Best compliment you ever had?

KyliexBird Posts: 42
edited September 21 in Motivation and Support
Time to remeber how awesome we are, and how good it is to be healthy!

The best compliment I EVER recieved was actually this past roommate had a friend over (whom I never met before) who is a 5'9 120 yogi model! Talk about someone to look up to...

Anyways, we are in my living room and she is looking at all my workout equipment (pullup bar, 8 to30lb dumbells, ect) She asked who's it was and I told her mine...and she straight looked me in my face and said,

"Hun, no wonder you have a fantastic toosh! Your going to be dangerous when you reach your goal! Un-FREAKING-STOPPABLE!"

:D A freaking gorgous model gave me a straight up compliment!! <3

Whats you moment of..."oh SNAP?! Really? You noticed!" lol.


  • Raina0512
    Raina0512 Posts: 216
    'Girl, if I looked like you, I would never wear any clothes!'

    That was a 'Lol!' moment :laugh:
  • thebamboophoenix
    thebamboophoenix Posts: 58 Member
    I got mine last week... Was at an event, and was emailed the following day and told "You were breathtakingly beautiful yesterday to be honest" - the man in question not the object of my affection, but lovely anyway to be told!
  • Lawls. Awesome compliment to receive!
  • canroadrunner
    canroadrunner Posts: 203 Member
    This weekend, first date.
    Told me that the first thought when the door opened for the first time was "OMG, she has incredible eyes".
  • smuehlbauer
    smuehlbauer Posts: 1,041 Member
    I had a co-working of mine give me a quarter. When I asked him what it was for he told me to put it in my pocket so I wouldn't blow away. (I thought that was cute)

    And my other one is not something that was said, but I love it when I'm on my walks and the guy in the car get's busted by the wife/gf for checking me out and they get elbowed. LOL!
  • I don't know that this was the best compliment I have ever received but it made me feel really good! My ex husband was visiting about 2 months ago and we saw each other a little bit so he could spend time with the kids. He kept telling me over and over again how great I looked. He could hardly keep his eyes off me! It felt so good. I am not losing weight to make him miss what he can't have anymore, but I must admit I liked knowing he was probably regretting a lot right about then!
  • toddgaines
    toddgaines Posts: 130
    I'm not sure about the best compliment I've had, but I had the worst one from my Mother in Law a couple weeks ago. She said "Wow, you're like half a man now". I wasn't really sure how to take that one, but I found it pretty funny.
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    Two weeks ago my friends 9 year old who I hadn't seen in a couple months ran into the house, stop stared at me and went. "Wow you got skinner." When a hyperactive 9 year old notices you know you are doing good.
  • havingitall
    havingitall Posts: 3,728 Member
    I had taken my kids to see their dad ( my ex-husband) in hospital. My daughter was complaining about me taking some of her steak the night before and my ex said " Well it doesn't look like she would eat much of it now"
  • This was a couple months ago but one day at school I wore a pretty form fitting shirt & tight jeans (well my jeans are always tight because my waist is a size 5 but my thighs are at least a size 7 so i wear size 5 because I don't like how belts can scrunch up and make me look like i have some "manly baggage" in the front XD) BUT ANYWAY, I walked into class one day and my friend was like "OMG you're soo skinny!" Simple compliment, but being called "soo skinny" was a shock haha.
  • sublimechik28
    sublimechik28 Posts: 74 Member
    my friend told me one day " Ur soo skinny im jealous to stop losing weight" lol uhh no im gonna keep losing until i get what i want lol its weird to be called skinny cuz i aint lol but she wants to lose weight but wont stick to anything like a healthy diet and exercise!!! and then she tells me how she wont eat all day sometimes and etc it makes me sad when she tells me stuff like that. i burned her work out dvds gave her meal plans etc she jus doesnt stick to it oohhhh well i told her she could lose weight if she follwed my advice lol these people!! if u really want it u can do it
  • millerll
    millerll Posts: 873 Member
    Today a co-worker told me that if I kept losing weight, I'd have to start clothes shopping in the kids' section soon! Too funny! (And not nearly true, but I appreciated it all the same.)
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    the other day i had lunch with my ex and when he saw me I got a "WOW" along with a jaw drop. lol. i thought that was pretty good hahah
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    yesterday i got asked to dinner by a guy friend of mine. he wanted to meet up at 8 but i said 7 is my cut off time cuz I'm trying to watch my figure...he said "Oh come on, you've had a barbie doll figure ever since I met you" hahah I wish!
    I was really thin when i met him but have gained weight since. never the less, made me blush :blushing:
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