BodyMedia - accurate or not?



  • elaineirene84
    elaineirene84 Posts: 65 Member
    I like my bodymedia fit link armband and find it to be pretty accurate. It will record my walking steps very accurately but when I get on my elliptical it never shows my steps or calories burned even when my heart rate was averaging over 140 bpm for 30-60 minutes. So that is one drawback. Not really sure if it is worth the money. I got a free 12 month subscription when I bought it so I will use it until then and decide if I want to keep it. I wish the bracelet type devices worked better, I would rather have a bracelet then an armband but not sure how accurate a bracelet can be.
  • ck1223
    ck1223 Posts: 21 Member
    I wish I could type this in HUGE letters...

    Based on what I've read, the BodyMedia Fit is the ONLY device to have CLINICALLY PROVEN it's accuracy.

    That means devices such as:

    Nike FuelBand
    Jawbone UP
    Nike+ Running

    are all just guessing the calories based on rules of thumb. There's no clinical research proving otherwise. When there is, we can adjust the above list.

    I don't work for BodyMedia, I just appreciate technology. I'm an Electrical Engineer.
  • ck1223
    ck1223 Posts: 21 Member
    To my knowledge, it is the most accurate calorie tracking device on the market. I used the Bodybugg (made by the same company) and it was extremely accurate...I followed the numbers to a T and tracked my intake and reached my goal a couple weeks before my goal date. My mom, dad, dad's wife and husband have all used it and had amazing results. Everyone I have spoken to who has tried various other devices has told me they are a pain in the butt and their results were not so great...they eventually ended up with a Bodybugg as well.

    Did you use MFP calorie calculator? or BodyMedia's? Bodymedia seems to want me to eat more.
  • BeckyJo19
    BeckyJo19 Posts: 49 Member
    I've had my armband since April and I love it. I'm consistently losing weight by following the recommendations. It syncs up with MFP so it's so easy. Definitely worth the money!! Having something on your body constantly makes me want to get up and move more.
  • sapphies
    sapphies Posts: 45 Member
    I have had my Body Media Fit band since March. I love it. I wear it about 23 hours a day. It seems pretty accurate. I have lost a 22 lbs so far.
  • annebaum41912
    annebaum41912 Posts: 87 Member
    I love love LOVE my bodymedia and aside from it being tested to be at least 90% accurate, I agree! lol Granted I've only tested it one full week but it worked for me. I took the calorie deficit for a week and added it together and divided by 3500 and it was only like .3 lbs off from what I predicted I would lose and what I did. Plan on testing it every week but that's what I have so far :)
  • Shawn_Marie
    Shawn_Marie Posts: 312
    So, yesterday was my first day of wearing my bodymedia core armband to the gym. I was so ticked when I realized that the adaptive motion trainer and MFP inflatted the calorie burn on a 65 minute cardio. MFP and machine were right around 800 calories; the armband right around 475! This is why I have had problems losing the weight since I have come back. I was still eating more calories than I was actually burning! So now instead of 65 minutes on the AMT I will do a 33 minute "fat burn" then wlak on the treadmill for 35 minutes before doiong my strength training. I love this armband - I leave it on for 23 hours a day and have found that I have a horrible sleep pattern. I fall asleep ok but wake numerous times throughout the night; it also shows me that although I did not think I sat much after work - I do!
  • Shawn_Marie
    Shawn_Marie Posts: 312
    I aslo love that it can link to MFP - I log my food on MFP and it transfers over to bodymedia. I have my calorie burn on bodymedia wioch transfers over to MFP! The food database on bodymedia site pretty much sucks so I was happy I could link the two! I got mine on sale with a 6 month subscription on amazon and am pleased!
  • Badassey
    Badassey Posts: 18 Member
    I love my BodyMedia Fit. Syncing between MFP and the BodyMedia Fit is awesome! I actually just wrote a whole blog post about it. You can see it here:
  • Shawn_Marie
    Shawn_Marie Posts: 312
    Awesome blog! The only thing I see is that although your sleep logger does not work, I have the bodymedia core and it totally logs my sleep to the minute including the little spurts where I wake up in the night. Now I want to get the link so I can see it on my phone and use the workout option!

    I love my BodyMedia Fit. Syncing between MFP and the BodyMedia Fit is awesome! I actually just wrote a whole blog post about it. You can see it here:
  • JRadd14
    JRadd14 Posts: 206 Member
    I researched and looked at all the different options and after all of that AND getting a recommendation from someone who successfully lost weight I chose the BodyMedia Fit Link. The other products I looked at (Fitbit, Jawbone Up) seemed great for someone who wanted to simply get up and move more or did walking/running for their primary excercise. Since I'm doing various excercises including TA Method, dance cardio, kickboxing, etc. I don't think those other devices would really work for me. The BodyMedia device has 4 different sensors for calculating... I believe these other devices just have 1.

    I also love looking at the current stats on my phone and the sync to MFP. So glad I got it!!

  • robdel302
    robdel302 Posts: 292 Member
    I've had the link for a few months now and it seems pretty reliable. My only grip is the app itself; it tends to be very finicky at times. Sometimes it won't login after numberous attempts, just dumps me back to the login screen. I also used to have issues getting the band to sync with the app when at the gym but I suspect this was due to Pandora eating up bandwidth. If I shut of all my music, inclusing any loaded on my phone, it syncs no problem. This was on a droid phone btw but I've heard iphones have had the same issue.

    Lastly, I work in a room where we have classified information so I'm not allowed to wear it. That's roughly a 9 hour break where I can't wear the armband. I found a simple remedy for this; I use the website to find the amount of calories I burned and plug that into MFP then base my calories for the day off that.
  • 1horseygirl1
    1horseygirl1 Posts: 98 Member
    Pretty keen on one of these, trying to work out my acutal calorie burn so I can get the intake right , one question though....does it measure strength training? Or just movement? I do mostly strength training so need to be able to work out those calories without a hrm.
  • SmallestGoal
    SmallestGoal Posts: 20 Member
    Another question, if those who use it don't mind -- I'm not much keen on paying through the nose for the band /and/ paying a monthly fee. Is the subscription to use their "activity manager" mandatory? Does the band work without it when your subscription runs out, or does it just become a very expensive piece of jewelry?
  • Badassey
    Badassey Posts: 18 Member
    Awesome blog! The only thing I see is that although your sleep logger does not work, I have the bodymedia core and it totally logs my sleep to the minute including the little spurts where I wake up in the night. Now I want to get the link so I can see it on my phone and use the workout option!
    Aw, thanks! I am curious, now, if the technology within the armbands differ (Core vs. Link). Or maybe I just sleep like a weirdo because it never seems to accurately log my sleep. Glad it's working out for you, though!

    Pretty keen on one of these, trying to work out my acutal calorie burn so I can get the intake right , one question though....does it measure strength training? Or just movement? I do mostly strength training so need to be able to work out those calories without a hrm.
    I do not do a lot of strength training, so I cannot speak from personal experience. But to learn more about how the band logs your activity go here:

    Another question, if those who use it don't mind -- I'm not much keen on paying through the nose for the band /and/ paying a monthly fee. Is the subscription to use their "activity manager" mandatory? Does the band work without it when your subscription runs out, or does it just become a very expensive piece of jewelry?
    The subscription fee is mandatory in order to access the activity manager. It's $6.95 a month, I believe. For me, it's worth every penny.
  • madasanatter
    madasanatter Posts: 39 Member
    I complete trust my BMF's numbers. I have eaten what it tells me -15% for over a month and I have seen significant progress. It says I burn anywhere from 2400 to 3000, and I have eaten according to those numbers, and have not gained.

    First day with mine so unsure of exact use....My calorie use today says 2623 and I'm aiming for -25% so just cut my calorie to -25% of the 2623?

    Also do I need to change any settings in MFP activity level setting? I'm sure I've read that it should be set at sedentary?
  • jaz050465
    jaz050465 Posts: 3,508 Member
    I complete trust my BMF's numbers. I have eaten what it tells me -15% for over a month and I have seen significant progress. It says I burn anywhere from 2400 to 3000, and I have eaten according to those numbers, and have not gained.

    First day with mine so unsure of exact use....My calorie use today says 2623 and I'm aiming for -25% so just cut my calorie to -25% of the 2623?

    Also do I need to change any settings in MFP activity level setting? I'm sure I've read that it should be set at sedentary?

    It won't matter(as long as you have negative calories on, on MFP) as BMF will automatically adjust and log any difference in calories you burn and adjust it according to your MFP activity level.
  • lesspaul
    lesspaul Posts: 190 Member
    I love the BodyMedia Link.

    I've learned a lot about when I burn calories, and how many.

    Compared to my BodyMedia, MFP has been grossly overestimating calories burned during exercise.

    However, my Bodymedia gives me accurate credit for the simple acts we do from day to day. Lugging groceries. Carrying the laundry up and down stairs, running after the dog. All the little bursts of activity we perform during the day really add up.

    So no longer do I get mega-boasting rights over inflated caloric burns during my workout, but I have learned that I'm not quite as sedentary as I thought. And getting credit for every little thing makes me more likely to do more things, and it all adds up.

    I find it very motivating.

    If you had fiddly techie things, you might not be quite as enamored. My wife doesn't want one because it isn't the most fashionable thing to have on your arm.

    When people notice mine I show the two metallic pad and say that it is like a dog's shock collar, and that my wife has the control. I start checking out a waitress.... Zap!!! Grab one too many beers.....Zap! Bad joke in front of her parents? --- you get the drift!
  • woodallmw
    The BodyMedia is actually the most accurate as it does not estimate.
  • woodallmw
    I've been wearing mine for 2-3 months and I still don't trust the numbers that tell me I burn 3500-4k a day (I do work out pretty intensely 6 days a week), so I could possibly burn that much. i still eat about 1600-2000 a day though. I couldn't imagine eating 2500-3000 every day, and I lose on average about 2-2.5 lbs a week right now. I love it though.

    The article that I posted above shows that BodyMedia Fit is fairly accurate, but Fitbit is the most accurate. I have been eating to my Fitbit calories PRECISELY for the last 7 weeks and other than about 2-3 pounds of gain (which I'm sure are just glycogen replenishment in my muscle tissue, not fat gain, since my Body Fat % has gone down over the last 7 weeks), I have been eating between 2300-2800 every day and I have not gained an ounce. So if you truly are burning 3500 a day, I'm sure if you ate that you would not gain. I plan to start cutting soon, but I won't cut that drastically, just down 15-20% below my TDEE burn at the most. (And yes, it is hard to eat that many calories, LOL)

    The BodyMedia is actually the most accurate as it does not estimate. The FitBit is just an estimator. I used the FitBit for a couple days and hated it. I tested out the accuracy of steps by actually counting and it was grossly overestimating, it also estimates how many calories you burn based on how many more steps you take. You could shake the FitBit and burn calories, but with the BodyMedia it calculates it based on sweat, temperature, and I believe HR.