Not losing weight

I've been working really hard! I lost weight at first but now ice remained the same.
I'm 24, five feet one inch tall.
I work out 5x a week:

Monday- 30-45 min dance aerobics, then 30 min core strengthening class
Tuesday- 30 min on treadmill or elliptical, then strength training
Wednesday- 30-45 min dance aerobics class, then 30 min core class
Thursday- 30 mins elliptical or cycling and strength training
Friday- 30-45 mins dance aerobics class, and strength training
Saturday- off
Sunday- off

I eat clean (I cheat here and there to stay sane!) and usually 1200 calories a day after making up the ones I burned.
I've lost inches for sure! Around 3 so far. I still have a bit more to go before I start to see defined abs.
I weight on average 143 but weight isn't as important to me as inches but it would be nice to see the scale move.
What can I do?

Also- any good supplements you guys have tried for women?


  • Lauracharder
    Lauracharder Posts: 141 Member
    bump - to read replies later ;)
  • herblackwings39
    herblackwings39 Posts: 3,930 Member
    3 inches is awesome! Congrats. How long have you been at this? How long has the scale been still? Since your exercise routine is fairly steady have you tried figuring your BMR and TDEE to make sure your calorie goal is okay? Do you weigh and measure you food to make sure you've got an accurate accounting?

    If the scale isn't moving, but you're losing inches you're still making progress. Maybe take your measurements and pictures so you can see the changes in your body if not the scale.
  • ERAY13
    ERAY13 Posts: 17 Member
    How long have you been following that regimen?
  • melissadsims
    melissadsims Posts: 59 Member
    I am on week 9 currently. My strength training routine is made by a coach so we are making it harder this week actually.

    I do my best to log everything I eat and eat small portions. I am pretty routine actually. Typical day is:

    Breakfast: 1 egg on an English muffin with a slice of cheese and deli sliced meat
    Snack: 1 yoplait light yogurt
    Lunch: kale/fruit smoothie with chai seed and coconut milk
    Snack: either pita chips and hummus or salsa,
    Snack: 1 cup of fresh fruit (raspberries, black berries, strawberries, peaches or watermelon)
    Dinner: varies. Today was two small chicken tenders that I made in a Rice Krispies/sesame seed mix that was then baked, over 3/4 cup of brown rice with a homemade orange sauce
    Then 2x a week I let myself have 1/2 cup ice cream or a small no egg light butter cookie (amazing recipe that you make in the MICROWAVE!!!)
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    You could stand to increase your calories a bit, but overall you are doing very well. Losing inches is the goal and the scale matters little in comparison. It could be that you are retaining a bit of water, which is causing the scale number to remain unchanged.

    Keep up the good work.
  • hollyscofield7
    hollyscofield7 Posts: 11 Member
    I've been told that if your calorie intake is too low you won't lose weight. I eat a salad a day. That's it. And a pot of coffee. Maybe one or two days a week I have a cheat day where I have fish or chicken and some vegetables. I've been doing that for 6 weeks and have lost 35 lbs. But a lot of people have told me your body will go into starvation mode if it doesn't get enough. What I did is added some walking into my workout routine. So I would say change up your workout and see if that helps. Also, strange as it may sound, and please do as I say, not as I do lol, you may have to add some calories into your diet, like more fruit or protein. Good luck and keep up the good work!
  • ERAY13
    ERAY13 Posts: 17 Member
    I'd recommend cutting out the grain-y carbs - i.e. no more English Muffins and brown rice. You can always add them back in once you get to your desired weight. Note: you are still getting carbs via vegetables, fruits, beans, etc. But those grains can really hold us back. Also, be patient. Sometimes it takes longer. Are you mixing cardio IN with your strength training? (both during the same workout? Maybe mix up your workup a bit. Sounds like you have hit a plateau. It happens and it's frustrating, but you can overcome it by tricking your body. :)
  • kohldawg9
    kohldawg9 Posts: 13
    Hi there, I'm new here but not new to losing weight. Your body gets used to the exercises you do regularly. You need to mix up your actitivty to keep your body guessing and then you'll see more weight coming off like in the beginning.
    Aim for HIIT. High Intensity Interval Training. Keep your body working hard....your muscles...keep em' guessing. Try an exercise routine you haven't done. How about do yoga or pilates on a day you would normally do aerobic dancing? Or take a day off through the week and work out on a Sat or Sun instead!? Also could try upping your veggies and water...I find that makes a difference too.

    Good luck :)
  • melissadsims
    melissadsims Posts: 59 Member
    I have been trying to cut back my carbs, as they are a total weakness for me, which is why I do smoothies for lunches. I have considered not doing the english muffin in the morning, but what I love about that breakfast is that it completely holds me over. I am not hungry when I have my 10am snack but eat it so that I don't get starving. So I am worried that if I cut that out, that I would not remain content. I could try it next week and see. And I have tried to increase my veggie intake by making sure there is a lot of kale in my smoothies. I do eat veggies with dinner depending on what it is. So example: tonight's dinner is about 1/4 cup of grilled sirloin with steamed brocooli, carrots, red pepper and snap peas and 2 tbs of a homemade ginger/soy sauce. (I'm such a planner that all of the dinners are completely planned out for a week, so there is no guessing.) And I have a goal for myself while at work to drink 3 of my 24oz waterbottles. Initially when I started going to the gym I wasn't hydrated enough or eating a snack before my workout and I was low on energy and got headaches. Now those don't happen. :)

    I actually was just thinking about trying out yoga on Saturday morning, but just at home with something from OnDemand or youtube while my husband is still sleeping. I go to the gym that is a couple minutes from my work, which is why I go Mon-Friday. I live about 20 minutes away and so its just easier to go when I get off work as I'm on my way home, still motivated and havent gotten relaxed yet. Unfortunately the classes during those time frames are the dance aerobics and the core strengthening class. Both instructors do a great job of mixing it up and surprising us, so I am ALWAYS sore and sweat a ton. (I sleep so well those nights!)

    And my strength training instructor switches my weights/strength routine for Tues/Thurs/Fri every 3 weeks. When I do my non-class gym days, I do cardio at the beginning, and that changes (sometimes cycling, sometimes tredmill, sometimes elliptical) then I end with weights. Should I intermix those?

    I could be better on my off days. I watch what I eat and the portions but I'm not as strict with myself on those 2 days. Example: I only drink coffee on Saturday and Sunday, I would be more likely to have a lunch that's not a smoothie, or not eat small snacks throughout the day. So I could definetly be better on those two days.
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    How are you measuring your calorie burn from exercise that you're eating back? That could be a big factor.
  • melissadsims
    melissadsims Posts: 59 Member
    I use myfitnesspal and enter it in. I know it's not entirely accurate. When I use a machine that estimates the calorie burn I go with that. I'm actually hoping to get the UP to help with this.
  • coop52
    coop52 Posts: 27 Member
    Eat more. 1200 is way too low if you do any sort of regular exercise. There's a thread on here about how to calculate how many calories you burn a day and how much you should eat. I think it's called "In place of a roadmap."
  • hollyscofield7
    hollyscofield7 Posts: 11 Member
    I know what you mean. Yesterday I worked out on my bike for 90 minutes, went on a half hour walk and just ate my salad for dinner (that's all I have all day, every day) but added some chicken. All I lost was .5 lbs. I'm livid right now. Just really pissed off. I've lost 35 lbs in the last 6 weeks and I know this is just a little bump in the road but still pisses me off. Try changing up your workout routine or add something to it and take something out. Try switching up your diet. Good luck!