Coping with 1lb a week :/



  • FromHereOnOut
    FromHereOnOut Posts: 3,237 Member
    Although I wasn't weighing myself at the time, I had the same problem a few months ago. I was working out very hard everyday and eating at ~ BMR+some of my workout cals and nothing was changing (per measurements). I became very frustrated, thought I must've been estimating food wrong and made some changes to my log which eventually resulted (unintentionally) in me eating more calories per day and finally I started to see some change.After that, I recalculated to eat more and I've recently began weighing and things are moving nicely now.

    For what it's worth, I workout about 1-2x/day, am 5'8.5", have been at your weight, and am also losing about 1lb per week, but I'm eating **2,000 calories per day**. You are definitely not eating enough at 1200. Your body is having to reshuffle all of your energy sources just to keep your organs going and to try to fuel your workouts on top of that. Give the body enough fuel, without overeating, and you will lose weight consistently without killing your metabolism. Even if you only lose 1lb/week, at least do it in a sustainable way that will also retain calorie-burning muscle for the sake of your future metabolic rate. You could probably go up to 1500 for a week and then up to 1700 from there and begin to lose very, very nicely. Good luck.
  • jrbb03092
    jrbb03092 Posts: 198 Member
    Although I wasn't weighing myself at the time, I had the same problem a few months ago. I was working out very hard everyday and eating at ~ BMR+some of my workout cals and nothing was changing (per measurements). I became very frustrated, thought I must've been estimating food wrong and made some changes to my log which eventually resulted (unintentionally) in me eating more calories per day and finally I started to see some change.After that, I recalculated to eat more and I've recently began weighing and things are moving nicely now.

    For what it's worth, I workout about 1-2x/day, am 5'8.5", have been at your weight, and am also losing about 1lb per week, but I'm eating **2,000 calories per day**. You are definitely not eating enough at 1200. Your body is having to reshuffle all of your energy sources just to keep your organs going and to try to fuel your workouts on top of that. Give the body enough fuel, without overeating, and you will lose weight consistently without killing your metabolism. Even if you only lose 1lb/week, at least do it in a sustainable way that will also retain calorie-burning muscle for the sake of your future metabolic rate. You could probably go up to 1500 for a week and then up to 1700 from there and begin to lose very, very nicely. Good luck.

    I already posted above but same here! 5'8" and am losing 1 lb a week and it's taking 1800-2000 calories a day for me to drop the weight at that rate. At 1500 (!) I wasn't losing a thing.
  • alphal0b0
    alphal0b0 Posts: 125 Member
    Just curious, why did you start at 1200? Assuming you have lost 2 pounds per week some weeks, thats net deficit of 3500x2 = 7000 caloric deficit for those weeks.

    now distribute over 7 days, and you're eating a deficit of 1000 per day below maintenance.

    it would have made more sense (just my opinion) to start from a much higher number, say (only net deficit of 300 cal per day = 2100 net deficit per week or about .75 pounds lost).

    I know it's not 1lb per week or 2, but it ensures that you have a higher calorie pool to cut from, and therefore a more sustainable weight loss track.

    If you start at 1200, you have to keep cutting from that 1200 number, or increase exercise output to burn more calories.

    Personally my current weight loss schematic is something like 0.25 pounds (net per week)...over something like 32 weeks.

    I dont like to give deadlines for when you want to reach a certain weight, as long as you reach it. The slower you reach that weight, the more sustainable and comfortable your life and diet will be on your way there.

    Anyways, the problem you are currently probably facing or going to face in the near future is that 1200 calories a day and the same workout will no longer net any caloric loss. This is called metabolic damage (where the numbers SHOULD reach a certain result, but don't, due to overtaxing the metabolism).

    At this point, if you are dead set on reaching that 30 lb loss goal, you may want to look at a longer time frame of achieving it, or failing that, start cutting calories or increasing exercise even more. Though the latter choice is probably not very healthy or sustainable in the long run

    ^^^ THIS !!!
    For more on metabolic damage .. BioLayne makes some awesome explinations here:
    I myself am trying to slowly bring my calories up.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I was tickled pink when I was losing 1 lb per week. I'm just now trying to lose more and I'll be tickled pink if can lose at that rate again. Heck, I'll be happy with .5 a week.

    You are doing great!! Focus on the big picture - losing and maintenance. If you get to your goal too quickly the maintenance phase is that much harder.

    And you are improving fitness so break out that tape measure and watch the inches disappear!
  • ravenbard
    ravenbard Posts: 51
    Never thought of it that way but you are right.. gaining a lb a week would be awful... so losing a lb a week should be awesome..
  • caspergirl7
    caspergirl7 Posts: 590 Member
    My mom is doing the 17 day diet and has already gone from 203 to 189....which has also depressed me a bit. Even though I know her's is likely water weight mostly. [/quote]

    remember that^^ its water weight & while she will probably put it back on you will NOT if you continue with what you are doing... to even lose 1lb is great... there are some that lose less than that or not at all. Keep going & don't give up!!
  • MelsAuntie
    MelsAuntie Posts: 2,833 Member
    One pound a week is GREAT. You don't want to lose weight too fast or you'll have baggy skin and wrinkled face over a thinner body.
  • craigmandu
    craigmandu Posts: 976 Member
    There is a big difference between fast weight loss, and lasting weight loss.

    1lb a week is steady, lasting weight loss, in which you are much less likely to put it back on, as your body is accustomed to the calorie levels and fitness levels.

    Fast weight loss usually ends with people going back to their before "diet" conditions, and putting most or more of the weight they lost back on.

    Slow and steady wins the race in my opinion, gimmick type plans simply shock the hell out of your body and rarely give lasting results.
  • FromHereOnOut
    FromHereOnOut Posts: 3,237 Member

    I already posted above but same here! 5'8" and am losing 1 lb a week and it's taking 1800-2000 calories a day for me to drop the weight at that rate. At 1500 (!) I wasn't losing a thing.

    Just read your post. Funny, it seems we both had "happy little accidents" where we ate more and ended up losing weight! After learning that I can lose weight while really EATing, I changed my weight loss goals too. I decided that ultimately I want to weigh as much as I possibly can and still fit into my goal size jeans, because it's body weight (esp lean body mass) that contributes to higher metabolism, which means being able to eat more. And the more I can eat without gaining weight, the less likely I'll ever gain it back again. So, although I weigh myself now, I've set my weight goal much higher now, because weighing more means being able to eat more FOREVER and being much less likely to gain weight because of more "wiggle room" on the daily intake.

    Thank goodness for happy accidents.
  • damiend1985
    damiend1985 Posts: 20 Member
    Suggest maybe taking your eye's off the "weight" number for a few weeks. Instead keep an eye on the body fat % - it'll give you a much more accurate read on your progress. You can pick up a set of body analyser scales fairly cheap these days. Enjoy the exercise, watch the body weight % steadily fall, and the "weight" figure will look after itself.

    Think of it like building a car, as you add the parts it gets faster and drives smoother, you wouldn't bother looking at the speedometer until you're further into the project, instead you'd keep an eye on the overall project.

    Best of luck!
  • footiechick82
    footiechick82 Posts: 1,203 Member
    1lb a week is freakin' fantastic! Slow and steady wins the race and you will be able to maintain it a lot easier in the future.

    Good luck!
  • NikiChicken
    NikiChicken Posts: 576 Member
    Please readjust your expectations! 1 pound per week is PHENOMINAL progress! In one year that's over 50 pounds!!! It's also HEALTHY. You certainly didn't gain the weight overnight and you are not going to lose it overnight. It just won't happen.

    Also, stop comparing yourself to others! This is YOUR journey and comparing yourself to others doesn't help anyone, especially you. so, stop it!

    This isn't the Biggest Loser and I loathe that show because it makes people believe that fast weight loss is not only possible, but healthy and it's not either.

    Finally, NEVER EVER put "only" in front of "lost."
  • weinbagel
    weinbagel Posts: 337 Member
    I am in the same boat as you. Personally, I think that's the healthiest and easiest to maintain! I CAN lose more than that a week by being super strict with what I eat, but it always comes back when I decide to eat "sustainably" again.

    We got this!
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    So many get out of shape over years of neglect and bad choices, but want to be fit again RIGHT NOW!

    1 to 2 pounds a week consitently is an AMAZING weight loss rate. Just give it time.
    This right here. You don't get fat over night. It will take a while to come off.
  • Indymom45
    Indymom45 Posts: 7
    FOCUS on the fact u have lost,and u probably have more muscle from working out. try not to get depressed about it.I have spent most of the last 18 yrs dwelling on the size and weight I was as at teenager and through my 20's.I wished I had of took off a pound a week , or even 2 lbs a month because eventually it will all add up. KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK & DON'T GIVE UP
  • HeidiMightyRawr
    HeidiMightyRawr Posts: 3,343 Member
    1lb a week is ideal, don't rush it. You didn't gain overnight, so you won't lose it overnight either.

    You might benefit from slightly more calories. 1200 a day at your height/weight, and for that level of intensity in your exercise is very very low! (and not in a good way) From personal experience I've had greater success at losing when I eat well, higher amounts (but still a small deficit) Your body needs fuel to get through that level of activity! Plus it's easier to sustain long term :smile:
  • Candice_Says
    Candice_Says Posts: 24 Member
    I hear you, OP. For me the hardest part of this is not the dieting, not the restricting, and not the exercise. It's learning to live with myself while I am in this state!
  • Oishii
    Oishii Posts: 2,675 Member
    I have yet to meet someone who's lost weight rapidly and kept it off. Keep your mind on the long term goal of sustainable weight loss. Xxx
  • rose228822
    rose228822 Posts: 186 Member
    I am trying to remain positive as I have been working out daily (sometimes twice a day) for about 3 months now and have been consistent on losing only about 1 sometimes 2 pounds a week. I am keeping my calories at 1200 goal per day and most days (6 out of 7) am under that goal. I am proud of myself for sticking to the plan and feel my body changing as I now have endurance, strength, and can tell my body is changing but the numbers are not what I hoped for. I wanted to be at my goal of 30 pounds down by now but perhaps this is how it's supposed to be to have "real" change in my health and habits? I know that ideally "they" say it's healthy to lose 1 to 2 pounds a week in order to keep it off but I am mentally having a hard time with it. I am 5'8 and started at 202lbs and am down to 186. I will keep up the work and it has been WORK as I have cried and yelled at the DVDs (body pump and Jillian) it's just a little depressing to not see the numbers go down as fast. My mom is doing the 17 day diet and has already gone from 203 to 189....which has also depressed me a bit. Even though I know her's is likely water weight mostly. Anyways, anyone else dealing with the same type thing or have any suggestions?

    I can definitely relate. I was really hoping to lose more than several lbs a week...I started at 189 and down to 175 but thought because I am down to 1200 calories and working out everyday and like you some days twice a day I'd be a stick by now lol...but I still feel that I'm making some progress because my clothes are looser on me. So when I'm ready to give up I just give myself a pep talk and motivate myself again when I'm at the gym or sitting down to eat and imagine how I will look when I reach my goal.
    Take care and good luck!
  • emmythedagger
    emmythedagger Posts: 76 Member
    You need to eat more. 1200 is too little if you're exercising twice a day.

    My body would burn 2400 calories if I did nothing but rest for 24hours. I aim to eat 1200 calories/day. Which means my deficit is 1200 = half.
    If I burn 700 one day I try to eat half of them back. Meaning I aim to eat 1550 calories that day, keeping my deficit at half.

    I've lost 20lbs in just over 5 months.
    I had my calorie goal set to 1450 up until 2 weeks ago, so was actually eating more.
    Currently I weigh 164lbs.