i want to see 1200-1400 calorie diets!

Just curious to what you eat on 1200-1400 calories? not here to bag on anyone but would like to see a 1200-1400calorie diary.


  • abbylg1983
    abbylg1983 Posts: 177 Member
    I was at 1,200 calories for awhile. I don't really remember liking it.

    Breakfast most days was exactly one cup of Kashi Go Lean cereal, with only enough skim milk to fill the bottom layer of the bowl. Sometimes maybe a piece of toast or fruit. Sometimes instead of cereal I'd have a protein shake. Breakfast was usually around 200-300 calories.

    Lunch a lot of times was boneless skinless boiled chicken breast, with vegetables. Or raw shrimp with vegetables. Or a turkey burger, no bun. Sometimes deli meat, no bread. Another serving of fruit usually. Sometimes soup. Sometimes a weight watchers meal.

    Dinner was usually normal- chicken, spaghetti, salads, fish, chili, casseroles, etc, just in a small enough portion to fit my budget. A lot of times last year if my husband worked late I'd just make scrambled eggs for dinner. My first day on myfitnesspal I logged my food in the middle of the day and was already up to 1,000 calories while still at work. My dinner that night was egg whites and shrimp, and I still had to jump on the treadmill to earn it.

    Snacks kind of varied. I tried to keep it to fruit, vegetables, nuts, and deli meat, but looking back at my diary, I see a lot of crackers, chips, candy, etc. sprinkled in there.

    So, I'd say on average, each meal was 200-300 calories, while snacks were anywhere from 300 to 600 calories.
  • DietFemme
    DietFemme Posts: 16
    Breakfast: Tuna Salad. I make it myself in batches (tuna, red bell pepper, sweetcorn, baby potatoes, full fat mayo, wholegrain mustard
    = 265 cals per serving

    Lunch: Pre-made salad e.g. Marks & Spencer Quinoa & Edamame, bulked out with a little serving of protein, eg prawns or calamari rings
    = 433 cals

    Mid-afternoon Snack: Honey cashews x 20g
    = 120 cals

    Dinner: 1 striploin steak, sweet potato fries, broccoli & greenbeans (rapeseed oil for cooking) & 1/2 tbsp of full fat mayo
    = 382 cals

    Evening snack: 1 square dark choc
    = 48 cals

    To drink: a diet coke with lunch and water all day
    = 0 cals

    TOTAL: 1248 cals

    My actual goal is 1350, this is an example day with a very low calorie dinner.
  • MzManiak
    MzManiak Posts: 1,361 Member
    My diary is open. Feel free to look...
  • sandy_gee
    sandy_gee Posts: 372 Member
    My diary is open. Feel free to look...
  • kimosabe1
    kimosabe1 Posts: 2,467 Member
    my diary is open and i'm at 1500.....
  • Ashshell
    Ashshell Posts: 185
    My diary is open. Feel free to check it out. I eat less than 1400 calories daily, with the occasional off day. There were two days over the past holiday weekend that I didn't finish logging so disregard those days (;
  • Pearsquared
    Pearsquared Posts: 1,656 Member
    You may view my diary as well. I'm usually at about 1300.
  • MalinLondon
    MalinLondon Posts: 20 Member
    Breakfast: 40g porridge made with almond milk and water topped with 1/2 banana, goji berries, raw cacao nibs. Or protein smoothie made of 100g quark, 1cup frozen berries, 1 scoop protein, 100ml almond milk and water. = ca 250kcal
    Snack: 100g cottage cheese topped with berries = 80kcal
    Lunch: 130g chicken with 80g buckwheat and green veg = ca 350kcal
    Snack: 100g quark topped with 1/2 small apple and cinnamon = 100kcal
    Dinner: 100g chicken with green veg = ca200kcal
    Snack: 100g cottage cheese = 70kcal
    (1tsp cashewnut butter 70kcal every now and then mmmm ;))
    = 1050kcal
    Only on a rest day, more calories if training! No carbs or fruit after 4pm. 1 cheat day per week keeps me going eg. some extra carbs in form of sweet potatoe, a nice fruit salad with youghurt or home made raw chocolate =)
  • MLBuddecke
    MLBuddecke Posts: 13
    my 1310 calorie diet (before exercise) is lots of food, although I always seem to go over on the sugars as the green shakology and some of the fruits I like have a lot and my diet suggests only 26g sugar daily from all sources.

    2 whole wheat slices bread, 1/2 pat butter, 1 large egg. this is a good breakfast. and keeps me full
    shakology for lunch. snack at work, fruit and crakers, maybe an ounce of cheese if I am hungry.
    - this will cover about half my calories for the day
    or have the shake for breakfast and a single slice of whole wheat at lunch with meat and lots of veg. do real meat, not processed sandwich meats.

    then supper a small portion of meat and the rest is full of veggies, green beans, peas, carrots are my most common as I grow them in my garden and freeze for the winter. also lots of letuce and you usually don't need any dressing, but can use a tsp or some lemon juice or vinegar.tomatoes, cucumbers, brocolli, cabage, onions and mushrooms with the meat or instead of if you had meat earlier in the day, 1/2 a baked potato is an option some meals, if you don't put anything on it.(I might splurge and use 1/2 a pat of butter) even mashed is okay with just a tiny bit of skim,1% or 2& milk.
    - you can chose from all these options and have a very full plate.
    The TRICK is measure your food, and STOP when you have reached the calorie limit.
    having saidi that, it's early days for me yet, I get major cravings which I find that if I drink herbal tea or green tea that helps with water consumption and gives me something to put in my mouth. also the warmth is comforting. I am losing very slowly, 3 pounds in 5 weeks, but part of my problem is being away from home and undoing all the good when I can't weigh my food and have to eat out, not knowing how much calories might be in certain items. I can leave food on my plate now, and it doesn't bother me much. lol
    I like to mix it up with quinoa and brown/wild rice, but watch the portion sizes and I don't do pasta. I bought a small food scale and use it and a measuring cup and have started logging my food as well. I find I no longer miss bread which used to be a big part of my meals as long as I allow myself some toast occasionally.
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    I try for 1,300/per day but go over some days and I usually eat back my exercise cals. Diary is open feel free to take a look.
  • susieoj
    susieoj Posts: 181
    I'm there too, I set my goal 1100-1200 and then I subtract workout calories from what I eat. If you keep it healthy, it's a lot of food lol
  • deeann7769
    deeann7769 Posts: 21 Member
    I try to eat fresh foods, but a decent amount of my daily food comes in bar or shake form. I don't get a designated lunch time, so I eat while heading out to a job, or while doing the job. Things I eat on a daily basis:

    Cliff Bars
    Fiber One Bars (both regular and 90 cal)
    Individual serving sizes of nuts
    fresh fruit (usually apples, oranges, or bananas)
    Greek yogurt
    mozzarella string cheese

    Usually I'll have one real sit down meal, which is usually a chicken pasta type thing, a chicken salad, or whatever my husband happens to be cooking. I guess I am a grazer, but it works for me. As long as I keep track of what I eat, I am fairly good at keeping under 1400.
  • rosemaryhon
    rosemaryhon Posts: 507 Member
    Just curious to what you eat on 1200-1400 calories? not here to bag on anyone but would like to see a 1200-1400calorie diary.

    Mine is open, I'm set to 1300.
  • cdjs77
    cdjs77 Posts: 176 Member
    When I first started out I was at 1200 or below most days. I have always been a grazer/snacker who didn't eat much, so making the switch to healthy foods meant I had to work my way up to eating enough calories for maintenance. A sample day:
    Breakfast: Small yogurt or small banana, green tea - 100 calories
    Mid-Morning Snack: Piece of fruit - 60-100 calories
    Lunch: Mixed salad with 1/2 can of tuna and 2 T low-fat balsamic dressing, green tea - 160 calories
    Snack: 100g of cottage cheese with either fresh fruit or 1 T of jam - 150 calories
    Snack: Small plum - 30 calories
    Dinner: 100g baked chicken with roasted red pepper and garlic sauce and green beans, green tea - 250 calories
    Snack: 100g cottage cheese with fruit or jam - 150 calories
    Snack: Piece of fruit: 60-100 calories
    Total: 960 - 1040

    It's pretty low in calorie, but it took me a while to get used to eating more volume as I was used to eating a lot of small, high-calorie snacks like chocolates and candies.
  • micheleb15
    micheleb15 Posts: 1,418 Member
    I eat 1360 on non-workout days. Yesterday my day was -

    B- Coffee, half and half, sugar, 4 hard boiled eggs and a banana (approx. 220)
    L- Sliced Roast Beef and Ham, cheese, tomatoes and cucumbers (approx. 330)
    S- Strawberries and Chobani yogurt (approx. 200)
    D- Hibachi style chicken with zucchini and onions with Japanese white sauce (approx. 450)
    D - Vodka Soda (approx. 100) and watermelon (approx. 50)
  • JulieAnn72
    JulieAnn72 Posts: 795 Member
    Mine is open and I eat around 1200-1400 every day. At the beginning of the year when I was first starting out, I had it set at 1200. Now my goal is 1340.
  • Breakfast- Oatmeal - 200
    Lunch- Lean cusine- 300
    Snack- Activia- 100
    Dinner- Fish, Rice, broccoli -500
    Snack- 1/2 Avocodo- 120
    Drinks- water and diet soda- 0
  • Pearlyladybug
    Pearlyladybug Posts: 882 Member
    Raw - Whole Egg, 2 medium 156
    Single White - Egg, 2 Egg 30

    Uncle Ben's - Express Brown Rice (Made With Whole Grain Rice) 90 Sec, 62.5 g 96
    taco mince, 1 serving 227
    Coles - Light Tasty Shredded Cheese, 12.5 g 43

    Broccoli Steamed - Broccoli Steamed (Plain), 1 Cup 54
    Pumpkin - Cooked, boiled, drained, without salt, 1 cup, mashed 49
    Aldi - Ashfield Farm Pork Loin Steaks, 100 g 127
    Coles - Light Tasty Shredded Cheese, 12.5 g 43

    cheese ham muffin, 1 serving(s) 121
    Kellogg's - Sponge Bob Gummys, 1 pouch 80
    Generic - Banana Small , 81 g 72
    Reece's - Peanut Butter Cups, 2 Peanut Butter Cups 210
    gluten banana cake, 1 serving 85

    1393 cal

    This is a non workout day
  • ghayes1954
    ghayes1954 Posts: 7 Member
    Today I didn't eat lunch because I woke up late, but I eat around that and I eat quite healthy. Check out my diary. You have to ask to friend me.
  • BajaDreamin333
    BajaDreamin333 Posts: 267 Member
    I hit 1,260 almost every day, but I also burn at least 500. Grossing 1,760 I eat very well. The key is lots of veggies and fruit. I'm rarely hungry, unless I'm over stressed, and I could eat my way out of a Costco size bag of caramel corn.

    Low fat, less than 100 cal snacks, lots of salad and fish and a protein smoothie after my workout. I've lost more weight doing it this way than ever before, and I repeat, I'm rarely hungry unless its time to eat anyway ;)