Sabotoging my own diet

how do i stop sabotoging my own diet? when i do good i mess up on the weekends...


  • fietsvrouw
    fietsvrouw Posts: 50 Member
    It sounds like your intentions are divided and a part of you wants to lose weight while another part does not. I think if it were me, I would start by thinking journaling and/or talking with a therapist about why a part of me does not want to lose the weight. It can be anything - a fear of succeeding, an unconscious need for a protective layer. Sometimes recognizing and acknowledging the motivation behind the self-sabotage can be enough to stop it.
  • emilydiehl08
    I am the same way, but for me its not so much that I am sabotaging myself it is that it's easier during the week. I am at work all day, busy. I pack a lunch and I eat what I pack and I dont eat again until dinner is ready. On the weekend my boyfriend is home and we run around and do stuff all day and I'm more likely to eat out or munch all day.
  • oXGetFitBabeXo
    oXGetFitBabeXo Posts: 341 Member
    I dont think need a therapist i think i need more will power.

    and the people around me eat the most fatening food so it kinda sabotoges my diet when i wanna make something different.
  • terri_journey
    terri_journey Posts: 287 Member
    If you try to discipline yourself during the weekend as if it were a weekday, you might succeed. Try not to think of the weekend as "Free time". Remember this is a lifestyle change. While it is ok to treat yourself every once in awhile it isn't good to go crazy on the weekend. Stock up on good foods so if your at home you will not be tempted to eat junk.
    If you want it bad enough, you can do it. I'm living proof. I am doing it. You can too!!
  • Azkadelia
    Azkadelia Posts: 82 Member
    Good point Teri! I never thought of it that way. Everyday you should think of as the same. Weekend days are no different!
  • renaconnor
    renaconnor Posts: 38 Member
    I'm the same way!! I would suggest if you go out to eat to just make healthier food choices, pass on the bread or tortilla chips. I drink on the weekends so I stick to vodka waters. May not the be the healthiest but usually only eat twice a day Saturdays and Sundays so that's more cals in each meal. I also make sure I work out both days...that's the benefit vs. a work can get up leisurely and head straight to the gym!!
  • oXGetFitBabeXo
    oXGetFitBabeXo Posts: 341 Member
    Iost 75lbs a year and a half ago (it was pregnancy weight i put on) i've always been little.

    I end up counting calories and at the end of the weekend i'm still 128.5 ... i wanna lose about 4 pounds ( i dont have to lose very much)

    but no matter what i do around these people..

    last year i was 117lbs so i was considered " too skinny" to them..

    then i put on some weight.. not a whole lot but some..

    and i've been fluctuating between 125 & 128

    I mean i am disciplining buti have to take it to another level and its hard when people criticize you all the time about what your eating.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,121 Member
    How old are you? You look about 13 in the picture.

    Adults can make these kinds of choices, buy their own food, etc. That's a product of being an adult.
  • oXGetFitBabeXo
    oXGetFitBabeXo Posts: 341 Member
    I'm 28.
  • oXGetFitBabeXo
    oXGetFitBabeXo Posts: 341 Member
    Thanks for the compliment!

    The problem is living under a roof with your mother in law who is over weight and *****es when something different is made in her kitchen i cant stand it.