Another newbee...

Hey all! I wanted to introduce myself and tell a bit of my story. I started this weight loss journey two weeks ago weighing 288 lbs. When I was a teen I was always a bit overweight, around 180 lbs or so, but after I had my first daughter I jumped up to 240 lbs, and after my son I jumped up to 280-290. I always wanted to be thinner but never wanted to put the effort into it. When I hit 30 I could really tell that my body was slowing down. My eating habits were awful, my exercise habits were, well, non-existent. I finally said no more. I am tired of hurting, I am tired of being tired. I have a friend who works out with me who is a great motivator, but very little support from family. I no longer feel their support is essential because I am doing this for me and for my kids, but it would be nice to have others to do it with me so we can encourage each other. Two weeks down, 10 lbs gone. I can do this. If you feel like joining me, please do :)


    JNVINSON Posts: 5
    Welcome !! I am new as well!
  • Runhard13
    Runhard13 Posts: 138 Member
    welcome to should always being starting this journey for the right reasons which is for yourself and own health. Keep up the great progress!!
  • shannonespinoza
    Thanks :)