"shape up" type shoes - do they really work?



  • Jena_72
    Jena_72 Posts: 1,057
    Find an AVON Representative and you can buy the Curves Toning Trainer tennis shoes or sandles for $40!! The [tennis shoes] are ON SALE in campaign 16 for 39.99($10 off) I am a Avon Rep and have sold about 4 or 5 pair of the tennis shoes and everyone I have sold them to loves them! I would have got a pair myself but they start at size 6 too big for me :(
    I know these shoes can be expensive so maybe a small investment like $40 is better to see how you like them. :)
  • MFPfriend
    MFPfriend Posts: 1,121 Member
    The may work for a week or so... after that, your body will become used to them.

    Though I will add that my sister bought a pair, and her posture has improved tremendously.
    But that's it, lol.
  • sissytx
    sissytx Posts: 50
    This is so true if you have hip problems. It took me a while to find out that it was the tone-up's causing the hip problem. They are comfy and the sandals are the most comfortable flip-flops I have ever worn.
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    These shoes are a genius idea because they will sell like hotcakes, however I can guarantee they are going to be completely worthless waste of your money, not to mention the sketchers are embarrassingly ugly.

    If you really believe these shoes will "tone" you up I have this great little pill and it will melt fat off your body exactly where you want it come off from and the best part is you don't have to eat healthy or workout at all.

    There is no way to "spot tone" any area of the body. The human body is going to burn fat from where it thinks it needs to burn it from. That is why people lose weight in odd places sometimes at first.....................

    I assume by tone you mean you want to lose some body fat to make your lower-body muscles look more defined, while at the same time making your leg, glutes and calf muscles slightly larger so that they are shapely. There is no such thing as spot reducing so wearing a pair of shoes that are rounded on the bottom are not going to melt fat from your lower body. If you want to lose the body-fat, you need to check your diet. As for adding the shapely muscle, the truth is the only real way to do that is to perform resistance training with an appropriate amount of weight. Long-duration balance training will do nothing more than make you more able to balance while wearing rounded-bottomed shoes... if it even accomplishes that.

    These type shoes, as a couple other posts mentioned, are garbage and a way for people to "feel" like they are doing something, without actually putting in any work. You are on a site devoted to fitness and better health for all intents and purposes, if you don't believe us that the shoes are a gimick, go into the ladies section pick out the 10 best lower bodies in there and ask them how many of them got that way from wearing super shoes. A good body is accomplished with some hard work, sweat, and proper nutrition. Sorry if this is not the answer you were looking for, however, it is an answer that is honest.

    Also, call a podiatrist and see what their opinion is about these shoes...........everything I have read about these shoes says that Doctors are referring patients over to Podiatrists at an alarming rate due to foot and ankle problems from these shoes.

    For me, I wear Vibram 5 Five Fingers and Clarks Privos. They are flat and the next best thing to walking barefoot. If you want to strengthen your feet, ankles and calves, barefoot running is the way to go.
  • lukat
    lukat Posts: 10 Member
    The Skecher Shape Up is similar to the original, more expensive MBT, which is marketed to people with back and knee problems. Skecher marketed their more affordable version as a fitness shoe, and voila, the brand struck gold. I no longer work with the shoes, but at the time each box came with a pamphlet and dvd about the proper way to use the shoes. Most retailers, if they are at all interested in a sale, will allow an interested customer to take a dvd home and watch for themselves prior to their purchase. I would always tell my customers that a shoe doesn't make you lose weight, but it might give you motivation to move, just like new workout clothes or an iPod. Also, they are only for walking, not jogging or running. I do not know about the other brands styles, like Easytones, but in general I think trying them on and comparing to other shoes is the only way to know what works best for each person.
  • cynthials
    cynthials Posts: 213 Member
    I used to have a pair of MBTs, all I got was a huge blister on the back of my heel. I ended up selling them on ebay. I also think these shoes are a bunch of hooey, and I am shocked that some of you would run in them. These shoes are so NOT meant for running! That's a great way to break your ankle if you lose your balance on a rock or something. :ohwell:
  • tommygirl15
    tommygirl15 Posts: 1,012 Member
    I don't believe these things work! To each their own. I go steep-hill hiking with my flip flops on! ;)
  • iplayoutside19
    iplayoutside19 Posts: 2,304 Member
    I rolled my eyes when two ladies here in the office bought these last fall.....They still wear them, but they still look the same.

    I fear, the emporer has no clothes!
  • Barneystinson
    Barneystinson Posts: 1,357 Member
    They "work" to mess up your running and walking form and work against biomechanics.

    But as a minimalist and barefooter, I'm completely biased.
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    They "work" to mess up your running and walking form and work against biomechanics.

    But as a minimalist and barefooter, I'm completely biased.

    Very much Agreed. I am another barefooter (with my Vibram Five Fingers, LOL)

    :drinker: :drinker: