
I have been following a diet where I eat no more than 10 grams of fat with each main meal and one snack in the evening. I am starving around 3.30 onwards and starving in the evening again despite eating a large meal. Will this get easier or can anyone suggest a lunch and evening meal that contains protein and under 10g of fat that will keep me full. I'm only 4ft 11" but seem to have the appetite of a 6ft male, Please help.

PS, I'm not dehydrated as I always have water to try and keep hunger at bay.


  • Sieden76
    Sieden76 Posts: 127 Member
    If you're not afraid of carbs then black rice and quinoa are great. Lots and lots of fruits and veggies. I eat a lot of raw fruits and veggies and I'm not gaining weight from it despite the fact that this site tells me that I'm over my sugar needs for the day. If I feel hungry I'll have a banana, a mango, cup of grapes. None of it is making me gain weight, I'm losing weight because of it and I'm staying full. That's about the only advice that I can give you. I hope that it helps.
  • diamondsword
    diamondsword Posts: 15 Member
    Thanks for that. I think I was trying to stick to my plan too rigidly instead of listening to my body and eating something healthy if I need to.
  • texasfight78
    i personally would focus on total macros by the end of the day. It makes things easier for me. 30 grams of fat spread over 4 more or 10 meals is still 30 grams of fat at the end of the day.
  • diamondsword
    diamondsword Posts: 15 Member
    Makes sense to look at it for a whole day. Only been doing this for a week so still getting used to it. Thanks.