Female question, women only please. Slightly O/T.

ladyofivy Posts: 648
edited September 21 in Motivation and Support
If you're a guy, why did you even click here? LOL

Anyway, girls I have the implanon implant for birth control. It is a 3 year implant that is supposed to be actually even more effective birth control than getting your tubes tied. [Edited to add: The implant goes into your arm, not your uterus.]

I have had it in for 2 years, and one of the "side effects" of it is that you stop getting your period. Which I haven't for 2 years.

The middle of July, I had my annual pap test, and two days later I got a period.. a regular 5 day period. The next week, I had no period. The following week, another 5 day period. The following week, no period. This morning... you guessed it.

Last time I got it, I called and the nurse said that unless I was cramping badly or bleeding heavy, not to worry about it. But a week on and off is irregular, and it's concerning me. I called again today, and of course, again, "a nurse will call you back."

I find it highly coincidental that I went 2 years with no period and then get a pap test and suddenly have 3 periods in 6 weeks time.

So, if ANYONE knows anything about this, I'd love your thoughts.

The other thing, slightly more on topic, is at what point do you gain weight with your period? Is it just before the period? During the period? Is it during ovulation? I'm just curious about this in general, not that my weight is fluctuating extremely in any way.

Thanks girls.

Go away now, nosy boys.


  • Nina74
    Nina74 Posts: 470 Member
    I start gaining up to 7 days before I start (like now).

    I don't know about implants, but my first question to the doc would be if it is a 3 yr implant and it has been 2 years, is it perhaps no longer effective? Each person's body is different. But definitely odd about the Pap and now period. Either way I would keep pushing for an answer and not let them blow you off.
  • Amber030583
    Amber030583 Posts: 490 Member
    Not sure about the implant. Was thinking of getting the mirena myself. I do gain weight with my period but that is just from bloating. It usually goes away a couple days after my period.
  • ashlee954
    ashlee954 Posts: 1,112 Member
    I can only respond to the water weight gain part of your question, as I take traditional BC (pills). Typically you bloat about a week before your period and during. Close to the end of your period the water weight has started to shed off.
  • bonnienm
    bonnienm Posts: 329 Member
    Weird that you didn't have a period for 2 years and then started having them. The old Norplant implant made you spot A LOT, like more than not for the first couple of years and then you evened out so it is strange that it would go the other way. If you can afford it why don't you go see your doctor so you can get the answers you're looking for instead of trying the nurse?

    If I gain weight because of my period it is usually just before and during. The thing that I noticed the most while actively trying to lose weight was that I couldn't lose anything during but then would just after.

    Good luck.
  • gabrielled
    gabrielled Posts: 247 Member
    GRRRRRRRR! I hate weighing right before (one or two days) and during my cycle. I either stay the same or go up a pound or two. Sometimes I get that, "WHY BOTHER TRACKING OR TRYING!" voice, and I have to tell it to shut up. I too am wondering if your implant is past its prime. A baby (!!!!) is too big a risk to not know if it's working. I would be waiting at the doctor's office until they figured it out.
  • clptak
    clptak Posts: 8
    First of all, how long is the implant supposed to be effective? Maybe the medicine in it has been exhausted...I would make an appointment with the gyn as soon as possible, because no one except you knows how you normally feel and what is OK for you. As far as weight gain, mine was always just before because of bloating and constipation, etc. I agree that if you are menstruating, don't bother to weigh in or measure; the results will be skewed. Good luck and don't give up!
  • i am actualy in the same boat as you!!!!

    ive had the implant for 2 years and nothing!

    then all of a sudden like 6 month ago i had my TOM for not just a time like a had them for 3 weeks streight!!!!
    i went to the hospital and it turns out my body wasnt giving out a hormone to tell my body to STOP lol

    so they gave me tablets and they stopped but now ive been getting more regular periods like maybe 1 a month or 1 every 2 month which is anoying ........... i havnt had a pap they just kinda started out the blue so i guess i cant answer ur question buti can say im in the same boat and its anoying lol

    hope this helped a bit :)
  • islandnutshel
    islandnutshel Posts: 1,143 Member
    I have no idea what could cause a cycle like that, worth cking in with the Doc. I weigh on my wii pretty much daily but only pay attention to the weight 1 week after my period started. It is usualy the lowest point of the month. Looking back over the months the graph looks like arches dropping gradualy lower (thank goodness) If I paid attention to every weight gain I would deffinately get discouraged.
  • lessjess1
    lessjess1 Posts: 71 Member
    I don't want to tell anyone what they should do, but feel like this might be a time to share my experience. Had I read the book "Taking Charge of Your Fertility" years ago, I never would have taken birth control pills. Pills, implants, rings = they all mess with your bodies natural processes!

    Seriously, if you are a woman who either wants to get pregnant or prevent pregnancy, READ THIS BOOK!
  • Not sure about the implant. Was thinking of getting the mirena myself. I do gain weight with my period but that is just from bloating. It usually goes away a couple days after my period.

    Of course, I know everyone is different...but I got a Mirena almost 2 years ago. I love it!!!! I don't get a period at all....I still get all the other lovely stuff that come with a period...I get a little crampy (and grumpy, LOL) and the girls are sore....but I have no need for pads or tampons.
  • Cina04
    Cina04 Posts: 609
    Not sure about the implant. Was thinking of getting the mirena myself. I do gain weight with my period but that is just from bloating. It usually goes away a couple days after my period.

    My friend still got pregnant while using this.

    It came out of her body - I'm ify about things that need to be inserted into the body. Taking pills is one thing but having stuff in your body freaks me out lol. I also have another friend where her device came out of her body.

    I also read about babies being born with the mirena device attached to them.
  • ladyofivy
    ladyofivy Posts: 648
    Not sure about the implant. Was thinking of getting the mirena myself. I do gain weight with my period but that is just from bloating. It usually goes away a couple days after my period.

    My friend still got pregnant while using this.

    It came out of her body - I'm ify about things that need to be inserted into the body. Taking pills is one thing but having stuff in your body freaks me out lol. I also have another friend where her device came out of her body.

    I also read about babies being born with the mirena device attached to them.

    Specifically why I didn't want anything implanted in my uterus. Not that I have anything against those who do, I'm just very paranoid.

    The docs just called me back and scheduled an appointment for me tomorrow, so we'll see what's going on then, I guess.
  • brattyworm
    brattyworm Posts: 2,137 Member
    You need to make them see you. Thats a pretty big deal on and off like that. And it needs to be a gyn who knows something. I've not used an implant, but I'm going to assume its hormonal just as BC pills are and anything that causes you to flucutate in periods like that doesn't need to be put off.

    I had a couple of weeks of spotting and thought no big deal, that had happened when I went on Zoloft (for anxiety) initially but had stopped. Well the second time it started a couple of weeks of spotting turned into full blown period and because I'm a military depenant I have to have a referral to see an outside anything. My doctor wouldn't listen and that lasted for 3 months before I got him to give me the referral. My husband said I was pale alot, I dont know about that. But I do know it affected everythign else about me. My iron was low, I didn't feel good, you know all those things that happen during a normal period maginified because of how long it lasted.

    So thats my thoughts.
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