Has anyone given up bread pasta and potatoes?



  • goodtimezzzz
    goodtimezzzz Posts: 640 Member
    are u outta your motha****in mind!! those foods are the best!! and great for ya:)
  • EricMurano
    EricMurano Posts: 825 Member
    It's not that I've given any of them up, I just rarely want to take the calorie hit for them.

    I do eat potato 4-5 times a week but I have a specific quantity.

    I have two slices of bread with my breakfast every day.

    In order to have pasta I have to have such a small amount so as not to go over my daily calorie limit that it's just not worth it.
  • cupcakes_and_cardio
    cupcakes_and_cardio Posts: 369 Member
    I just had rigatoni (pasta) tonight for dinner, but only a cup. I don't see why you should have to cut out any foods that you love (that can make you crash), just eat them in moderation. That's what I do
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,022 Member
    I have given up all three of them but not because I think it's a secret to weight loss. I did it a year and a half ago, back when I was starting a new training program and trying to reach certain macro targets (high protein and very high fat), and that just didn't leave much room for bread, pasta, potatoes, or rice, so I ended up ditching all of them. And I feel better and believe I perform better in the gym because of it. But that's me. I never have cravings for grain-based foods or potatoes. I crave sweets and steak, and that's pretty much it.

    I am not evangelical about low-carb diets because I think doing it just for the sake of doing it is stupid. There should be a good reason for it. Cutting out foods you really like is bad news.
  • laserturkey
    laserturkey Posts: 1,680 Member
    Why would I give up bread, pasta, and potatoes?! That sounds like no fun at all!
  • recesq
    recesq Posts: 154 Member
    I'm probably not the first poster to say this, but to all the replies that say don't cut anything out and that it perfectly healthy if you just do it in moderation and if you exercise, well they're wrong.

    They're correct IF a person does not have metabolic syndrome/insulin resistance/diabetes.

    If you go to a doctor and you don't have any of the issues above then you can likely eat those things.

    BUT, if you do have any of the issues above, then carbs will be the death of you.
    I could go on, but I have a feeling I don't need to.
  • ronrstaats
    ronrstaats Posts: 294 Member
    Yes to all three, 2 years and 150 pounds ago. I never missed them either.
  • DatMurse
    DatMurse Posts: 1,501 Member
    bread- I dont eat as much when im cutting. this is due to the fact i would rather eat other things than bread to fit into my calories.
    pasta?- i like pasta, just if i am in the mood
    potatoes? - i eat ube/okinawa purple yams. I boil it and eat it plain.
  • 122ish
    122ish Posts: 339 Member
    If I had not cut those out then my diet would not have changed and I don't know if I would have lost. I made chicken breast nearly everyday with a side of carbs and was gaining so only option for me was to rid of them. Although I did have one cheat meal a week and funny thing was sometimes I felt like crap after consuming bread. I figured a pile of veggies and beans was less cals then the amount of rice or pasta I would have and that left room for a chocolate protein bar every night. Yum.
    This may be a little off topic but I got a Brazilian blowout 3 years ago and noticed i developed bad dandruff immediately after up until a month after I started my weight loss on 11/12. Well I have had a horrible month and a half eating carbs and sugar and my dandruff is back with a vengeance. Sorry if that's tmi or off topic but just of an example of why I have chosen to back off bread pasta and rice again.

    Seems to me for the op, would it hurt to try and see what happens, not like u r going to set it in stone u can change your mind anytime. Good luck
  • lee91356
    lee91356 Posts: 330 Member
    bread = yes
    pasta = if I'm at someones house and they make it I'll eat it, but I wont make it for myself (I used to eat a whole box of mac and cheese on my own for one meal :blushing: hence I cant be trusted around pasts lol)
    potato = same rule as pasta generally, but I'm a little more forgiving, especially with sweet potatoes since they are a mega healthy startch

    On that list is also rice, which is the same rules as pasta and potatoes.

    I only gave them up because I'm a carbaholic and cant be trusted with them. I go for crackers and pretzels and rice crackers - sometimes I still over indulge, but I feel that eating those is safer than allowing the above into my diet on a regular basis.
  • lmlmrn
    lmlmrn Posts: 787 Member
    over the year I have found I crave pasta, bread, etc less and less and whe I do eat it, it is in modertion
    give it up ....nope
  • alecialudwickjones
    Didn't give it up, just changed a bit. Potatos are now sweet potato or yams. Bread is homemade sourdough. Rice is brown, and pasta is rare-I like making spinach pasta.
  • MistieWalters
    VIVA LA PASTAS!!! :)
  • falloutspud
    falloutspud Posts: 5 Member
    i limit bread/pasta/potatoes to a rare treat.

    carbs like this just seem to make me want to eat more carbs like this.

    a loaf of bread in the house is just plain evil :-) maybe that says more about my lack of control than anything else but if a loaf of bread (any type) is in the house it wont last long.

    plus the quantity of veggies instead of carbs like this is huge i can eat more and stay fuller if i go with carrots, cabbage etc instead of pasta or potatoes.
  • joeysfacts
    joeysfacts Posts: 83 Member
    Yes I mostly have. Maybe once in a while I will have a very small portion of pasta or potatoes. I really believe that if you want that flat tummy like I want, bread and pasta are going to hinder your success. Potatoes I'm not as strict on. I was at my cardiologist today and even he made a comment about bread. It is 120 calories for 1 piece of bread! I can make myself a chickpea patty with masala sauce for the same amount of calories, but I feel full and for longer! I have also given up on most all processed and packaged foods. I still fully enjoy my food and find new and interesting things to make and bake. Look around the internet. You can find so many creative recipes. You won't even feel like you are deprived. Diet is one of the most important things when you are trying to get in shape and lose weight. No matter how much exercise you do, if your diet is poor, you will not see the results you desire. Wish you all the best!:smile:
  • Sparlingo
    Sparlingo Posts: 938 Member
    Not only have I not given up bread or potatoes (though I certainly eat *less* of them than I have in the past), I am known to put butter on my toast, as well as on my potatoes.

    Hasn't hindered my weight loss.
  • Annie83uk
    Annie83uk Posts: 128
    i only have potatoes once a fortnight usually a jacket potato or mash to have with my fish, i eat wholewheat pasta most of the time and brown rice or quinoa. i have the occasional white rice or pasta but i make sure i portion and log what i have, if i eat bread i have wholemeal they say the darker the better.
  • jennsmithers
    The thought of giving up any of those foods makes me want to cry. Potatoes are low in fat, high in dietary fibre, high in potassium and taste delicious! I don't recommend giving anything up. If you're concerned about carbohydrates, don't think of it as bread = bad rather try and limit refined or processed carbs. Therefore, switch to whole wheat bread or whole wheat pasta.

    I also recommend reading some of Ellyn Satter's material on eating competence. There are so many messages out there about 'good and bad' foods that as a society we've developed a major complex regarding eating. Food is meant not just for fuel for our bodies, but also to be enjoyed and celebrated. Once we get past that and learn to enjoy healthy foods, and those delicious treats without the guilt, I think the weight will naturally fall off.

    Sorry if I come across preachy. My response is not intended to be that. I just want to share what I feel is working for me.
  • metacognition
    metacognition Posts: 626 Member
    I eat fewer calories in the day if I don't eat bread.

    Sweet potatoes are one of the best vegetables for you; consider eating them plain with some pumpkin pie spice and truvia or honey as a sweetener. They are delicious !

    I notice that warm whole wheat bread can "trigger" excessive eating for me.

    So I usually have bread early in the day, before an intense workout. It is fuel, after all. I love whole wheat and it's a healthy food, but it must be enjoyed in moderation with a host of other fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins. If I load on bread I will use up many of my calories for the day and will have to sacrifice high nutrient servings of fruit and veg. I also never binge on normal healthy food. But I can definitely binge on bread.
  • usmc01462
    usmc01462 Posts: 1,944 Member
    Yes but not by choice...diabetes 4 years ago.. I miss that ****!!!!!!!