5'1 - 5'2 ladies whats your goal weight :)



  • Bekahmardis
    Bekahmardis Posts: 602 Member
    5'2" (5'3" on a good day), 42 years old in menopause with a teeny tiny frame. My starting weight was 120, my current weight is 112 and my goal weight is 110, so I'm almost there. yay!
  • worldsbestauntie
    worldsbestauntie Posts: 280 Member
    I'm 5'2.5" (though I tend to tell people I'm 5'3"!) My goal is to get down to 120. I had a friend who recently told me that when she was in school her doctor told her that a 5 foot person should weigh 100lbs and for every inch after that you add 5lbs. Don't know how accurate that is, but it seems reasonable.
  • roosterfish81
    roosterfish81 Posts: 13 Member
    Hi everyone!

    I am 32, 5'1 and my starting wieght was 216. I am currently 151 and looking to get down to 120. Once I get there, I'll see if I want to lose more or not. I have a feeling I might have to lose a bit more than that if I want to get rid of my tummy which will be the last thing to go and the death of me! :P

    There are so many of us shorter ladies in the same boat!
  • g33kg0ddess
    g33kg0ddess Posts: 54 Member
    I'm 5'1 and my goal weight is 120 lbs. I'd like to keep some meat on. :)
  • k9t8a8
    k9t8a8 Posts: 30
    I'm (just) 5'1 and aiming fo120-125, although I may re-evaluate along the way. I'm more concerned with lean muscle mass at this point, so if I get the "look" I want at a higher number on the scale I'll be satisfied. Yay for shorties :drinker:
  • KentWhiteRabbit
    KentWhiteRabbit Posts: 92 Member
    Hi Fellow shorties!

    I'm 5' 1/2" (the 1/2" is important!), 42 years young and aiming for 122lb. At my heaviest I was 136lb. I would love to fit comfortably in a UK size 10 maybe even get in my size 8 jeans again!
  • enewsome2
    enewsome2 Posts: 355 Member
    I'm 5'1" and 25 years old. I started around 155-160 and am aiming for 115. Any other shorties with similar goals, feel free to add me. I'm in the home strech now and I'm struggling! Lol!
  • kayblossom9
    kayblossom9 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi all, I'm 5'1", 29 years old and currently 202 lbs. The best adult weight I've ever achieved was 140. I don't think I appreciated how well I'd done and let it creep back on again over the last 3 years. I'd love to reach 140 again, but am taking it one step at a time. Using the 5:2 diet, my first goal is 168, then we'll see... Good luck to all the little ladies out there! x
  • Tameda30
    Tameda30 Posts: 11 Member
    I'm 5'1" 1/2 and I want to ultimately get to 115-120. I'm trying to have another baby so my current goal is 138 or below before getting pregnant. I'm at 140 now so it's completely doable.
  • Goldfishnyc
    Goldfishnyc Posts: 3 Member
    I'm 5'2". My starting weight was 98 and I am current happy at 93. My measurements are 32 23 33 and I generally buy the smallest size available. I love Jbrand jeans because they make a 23. I don't do any cardio per se, but I take Core Fusion barre classes 5 times a week at Exhale Spa, and I also lift heavy 4 times a week at a gym. My main goal is to get a real six pack!
  • peasgarden
    peasgarden Posts: 148 Member
    Im 5'2, im at a healthy weight, however having a small frame i look my best when im 110-112 my tummy carries the extra pounds.
    Im want to be stronger, and more toned. My UGW is between 110-112. Right now i'm at 117.
  • PixieAdele
    PixieAdele Posts: 102 Member
    Heya I'm 5ft1 female age 25 and my goal weight is 106lb/48kg. Currently at 109.5lb been maintains against my will at 110lb for a month while trying to get down, been eating 1200cals, this last few days I've been netting 1000cals and lost the half a pound. I don't feel fatigued so I'm going to stick with 1000cals for a week or so, see how it goes.

    I've maintained muscle however and lost a few percentages of body fat in that month of maintaining 110 so it hasn't been all bad.
  • abva98
    abva98 Posts: 2
    I'm 5'1 with a very petite bone structure and look great at 95
  • berriboobear
    berriboobear Posts: 524 Member
    Right now I'm aiming for 125-130 (i'm 5"1), still got a lot of work to do!
  • Christinamarie77
    Christinamarie77 Posts: 50 Member
    5' 3/4" (always weight from 98 to 105 until I hit 28 - 30 and yes I was healthy)

    I weigh 130 right now. My doctor would like to see 115-120, I would like to see 108.

    Ideally I'd be happy with 110-115 but with NSV in mind here is my list:

    I want to look down and not see a "belly" that hangeth over even a little.
    Wear my size fours in comfort.
    get my waist back down to 29 inches.

    I'm almost 36, and I've always been super tiny. I just wanna feel good again about me.
  • Christinamarie77
    Christinamarie77 Posts: 50 Member
    I'm 5'2". My starting weight was 98 and I am current happy at 93. My measurements are 32 23 33 and I generally buy the smallest size available. I love Jbrand jeans because they make a 23. I don't do any cardio per se, but I take Core Fusion barre classes 5 times a week at Exhale Spa, and I also lift heavy 4 times a week at a gym. My main goal is to get a real six pack!

    I'm barely 5 foot and at 100-105 looked semi-anorexic to those around me (mind you I could eat a full pizza myself at that time), what kind of calorie intake do you do??
    Having a "starting weight" of 98 seems borderline eating disorder or similar issues and should be a red flag. Just a concerned user checking on something that seems alarming to her, not judging. At 100, 98 or 93lbs you shouldn't even need to know what this site is or join it. I sure as hell wouldn't.
    Please be careful.
  • TaureanWoman
    TaureanWoman Posts: 26 Member
    I'm 5'2, my current weight is 156lbs and my goal is 138lbs toned and fit. That is about the max where I should be but I would be comfortable at that weight. With my shape and current weight, after doing a bit of JM30DS I can fit into a size 7/8. My goal is to fit into 5/6 comfortably.
  • I'm 5'2 (maybe 5'3) I haven't been measured this year.

    I'm 20 y.o and I'm at 92 lbs now but want to be 96 to 100 :)
  • Kestrel45
    Kestrel45 Posts: 133
    5'2" here

    Goal is 125. But I'm getting to 130 and re-evaluating from there :)
  • I am 5'1 and my goal weight is about 120lbs. I have a bit of a larger/wide frame so when I get down around 110-115 I look sickly even though that is my "suggested healthy weight". I am 26 years old and I currently weigh 173lbs, I started at 203 (which is the heaviest I've ever been) and still have a long ways to go. Although, I may change my goal as I get closer, I like having boobs and a booty! :laugh: They both have started to deflate a bit already so I'll see where I am after I lose another 30 or so pounds. If I get to keep some boobs and booty I think I'd be ok with 130-140. :bigsmile: