Cant stop eating fast food!

I have been "trying" to lose weight for the past...oh I don't know,...since I was 13!
thanks to my parents and theyre none self control, I adapted the bad eating habits that they had. And so here I am...268 pounds, 5'6 and im 25 years old. I don't remember the last time I was this big. I think it was in high school freshman year. I was at 270. I lost 80 pound during my senior year thanks to my friend Alexandra. And then came the freshman 30! yes I gained 30 pounds my freshman year in college. I didn't mind, I was having a great time.

And then I came back home. Another 15 pounds. Fast forward 4 years, I piled on another 20 pounds. 1 more year passed, another 13 pounds and that is how I am now 268!
Yes well thanks to my love for fast food, I have lost the battle against the bulge. I feel horrible, I hate going out anywhere. My husband is sad all the time because im sad all the time and I know its my weight. HELP ME!
I eat out at least 2 or times per week. I like cooking, but I love take out :(
I want to stop this NOW!
that's why im here. because I need some support and I need some tips and I just need to stop complaining about my weight and just do something about it.
I hope this time it works. I have tried for 6 months and my weight goes up and down but I want it to stay down for good this time around.
NO FAST FOOD FOR 1 MONTH! (lets see how that goes)


  • blondageh
    blondageh Posts: 923 Member
    You can do it! My husband is horribly addicted to fast food. It is really hard for him. I never was, in fact I went 7 yrs without having any fast food. But, then I met him and I started to become addicted too. I would look forward to lunch where I could stuff my face but got so sick of feeling miserable the rest of the day. I would feel sick all day long. I haven't had it for a couple of months and I feel so much better! You can DO IT. Just take it one week at a time. Make sure you always have healthy, fast snack and meals handy and ready to go. Plan your meals, it makes it so much easier to say no when you aren't starving.
  • LoosingMyLast15
    LoosingMyLast15 Posts: 1,457 Member
    I have been "trying" to lose weight for the past...oh I don't know,...since I was 13!
    thanks to my parents and theyre none self control, I adapted the bad eating habits that they had. And so here I am...268 pounds, 5'6 and im 25 years old. I don't remember the last time I was this big. I think it was in high school freshman year. I was at 270. I lost 80 pound during my senior year thanks to my friend Alexandra. And then came the freshman 30! yes I gained 30 pounds my freshman year in college. I didn't mind, I was having a great time.

    And then I came back home. Another 15 pounds. Fast forward 4 years, I piled on another 20 pounds. 1 more year passed, another 13 pounds and that is how I am now 268!
    Yes well thanks to my love for fast food, I have lost the battle against the bulge. I feel horrible, I hate going out anywhere. My husband is sad all the time because im sad all the time and I know its my weight. HELP ME!
    I eat out at least 2 or times per week. I like cooking, but I love take out :(
    I want to stop this NOW!
    that's why im here. because I need some support and I need some tips and I just need to stop complaining about my weight and just do something about it.
    I hope this time it works. I have tried for 6 months and my weight goes up and down but I want it to stay down for good this time around.
    NO FAST FOOD FOR 1 MONTH! (lets see how that goes)

    instead of setting unrealistic goals for YOURSELF (ie no fast food for 1 month) why not set realistic ones. say no fast food today. or better yet since you like to cook why not try making your favorite fast food items at home. you didn't put on the weight overnight so it's going to take time and you are going to fail. we all fail. it's how you recover that's more important. have a bad eating day go for a walk. start logging everything. you'll quickly see how much you are overeating and it will be an eye opener.
  • PlayerHatinDogooder
    PlayerHatinDogooder Posts: 1,018 Member
    I just need to stop complaining about my weight and just do something about it.

    Cut your fast food back a little (maybe once a week. No need to cut out for a month).

    Stop blaming your parents.

    Log your food and stay in a deficit.

    This isn't supposed to be a punishment. Enjoy yourself.
  • purple4sure05
    purple4sure05 Posts: 287 Member
    There are a lot of ways to go about this, and I commend you for trying to go cold turkey, but maybe you should set more reasonable goals so that you are less likely to give up? For instance, if you eat fast food 5 times a week now, maybe consider doing it 3x one week, 2 the next, etc? Or allowing yourself to get a burger or something, but replacing the drink and sides with water and veggies until you feel ready to cut it out altogether?

    Just some options :) I know when I try to go on an all-out restriction I get too overwhelmed and just call it off. If you think you can do it, more power to you, and I think you should go for it! Good luck :)
  • lcfairbairn74
    lcfairbairn74 Posts: 412 Member
    I wouldn't cut it out completely. Have fast food in moderation! Like the OP said, maybe once a week to start with? As long as it fits into your calories, and you are giving your body the nutrition it needs at other times there is no need to deny yourself everything. That used to be the path to failure for me because it wasn't sustainable! :noway:
  • jmadams111
    jmadams111 Posts: 145 Member
    I also love fast food and from previous experience know cutting it out just makes you want it more. Cut down on it just like you have to do on everything else; in my case I went from 1/4 pounder w/cheese and large fires to regular (kids meal) cheeseburger and NO fries....or reversed it.

    Good luck
  • RobynLB83
    RobynLB83 Posts: 626 Member
    There are a few approaches you can take. No fast food for a month is a fine idea. You can also focus on portion control, continue to eat fast food, and still lose weight. You can also look at something like a "Hungry Girl" cookbook and learn how to make faux junk food at home. Challenging yourself can be a great way to kickstart a healthy change, just don't get too discouraged if you falter or don't get the immediate results you want.
  • ldiaz0303
    ldiaz0303 Posts: 13
    thank you for all the great tips. I know what things are unhealthy and whats not. I have lost weight before but right now it feels like I have no patience. LOL I just want it to happen NOW, this is one of my problems. I just need to learn to take it one day at a time like my husband says. I planned meals for the rest of the week. So I know this will help. Nobody knows ur own body like u do.
  • ktbear510
    ktbear510 Posts: 6
    Check the nutrition values online before you go. I just did it for my lunch at DQ and picked the best option for me. It helps to go in with a plan!

    I got an original cheeseburger, with mayo & mustard only and a large sweet tea. I paired my burger with some raw pecans I had in my desk at work and BAM! I am full, got a "good" fat in and got my fast food!
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    When you cook at home do you have foods that enjoy when you go out, or do you try to eat "healthy" and eat only foods you think meets that term.

    There is nothing unhealthy about a burger made at home. Or nachos or tacos or sandwiches or pizza or even fries. Okay, so fries are not the healthiest food in town, but having them occasionally is not "bad". There are very few foods available at a fast food restaurant that can't be made deliciously but with less calories at home. You can eat the same foods in bigger portiions for the same calories.

    Try to get in the mindset that the not-so-healthy foods you love are treats. And there is nothing wrong with a treat now and then. If you really want fast food, then have it occasionally. Eat lighter at other meals that day, or workout a little extra if you need to make it fit within your goals for the day.
  • melindasuefritz
    melindasuefritz Posts: 3,509 Member
    depriving yoursel f will make u binge=
    eat healthier options
    or still e at crap and exercise so u can eat it a nd fi t itin caleries
  • gobraves47
    gobraves47 Posts: 213 Member
    You can do it! My advice is to plan ahead and always have some quick and easy to prepare meals on hand. I like to keep chicken tenderloins in the freezer that I can grill/saute/bake from frozen when I don't have anything else to fix. Good luck!
  • ldiaz0303
    ldiaz0303 Posts: 13
    There are a few approaches you can take. No fast food for a month is a fine idea. You can also focus on portion control, continue to eat fast food, and still lose weight. You can also look at something like a "Hungry Girl" cookbook and learn how to make faux junk food at home. Challenging yourself can be a great way to kickstart a healthy change, just don't get too discouraged if you falter or don't get the immediate results you want.

    Some times I look up recipes for weekends and do different stuff so I don't get bored with healthy foods lol
    But I JUst want to clean out my body I feel so bloated all the time and I know its because of the food ive been eating.
  • kitka82
    kitka82 Posts: 350 Member
    I have been "trying" to lose weight for the past...oh I don't know,...since I was 13!
    thanks to my parents and theyre none self control, I adapted the bad eating habits that they had. And so here I am...268 pounds, 5'6 and im 25 years old. I don't remember the last time I was this big. I think it was in high school freshman year. I was at 270. I lost 80 pound during my senior year thanks to my friend Alexandra. And then came the freshman 30! yes I gained 30 pounds my freshman year in college. I didn't mind, I was having a great time.

    And then I came back home. Another 15 pounds. Fast forward 4 years, I piled on another 20 pounds. 1 more year passed, another 13 pounds and that is how I am now 268!
    Yes well thanks to my love for fast food, I have lost the battle against the bulge. I feel horrible, I hate going out anywhere. My husband is sad all the time because im sad all the time and I know its my weight. HELP ME!
    I eat out at least 2 or times per week. I like cooking, but I love take out :(
    I want to stop this NOW!
    that's why im here. because I need some support and I need some tips and I just need to stop complaining about my weight and just do something about it.
    I hope this time it works. I have tried for 6 months and my weight goes up and down but I want it to stay down for good this time around.
    NO FAST FOOD FOR 1 MONTH! (lets see how that goes)

    instead of setting unrealistic goals for YOURSELF (ie no fast food for 1 month) why not set realistic ones. say no fast food today. or better yet since you like to cook why not try making your favorite fast food items at home. you didn't put on the weight overnight so it's going to take time and you are going to fail. we all fail. it's how you recover that's more important. have a bad eating day go for a walk. start logging everything. you'll quickly see how much you are overeating and it will be an eye opener.

    ^^^Exactly this. I started out just cutting back on soda, but tracking my food every day. After a while I said, hmm maybe I can make some better choices. That way I was able to gradually change my habits and it stuck. You can do it.
  • ldiaz0303
    ldiaz0303 Posts: 13
    depriving yoursel f will make u binge=
    eat healthier options
    or still e at crap and exercise so u can eat it a nd fi t itin caleries

    I know a lot of people say that about not eating fast food. but I have done it before and my body just felt so clean that I began to hate fast food, but after I had let that mind set go and started not caring about what I ate, of course it became harder and harder.
    but I know what u mean about exercising more but I just hate feeling sluggish. and that's what that food does.
  • tremont85
    tremont85 Posts: 1 Member
    Find healthy foods that taste good to you. When you crave fast food, eat healthy foods that taste good to you instead. That's what I have been doing for the past couple months, now I don't even enjoy the taste of fast food or soda. Also, maybe consider doing a cleanse. Even a two day one, such as the look better naked cleanse. Basically you have to convince your body that fast food and soda don't even taste good. Also, research how bad they really are for your body, especially all the chemicals and preservatives that are in them and this will become a turn off for you for fast food. It will take months, but you will not want to go back to your old eating habits after making this change.
  • pinkpatron
    pinkpatron Posts: 154
    It took me a long time, mainly because of how convenient it was to go out and eat, but now its been a year and ive maybe been out to eat two or three times.

    You gotta find new recipes! Its hard but you can do it.
  • BeckH888
    BeckH888 Posts: 7 Member
    You can do it!! If you track your food using this site and track your weight loss (yes, you will lose weight) like you did your weight gain - you're going to do great! Go out and have fun! Have you been out and about lately? I don't know where you live, but here in Arkansas, almost everyone's overweight!

    We have fast food all the time - my daughter's an athelete and my hubby and I work full time - so we're always on the go. At Wendy's, I have the grilled chicken wrap. At McDonald's I have the grilled chicken salad. At Chick fil a, grilled chicken. Get where I'm going with this? Yes, it's hard to pass up the fries, but I allow myself the fries, the pizza, etc every now and then.

    Plus the more your exercise (I just walk - a lot), the more you can eat. Pretty much any food you can think of is already in this database.

    Good luck - I know you can do it!
  • _Waffle_
    _Waffle_ Posts: 13,049 Member
    I have been "trying" to lose weight for the past...oh I don't know,...since I was 13!

    Stop "trying" and start trying for real. Plan your meals at least up through an afternoon snack the day before.
  • peopletalk
    peopletalk Posts: 519 Member
    i am/was a fast food addict.
    i would have it sometimes 2 times a day, but luckily i had an extremely active job so i stayed at generally 210lbs but i would probably gain a couple lbs a year
    but yes, i had fast food almost every day. i hated cooking, i loved the convenience and the taste. mcdonalds was a big one for me but i can honestly say the thought of mcdonalds makes me kinda sick now. i do want a teen burger atleast once a week though..

    what i did was a cut it down to only once or twice a week on weekends. eventually you get used to it. but now i realize if i'm really craving it, i will have it if it fits in my calorie goal.

    also, fast food like extreme pita is AMAZING. it fills you up and it's delicious and sooooooo low in calories. they have smoothies made of spinach too that just tastes like juice.
    find an extreme pita near you :) it'll help, now i'm addicted to wraps with tons of lettuce and veggies and grilled chicken :)