New here! Lets help each other!


I unfortunately gained a lot of weight as newlywed. 65 pounds in a year! :( That's what I get for throwing my scale away! I am trying to get into back into shape by Christmas. I would like to start a family in a couple of years so the time is now!
I just signed up and am still figuring out the site but would love to have friends on here to aid each other towards success! We can do this. We WILL do this!!!


  • JennArlen
    JennArlen Posts: 32 Member
    Hi! Congrats on being a newlywed! Good luck towards your goal! My goal as of right now is to lose 30 pounds (or somewhere close to that) by the end of July!
    We can do this!
  • sheril57
    sheril57 Posts: 19
    I am new to here again, need someone else I can motivate that will motivate me. To be under 200# would be awesome then I can think of a new goal have about 80# total to go and really want to succeed
  • clobern
    clobern Posts: 341 Member
    Congrats! Invite sent, and you and anyone else can add me.
  • RosieLS1961
    Congrats on being a newly wed!!! I just joined MFP and am looking to lose 80# of FAT! Here's to helping / encouraging each other!
  • sparkellet
    sparkellet Posts: 6
    Thanks so much peeps! Once I figure out how to add people I will add you!
  • sheril57
    sheril57 Posts: 19
    how do you add someone
  • jschaberick
    jschaberick Posts: 4 Member
    New here too (and love it so far) - Let's connect up!
  • MyJourney1960
    MyJourney1960 Posts: 1,133 Member
    hi and welcome. I'm new too, and already feel at home - this is a great community!
  • maryanni1988
    I'm a newbie as well. I need friends and I will be supportive. Add me!
  • bevred888
    bevred888 Posts: 2
    Hi, I am new to MFP. Have followed another commercial weight loss plan, lost 65lb but have plateaued big time. Very up and down in the losses recently and need a push to lose the remaining 45lb to get to goal.
  • 1carrice
    1carrice Posts: 6
    I'm been at my job 9 years. I went from 135 to 196 in 8 yrs! Over the last 1-1/2 I have lost 36 pounds. My goal is 150 and hope my skin doesn't sag to me
  • Ilovehealthyliving
    add me im new and have lots of tips !!
  • trackgirl83
    Hello All. I signed up for my fitness pal some time ago and have been very inconsistant. Recently more like yesterday I was at my doctor who was very blunt about telling me I am ove weight. So I am trying to take this more seriously.
  • susanbrown96
    Hello Everyone,

    Please add me to your friends list. I strive for accountability and knowledge. I have been working out for over a year now and have lost 55 lbs so far and have about 30 lbs more to go. I workout to Beachbody videos and drink my Shakeology everyday. I had back surgery 7 months ago and I'm still in some recovery but I am able to exercise.
  • susanbrown96
    Click on their pic and then it will ask you if you want to add them as a friend
  • chogue55
    chogue55 Posts: 21
    Hello all. I've been inconsistent lately too, but am still trying. I've lost almost 30 lbs since September, but still have another 70 to go.

    I also got a Fitbit Zip to track my activity, which interfaces with MFP to adjust calories. It is a good motivator for me to get moving so it might help some of you out too. I wish everyone good luck on their goals!