Anyone doing Jillian Michaels Body Revolution?



  • Microfiber
    Microfiber Posts: 956 Member
    I'll be doing this after 6 week 6 pack I'm currently doing.
  • chadnfaith
    chadnfaith Posts: 7
    I've gone through the entire program twice. Now that I've finished the second go round, I mix it up. I still do front of the body, back of the body, then cardio but to keep from getting bored, I do mix up the dvds now. I love it!!!! It really does get tougher. There are moves towards the end that I thought there'd be no way I could ever do. But I actually can.

    I did do the kickstart at the beginning and yes, it sucked. A lot. But I did it. I've always had great results with the program.

    Oh, and when you get to work out 12, I have three words for you: WHEEL PUSH UPS. ;) Very tough but very possible.

    I'm sort of a Jill-aholic but even if I weren't, I'd still love this program. :)
  • jcard5181
    jcard5181 Posts: 5 Member
    As of yesterday I was supposed to start WO 7&8, so the second half of phase 2....but the holiday has me all thrown off. This is the first time during this program that I've missed a workout and I feel terrible about it. I'm not feeling well today either, so again...another workout missed. I'm thinking that I'm just going to start fresh tomorrow and continue doing WO 5&6 for the rest of this week, and then move on next week.

    I do really love this program though. I've only lost 2lbs since starting it, but to be fair...I didn't want to lose weight when I started it. I started it to gain muscle tone....and let me tell you....I've done that. People keep asking me if I've lost more weight, and the answer is no...honestly....just turning my flab into fab! Totally loving this program....if it weren't for that darn holiday, I would still be right on track...but we were out of town and there was no way that I could've done the DVD yesterday. Oh well, I have to remember that life happens, and as long as I get myself back on track it'll all be all right!

    Have any of you missed a workout since starting? Or continued doing DVD's you were supposed to be done with due to things happening in your life that you couldn't control? I just really wanted to complete the program the way that it was written, and not being able to do that is really bothering me....
  • jcard5181
    jcard5181 Posts: 5 Member
    I always worked through the muscle soreness, because I felt that Jillian really did do a good job of mixing up the workouts so that you weren't using the same muscles two days in a row.....I would say that no matter what you should at least try to do the'll probably surprise yourself ;-)
  • SquishyWoo
    SquishyWoo Posts: 3
    Ive been doing Gillian's 30 day shred! Great fun and only a 20min workout so east to fit around your life! only 5 days in so will keep you posted but freeling a big difference!

    I also like the fact that the music isnt too loud or fast so you can concentrate on what Gillian is doing. Plus not putt of from looking at underdressed women and feeling that its more of a sexy dance! Its actually a work out!

    You can buy it on Amazon for under £5 too!!

  • THannah4
    THannah4 Posts: 1
    I'm on Week 3 day 2 and boy the workouts have gotten harder but I'm determined. I just starting losing weight this week and I hope it continues. I've also really started watching what I eat paying special attention to my sugar intake. I love her attitude it really gets me motivated.
  • jh1222
    jh1222 Posts: 2
    I am in the middle of week 3. Didn't do the kick start and only this week have decided to watch what I'm eating a little more carefully. My muscles are getting more defined and my endurance is through the roof. I did miss two days during the first two weeks but doubled up when I had more time to make up for it. And also doubled up just because I could maybe two other times. The cardio is a bit repetitive but I know what to expect and I could always go outside and run or walk if I need a change up. I sent some friend requests to some people in this thread. Would love to stay motivated with you!! It's starting to get old that I show my spouse and friends my newly rediscovered biceps....they don't seem to get it....yet.
  • Donna_DiGiacomo80
    Donna_DiGiacomo80 Posts: 24 Member
    awesome job!
    this is the first program I have ever sticked to and am so glad I am, it's actually ... kinda fun? Did I just say that?
  • aimeeworsham
    aimeeworsham Posts: 15 Member
    Tomorrow is my last day of PHASE 1... I am ending Week 4 tomorrow! I am so excited...I am also a little nervous about week 5. I have been doing a bootcamp for the past year...The first week I was thinking...this is really easy; however, as I paid more attention to her techniques and really tried to do everything like she says, it became a much better workout. I also was worried about jumping so much(knees) and my endurance has gotten so much better. I think this is a great workout...I also have been running for over a year(which would make one think I had endurance...NOT)! With just one month behind me, I can say...I think this Body Revolution is going to be the best result of anything I have done. I have not seen much of a weight loss but I can tell in my clothes, and I do feel like my body is getting more toned- oh and I bought some new jeans today- a size I have not seen in YEARS! So I LOVE JILLIAN...

    *I was planning to run on cardio days before a fitness friend reminded me that her Cardio videos are the HIIT and VERY IMPORTANT...She advised me if I wanted to run on cardio days to try to add the Cardio Video to workout days(making those days an hr workout)! I have only done that one day- bc it was raining on this past Cardio day. I plan to try to run tomorrow and get in the Cardio Video(since it is the weekend...and who doesnt need more calories to eat)!!!!!

    Id love to know if anyone else is starting PHASE 2 MONDAY?
  • debraran1
    debraran1 Posts: 521 Member
    I was thinking of getting this for the summer...but I've down her 30 day Shred and "No More Trouble Zones". I didn't like Ripped in 30 and Yoga is coming by Netflix for me to check out soon.

    Would this be really repetitive to her other DVDs?
  • I am kind of late to ask this, but am just starting Body Revolution for the third time (had awesome results the first two times). This is for a fitness challenge and my first time recording exercise with My fitness Pal. I am struggling to know how to record my exercise for the day. What do you classify these workouts as? I used high intensity aerobics the first two days, but i am not sure. Thought anyone? Thanks!
  • I am in Phase 2 sadly I have gained 2lbs instead of losing...I am guessing it is muscle? I am frustrated!
  • I was thinking of getting this for the summer...but I've down her 30 day Shred and "No More Trouble Zones". I didn't like Ripped in 30 and Yoga is coming by Netflix for me to check out soon.

    Would this be really repetitive to her other DVDs?

    this is much different then her other workouts...I really enjoy it!
  • msellami
    msellami Posts: 1
    I just started week 1 day 3. The meal plan is very important. I'm tryng to stay motivated as consistency is absolutely necessary. So glad to hear you are doing so well. I ma really excited to get through the first two weeks.
  • Just finished it! Lost about 15 lbs. Feels great finishing it :)
  • How do I add people today was my week one work out wand I'd love to have others who are doing this on my fitness pal