say that they probably aren't doing it intentionally (but they could be!). Guess who does Google AdWords for a living? -Points at self-
  • MaydayParadeGirl
    MaydayParadeGirl Posts: 190 Member
    The ads come up based on your searches - eg mine comes up with ebay, weight loss sites, lite n easy (a food delivery service here in Australia) from your search engine.

    So at some point, you must have searched for pizza....

    yeah i don't think you is advertising some food place i've never heard of that doesn't exisit in my state, and a clothes store that sells old lady clothes that i've never heard of and allstate...I don't even have a driver's liscense so why would i have ever looked up car insurance?
  • socioseguro
    socioseguro Posts: 1,679 Member
    I was just glancing thru some of the recent posts, and each time I would go to a new post, a giant Dominoes Pizza ad would pop up on the right side of the screen. It was so huge, and so obviously calling my name. Lots of pics of pizzas and sandwiches and garlic bread, and great deals and coupons, and they even deliver. I can even order on line, wouldn't even have to get up from my desk.

    Is it just me, or is that a terrible way to sabotage someone's day, by advertising pizza and garlic bread (with extra cheese:wink: ), on a weight-loss/fitness site??!!

    And, for those of you out there that want to preach to me, I know, I know, I should have enough will power not to order a pizza, which I do. I have no intention of calling them, but not everyone may be in that place today . . . just a thought . . . what do you guys think??? Just curious - obviously this is not critical in the big picture, but it's now 10:00 pm in So California and that has been the only advertisement I have seen all day, each time I signed on to the site . . .

    MFP makes money by selling ads. These ads are based on your "cookies" meaning whatever web site your computer has visited recently. If you do not like Pizza ads, delete the "cookie" from your web history.
    Just remember MFP software and all the computer server infrastructure cost money. We (MFP users) are not paying. Ads pay for all the cost.
  • ornatelykate
    you're right! Unfortunately online you can't always do something about it, when mcdonalds commercials come on the tv or radio - I change it IMMEDIATELY. There is no reason I need to even HEAR the word "cheeseburger".
  • ornatelykate
    oh yea i'm sure she's researching pizza. Get out, I don't believe that for a second.
  • ythannah
    ythannah Posts: 4,369 Member
    I was getting a lot of banner ads for McDonalds, and I've NEVER been on their site. Ditto Zulily, their ad is usually in the sidebar interchangably with a US weight loss clinic -- another topic I've never searched.

    Come to think of it, the majority of the ads are for US businesses. And I'm not in the US.
  • cherryd69
    cherryd69 Posts: 340
    Im now getting cow & gate adverts with giffgaff and clinlife :|

    bah wasnt even paying attention till this topic! *shakes fist at op*
  • lyttmab
    lyttmab Posts: 87 Member
    I was just glancing thru some of the recent posts, and each time I would go to a new post, a giant Dominoes Pizza ad would pop up on the right side of the screen. It was so huge, and so obviously calling my name. Lots of pics of pizzas and sandwiches and garlic bread, and great deals and coupons, and they even deliver. I can even order on line, wouldn't even have to get up from my desk.

    Is it just me, or is that a terrible way to sabotage someone's day, by advertising pizza and garlic bread (with extra cheese:wink: ), on a weight-loss/fitness site??!!

    And, for those of you out there that want to preach to me, I know, I know, I should have enough will power not to order a pizza, which I do. I have no intention of calling them, but not everyone may be in that place today . . . just a thought . . . what do you guys think??? Just curious - obviously this is not critical in the big picture, but it's now 10:00 pm in So California and that has been the only advertisement I have seen all day, each time I signed on to the site . . .

    MFP makes money by selling ads. These ads are based on your "cookies" meaning whatever web site your computer has visited recently. If you do not like Pizza ads, delete the "cookie" from your web history.
    Just remember MFP software and all the computer server infrastructure cost money. We (MFP users) are not paying. Ads pay for all the cost.

    Agreed, we are fortunate to be on here for free! But my point, was if I was offering a website to folks who OBVIOUSLY have emotional issues with weight, or they wouldn't be on my site, I would not allow any temptation. There are PLENTY of other sites that are willing to buy space and time. And, yes, I am aware that I could delete my cookie history, but I shouldn't have to do that. There's a whole lot on there besides MFP.

    I'm just sayin' that I don't think it's the wisest choice of advertising EVEN IF I WAS ON A PIZZA SITE ORDERING PIZZA. All the more reason, I wouldn't want it to be showing up during the next two weeks, advertising what I'm obviously not supposed to be eating. But I've always been know for being ultra-sensitive to others' feelings, knowing when, where, and what should and should not be said . . . and putting temptation out there is just plain wrong! Sabotage???!!! Just sayin' . . .
  • leebeebumble
    leebeebumble Posts: 45 Member
    I have pizza every weekday for lunch...Lean Cuisine peperoni that is! Yummy!
  • neil4ad
    neil4ad Posts: 42 Member
    Ghostery is awesome for blocking adds. You can also try NoScript.

    I love pizza, but domino's is gross, so the ads don't bother me. :)
  • kganc001
    kganc001 Posts: 317
    My ads are always for Victoria's Secret...motivation complete. Haha
  • jade2112
    jade2112 Posts: 272 Member
    I use FireFox and downloaded the add-on ad block plus. I haven't seen and add or a pop-up in literally years.
  • I_Will_End_You
    I_Will_End_You Posts: 4,397 Member
    I installed an ad-block program into my browser... so I have no idea what you're talking about. :wink: