How easy is it for an already slim girl to lose weight?



  • __Di__
    __Di__ Posts: 1,656 Member
    So I'm 5'9 and 56 kg. (123 pounds) I want to get down to 53 kg by end of June. Is this possible?
    How can I go about this? I feel like I've hit this plateau and I just fluctuate between 55-56 kg. I reeeally want to push through and lose the remaining fat around my butt and thighs for the summer!
    I hear it's harder for already slim girls to lose even more weight? I just don't want to starve :( I feel like no matter how hard I work out, I'm still at this plateau...

    OP you had another thread on this subject but because it was not satisfactory and to your liking, you have started another.

    What you are really looking for is affirmation and confirmation on what you are trying to achieve, which people cannot give.

    Hence it will be highly unlikely you will ever find the answer you want.

    Is that you in your profile picture? If so, you are already underweight and if anybody tells you you are not or are overweight, then they are having you on.

    What happens if you were to get down to 53kg (116.6lbs or 8 stone 4lbs for those in the UK)? I can foretell you what will happen, it still will not be enough for you and you will be back on the forum asking how to lose more weight.

    The trick with weightloss is knowing when to stop.
  • katmariew
    katmariew Posts: 87 Member
    [A bunch of bad advice]

    Not to be rude, but did you read ANYTHING or look at the OP?

    You did not just suggest lipo on a weight loss forum in all seriousness, did you? Please say no.

    I think the entire post was meant to be sarcastic.

    even so, people with eating disorders will look at this and run with the advice, ignoring the sentiment it was posted with.

    It's pretty irresponsible to say these sorts of things to someone exhibiting anorexic thoughts and behaviours such as the OP

    Sure-it may not have been in the best taste. I agree. We'll see what happens.
  • daisyboo84
    daisyboo84 Posts: 37
    DON"T DO IT.

    I have always had an easy to maintain weight of 52-53kg at 5ft6 (114lbs). I got married last year, and through wanting to look good, and some incredibly hurtful comments from the staff at the bridal store, I set about losing weight. I got my weight down to 48kgs (105lbs BMI of 17, very unhealthy)

    I felt brilliant, strangely (CONSTANTLY hungry) but body wise great, lean, and toned. Everyone else said I was too thin, and actually on the day, i'd lost so much that my dress was two sizes too big, which looked ridiculous.

    So yes, I managed, by eating next to nothing, no dairy, no meat, working out every night. But what for? it's not sustainable. I piled it back on after the wedding, and now i'm heavier than i've ever been, with stubborn fat around my stomach and thighs, and I feel awful.

    Just think, it's not that you work out like mad, get super thin and stay like that, you have to continue doing that every day, you have to continue to eat nothing, and be empty, and I mean EMPTY all the time.

    As afar as I am concerned, I screwed something up in my body when I did that, and I regret it so much. I struggle now where I never did before, and I would never recommend anyone to do it.

    you're clearly in great shape, i'm sure you don't see it, but trust me you are. And you wnat to know something else? I know you don't care what men think about how you look (how many women want to look good to impress men?) but when you see super thin people in real life, you realise how lifeless they are. It's not cool, and no one will be happy for you!

    Save the body damage, save the stress, and please enjoy how effing fantastic you look right now.
  • lithezebra
    lithezebra Posts: 3,670 Member
    If you get any lighter you will literally be considered anorexic and unhealthy. Have you even googled what the healthy weight is for a woman your age and height? It is extremely unhealthy to starve your body and to be under that target weight range. I can guarantee that you are seeing something that isn't there. You may just need to tighten up in those areas. Try doing the 30 day squat challenge or set up a body-weight training program for yourself. BUT you need to EAT to gain muscle to tighten those areas. DO NOT starve yourself!! You should be determined to be healthier NOT skinnier. Use myfitnesspal and set it to maintain weight but do some strength training along with cardio. Why women do not do weight training is beyond me... we are not physically built to gain muscle like men without extreme training and supplements. Do not worry about losing more weight or being bulky from weight training. Join yoga, heck join pilates! Do anything but cut calories and EAT WOMEN EAT. Healthy is beautiful. Strong is the new skinny. Good luck, you will do great!!! <3

    COULD NOT agree more!

    I'm sure this is well intentioned, but it may not be true, and it's never helpful to call someone anorexic.
  • lsj77
    lsj77 Posts: 16
    Hi everyone,
    I posted this on my two other posts, but I will post it here again to address everyone who wrote back on my topic(s).

    Wow, in the span of 12 hours, I don't think I've seen so much online internet activity centered around me. I want to, first of all, express my gratitude that there is an online community that is supportive and caring. On the other hand, however, I want to address some of the people posting really mean and negative things. I understand that this is a community for people trying to lose weight, people who have struggled with obesity, being overweight, etc. I think that's amazing how people can feel so comfortable with strangers via internet to talk about these kinds of things and kudos to you all.
    So, that being said, I want to address that first of all, I DO NOT have an eating disorder. I am a naturally thing girl. I'm East Asian, and genetics have been on my side to just have a higher metabolism and smaller frame. Also remember that I am only 18 years old, too! I eat a lot! If you read my other posts, I strictly emphasized that i do not want to starve! I am constantly snacking on healthy food while indulging in some heavy foods on occasion. I definitely eat a lot! I'm Korean and so I'm always eating rice, kimchi, etc... All that good stuff! Please, PLEASE do not worry.
    Secondly, I am not trying to lose drastic weight. A lot of you are saying horrific things that I could DIE. I am already 56 kg. All I'm asking to do is slim up and lose only 3 more kilos and maintain that weight to have a more slim look. We all have different perceptions of what looks good on our own bodies, thus we strive for different things
    Thirdly, I mentioned how incredible this online community can be. Like I said, it's great people can be so open and talk about their achievements and goals on this forum. I just hope you all would carry that same mentality when writing to people who tend to be on the slimmer, fit side. You can't be so quick to judge people immediately and start writing such malicious things. I appreciate your concern but in NO WAY do I have some sort of image issue.
    Lastly, I love my body, absolutely! And I am seeking to be the best possible version of myself! I eat well, train hard, and am very happy! During my senior year of high school, I was so emotionally and physically drained from such strenuous school work. I was taking such bad care of myself that once Spring came around, I was determined to make myself better again. I wanted to feel energetic, motivated, and lively. And that's what I did! And that is what I will continue to do I hope you will all come to realize my situation and support me in my continuous journey of health. If there is anything else you would like to know, ask, whatever, feel free to message me. I will be happy to address you personally there.
    Thank you all.

    P.S. For the record, this is a picture of me. I want to prove to you guys that I am not on the verge of "breaking" nor am I looking like a "cancer patient"....
  • daisyboo84
    daisyboo84 Posts: 37

    Thank you for your reply. I hope you did not think I was being negative... I just want to reiterate I have been in the position where I am slim and got even slimmer, and it is not good to do that to your body. Three kilos at this weight is drastic, think of your body fat percentage.

    Think of it in the long run, you'll feel great this spring, but it isn't sustainable.

    I wish I could go back in time and tell myself to not be so silly. I wish I was 18 again and I would appreciate my lovely little body so much!

    If you eat well, and are active and look that great, just stick with it, no point in letting it take over your life. I know you want to, but learn from my mistakes!!

  • esballet
    esballet Posts: 51 Member
    First of all, I think you look great already! But i totally understand what it's like to be relatively slim already and just want to lose a couple extra pounds and look a little trimmer. I don't think there I any reason why you couldn't take off a little bit of fat and put on some muscle and still be perfectly healthy. I agree with the people who suggested you increase your strength training. Other than that I would just drink a lot of water and cut back on calories and junk some if you want, but don't do anything crazy. And once again you look awesome as is:) feel free to add me as a friend too! I'm part of a group here for girls who aren't super heavy but still want to slim down and be fit, and no one there is going to tell you you have an eating disorder just because you aren't overweight:)
  • wahmx3
    wahmx3 Posts: 633 Member
    Your body doesn't want to lose any more weight. It's fighting against you. You are striving for an anorexic BMI, in case you didn't realise this.

    1) it is possible -- but ill advised
    2) you shouldn't go about this - starving would do it, but then I'd suggest professional help from a doctor
    3) it's hard for slim girls to lose more weight because they have no business losing more weight!

    Please be kind to yourself...

    Exactly this....if you are unhappy with your can exercise and it will help with fat, muscle and body toning.
  • wswilliams67
    wswilliams67 Posts: 938 Member
  • branflakes1980
    branflakes1980 Posts: 2,516 Member
    in my opinion I think the OP is:-
    a) attention seeking
    b) enjoying all the attention
    c) will continue to seek attention by posting other controversial subjects just for the heck of it and because she enjoys the attention.

    I will wait, watch and take note :-)

    B*I*N*G*O :drinker: