How do I stop letting people's comments get to me?



  • adairbrum
    adairbrum Posts: 68
    "Nobody can hurt me today without my permission"-Eleanor Roosevelt. Don't give them that power over your life. You're young, and the sooner you can master this, the better.
    yes the jerks will be around for ever ! Even if you move their will be outhers , either you thank them for pointing out the obvious or tell them "I can fix fat but you can't ugly ....."
  • MizPassion
    MizPassion Posts: 245 Member
    This may sound corny but I have found that surrounding myself with positive people, music, messages, convos etc as much as possible helps. I find it easier for the negative comments not to affect me as much.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    people are mean... they say mean things just to be mean.... they are not doing it because YOU are a bad person, they are just doing it because THEY are mean...

    the best piece of advice i can give is to not worry about what other people think. be the best you because its what YOU want.... you cant always please other poeple so dont even try!
  • writergrlrox
    writergrlrox Posts: 16 Member
    I love the positivity your replies are giving me. And you're all right! everything you're saying adds up. The mean girl and even my mother have hectic lives and like psychologically it makes sense why they would treat me that way.

    It still doesn't justify it. And it's not like I haven't asked my mother not to talk to me that way. I have, she just doesn't care if my feelings are hurt as long as her message is clear.

    I obviously need to get on MFP community more often for the positive environment I need in my journey.

    Thanks again <3
  • dwalt15110
    dwalt15110 Posts: 246 Member
    I can totally relate to what you are saying. Sometimes you have to turn the tables on them. Where I work, we have to go from one site to another and have about 30 minutes to do so. When I didn't have a car, I would walk regardless of the weather. The other members of the team rode because they had their cars. My boss asked one of them why he didn't give me a ride. The response: "I didn't want her breaking my seat." We had to go into the city for a conference. This same guy called and asked if I wanted a ride. I declined. I took the bus. People at the conference asked how I got there. I told them I took the bus. He retorted. I asked you if you wanted a rode. I looked at him and said. I didn't want you to worry about me breaking your seat.

    I understand the Mom thing too and have endured a lot of people's unsavory comments. I no longer let them annoy me. I know that I can change my weight and become a healthier slimmer person. What they are dealing with, they are probably stuck with. I actually pity them.

    I know when I get to my goal I will have my "How do you like me now!" moment.
  • harley1968
    harley1968 Posts: 218 Member
    We all have our flaws...

    Just know that a flaw of many people is that they act out based on their own insecurities.

    Hi I will go with this, they can see that you are trying and maybe they don't like it, so rather than complimenting you it's easier for them to be horrible. But remember you are doing this for YOU and not them, you just think of yourself.

    Good luck :smile:
  • thepandabare
    thepandabare Posts: 16 Member
    Sometimes people don't realize what joke actually mean. Especially if they have never been in that situation or helped anyone through it. I dismiss it as ignorance and nothing more. I don't like to think bad of them because that makes me cynical and unpleasant to be around. Why should I be an asswipe when I don't like them myself. I am also 6'5" and 247 was 281. So when someone says something I can joke back and say you like your face the way it is right now?
  • irishblonde2011
    irishblonde2011 Posts: 618 Member
    Call them out on their BS...
    Stay really calm and ask them straight out..
    Why are you being mean and hurtful? Does it make you feel better about yourself?

    If it is their problem they have to figure it out.
    Not yours.

    Keep going hun. Surround yourself with kind people.
    Good luck :)
  • bumblebums
    bumblebums Posts: 2,181 Member
    I do like the idea of calling people on it. It's especially inappropriate for people at work to comment about your appearance. I have actually told people this, verbatim: "Please do not comment on my appearance again." That usually freaks them out and they keep their compliments and criticisms to themselves from then on :)

    Mothers can be tough. Some people just aren't meant for parenthood, and with emotional sadists, you have to distance yourself from any interactions. But a lot of mothers want their children to be happy, and they will say insensitive things because they are trying to help and don't know how. You have to figure out which one you're dealing with, and if it's the latter, I would ignore or deflect it.
  • amy1612
    amy1612 Posts: 1,356 Member
    Delete them FROM LIFE :)

  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I guess it's too awkward to elaborate, especially since the issue is too redundant. It's the same old story with the overweight individual who gets picked on for having an overweight issue.

    It also sucks that the people who do that are coworkers I have to see every day and my mother. I don't know how they can be so ignorant and insensitive (especially my mother since she knows how much I struggled with this in the past year and have progressed.)


    It's HARD. I've found that the best way is usually to respond as little as possible. If the comment is very rude, I usually just roll my eyes and walk away. If it's a backhanded compliment, I just smile sweetly and say "Thanks!" as if I thought they genuinely meant it as a compliment, then walk away. If they try to tell me I should be doing it differently, I say "Hmm, Interesting. I'll give that proper consideration." And then walk away.

    People who make comments like these are looking for a response. If they get it, they'll continue. They want to get to you. Even if it does bother you, don't let them know it. After a while you'll find that it really doesn't bother you, at least not as much.
  • kgerm317
    kgerm317 Posts: 191 Member
    Keep reminding yourself of the progress you have made. Negative comments are usually inspired by that person's insecurities with themselves. Instead of taking them to heart, use them to fuel more progress. Attitude is everything. If someone says something that hurts you, take a deep breath and do some form of exercise (I favor jumping jacks or push-ups because I don't care for either and they make me focus on what I'm doing rather than the comments). It helps re-direct your thoughts and you can focus on YOU better (not to mention you burn a few calories). And YOU are what matters, not some insecure brat trying to bring you down to make themselves feel better!!!
  • jujunnaichi
    jujunnaichi Posts: 86
    “You will never reach your destination if you stop and throw stones at every dog that barks.” - Winston Churchill

    Focus on your accomplishments and goals. As long as they don't bite, let the dogs bark. :smile:
  • MsStang02
    MsStang02 Posts: 147 Member
    I love when people tell me that I "can't" and **try** to bring me down. As much as it irks me and stings, it is total fuel for what I do on a daily basis.
    I aim to prove people wrong :bigsmile:
    You'll always have negative people around you bashing you for whatever reason.
    It is YOU that has to be happy with yourself and not let the asshats get to you :drinker:
  • christinealexis
    ignore them. stay focused on you and what you need to do. :)
  • LeanneGoingThin
    LeanneGoingThin Posts: 215 Member
    Mean comments? While you're doing a great thing for yourself? That's just so low.

    Keep in mind why you're doing what you're doing and what you will look and feel like a year from now. Haters gonna hate.
  • nataliesarazyn
    nataliesarazyn Posts: 24 Member
    I once had someone tell me that I was so ugly that I should just die. Lowest blow I've ever experienced. it really cut me down. It's been over a year and I still think about it once in a while. cut those people ot of your life if you can, they aren't worth it.
  • nataliesarazyn
    nataliesarazyn Posts: 24 Member
    I once had someone tell me that I was so ugly that I should just die. Lowest blow I've ever experienced. it really cut me down. It's been over a year and I still think about it once in a while. cut those people out of your life if you can, they aren't worth it.
  • lilbearzmom
    lilbearzmom Posts: 600 Member
    I have an idea for you. I actually got this from a kid's program my son was watching. I have never been able to use this tactic because despite being morbidly obese for most of the last decade, no one ever said anything to my face. ANYHOW, here's how it goes:

    *kitten*-hat co-worker: Hey so-and-so, you look like a beached whale today...
    You: So?
    *kitten*-hat co-worker: Well, your weightloss plan sure isn't working!
    You: So?
    This could go on and on, but you just keep answering "So?" Eventually they will realize what a jerk they really are and will give up. I seriously wish I could try this...LOL Good luck however you decide to handle it, but handle it. You don't deserve to be treated like that.

  • goodtimezzzz
    goodtimezzzz Posts: 640 Member
    Once you understand that THERE IS NONE HERE BUT YOU AND YOUR THOUGHTS....this is the secret