New member after seeing the Today Show

I am a 47, soon to be 48 year old wife and mother to a10 yr old daughter. My doctor told me a few years ago that I was pre-diabetic in addition to having high blood pressure, high triglicerides. In essence, Metabolic syndrome. My dad died last year after going on dailysis and I promised him that I would loose the weight which is the reason for all of the before mentioned problems. Well it has been a year since then and I still haven't done anything to keep that promise and after seeing the Today Show today and how good the newest member of the Joy Fit club looked and more importantly felt I knew that the time is now. Plus, I chose to ride my bike to work today so I figured that I have officially started myfitnesspal without even knowing it.
I have joined these types of sights before but never looked to make friends or buddies and I think the reason was so that when I stopped or went off the wagon, so to speak, I would have no one to be accountable to. This time I welcome any friends and would love to here how you are doing it and would also love to friend others who have joined today so we can compare notes, triumphs and get over those humps together.


  • tracyts
    tracyts Posts: 113
    Welcome! I'm fairly new, but it's an addicting site. :flowerforyou:
  • ADJulie
    ADJulie Posts: 605 Member
    Welcome to MFP. This place is wonderful and you will find the people on here to be very supportive. My suggestion to everyone new is to get involved in the blogs and message boards because you will get a ton of support.
  • kym38
    kym38 Posts: 48
    I have joined after watching the Today Show today. I started on my own in June, but was wondering if I was getting enough calories with the running I'm doing. Glad there's a free way to figure that out.:smile:
  • eastcoaster
    I added you as a friend! I am excited for you. You Dad would be so proud!
  • WonderNoodle
    welcome aboard! if you have a smartphone...they have aps that you can keep mfp at your fingertips during your day so you can be sure to journal everything you munch and drink.

    i personally like that i can have my exercise and end of day journal post to facebook to help my family and friends keep me accountable and root me on in support.

    everyone KNOWS to eat right and exercise. i think what is key here is the reality check when you journal your food JUST HOW MUCH you are consuming and how expensive in calories some choices are.

    i don't spend a lot of time on the message board, but my homepage newsfeed from my buddies helps me stay on track. they are there to quickly give me an "atta girl" or the little push i may need when i need it.

    do well!

  • ninny3228
    I also joined after watching the Today Show, after having procrastinated my diet and exercise plans all summer. I finally decided it's time to get started.
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Welcome, this is so AWESOME!!! :bigsmile:

    Please look around and read some of the profiles. It took me a few weeks to get the logging down pat, so cut yourself some slack.

    For the first week I ate normal and then logged everythign at the end of the day. :noway: what an EYE opener that was!!

    One step at a time. I am 49 and sounded just like you 2 years ago. I started with walking to the corner and back again. Moved up to pushups on the wall, cuz no WAY I was doign them on the floor.

    38 pounds later I am off the meds and doing great! I have maintained my weight loss and even lost a few more~

    You can do this!

    jeannie :heart:
  • colie_6
    colie_6 Posts: 1
    I just joined today too after watching the Today show! I sure hope to lose some weight and get fit again. I'm 27 and just had my 3rd (and last) baby so I want to lose around 17 pounds to get to my goal weight! Hope this works and good luck to you!
  • SassyMissDasha
    Welcome to everyone that joined! It's a great site!
  • sorellabella
    sorellabella Posts: 133 Member
    Welcome newbie' will love the'll be addicted soon!
  • Levahna
    Levahna Posts: 132
    Welcome!! Going to add you as a friend! I love the support and accountability I get from others on this site! Your dad would be very proud and you should be proud of yourself. . . sometimes that first step is the hardest!
  • donnaleelee
    I am very glad to be part of the I am learning to navigate around the site. I am not sure how to find nutritional information for dining out and other meal suggestion. I would appreciate any helps. Thanks
  • jennarosewa
    aw good luck! you are doing yourself a huge favor and your dad will be so proud of you!!
  • SoonCee
    SoonCee Posts: 10 Member
    Excited about doing this! Saw it on the "Today" show & glad to know this is free! Can't afford WW anymore, but noticed this is very similar w/ tracking food, exercise, etc. Need to lose 50 pds...First step today...
  • dumb_blondes_rock
    dumb_blondes_rock Posts: 1,568 Member
    Hey the lady that was on the today show is actually on this site(didn't know if anyone knew that or not)....she said last week so was going on there....too cool! Congrats everyone for making the steps needed for a healthier life!
  • arielsmom
    This is awesome that so many people were inspired by the Today Show yesterday! I woke up this morning already feeling successful after just one day of tracking, and I hope you all felt the same. Good luck to everyone and keep up the great work - we will all be sharing our own success stories SOMEWHERE over the next few months!!!
  • remington43
    This is my first day here. I am 42 , a mother of 2. Was also told pre-diabietic by my dr...I think about my 11 yr old daughter everyday, about how i have introduced my bad habits to i sit here in tears i no i am the only one who can help us both, but have not had the support group. I seen the Today show also, and quickly wrote down the web sight. I am going to make a change! I have so many reasons to do what best for both of us...I welcome any new friends that can share their support...Thank You
  • krisb921
    I also joined because of the Today Show. I've done so many diets, but none of them really worked, or should I say, I didn't really work them. I've never really counted calories in/calories out and I'm hoping that this is what will click for me. I can really relate to the original poster. I am starting Nursing School in a couple of weeks, but I was working as a dialysis technician. It's really scary what can happen to you if you don't take care of yourself, I love my patients and they're always telling me that if I don't take care of myself now that I will be paying for it later. I was told that I'm prediabetic and I have high blood pressure, the two main causes for kidney failure. It's time to take care of ourselves now, before it's too late. Good Luck!
  • MissesV
    MissesV Posts: 1
    I'm a mother of 3 moving my #2 to college today. I am "morbidly obese" and it's time to change that. I lost 100 pounds about 5 years ago and let it creep back slowly. There are so many things I want to do that I am afraid to because of my size. I need a change. I haven't watched the Today show yet, but yesterday I did watch Oprah and it motivated me. I am hoping that this site will be the little nudge I need.
    I figure carrying boxes up the stairs will be my excercise for today. Tomorrow morning I start walking again. I work in education so I still have 2 more weeks before school starts.
    Good luck to everyone :)
  • SharonsJetSet
    There's a new thread that was created yesterday because we all saw the Today show

    Hope to see you all there