Late night snackers...

Rivalee Posts: 22
edited September 21 in Food and Nutrition
I tend to eat really well during the day, and even often times my dinner is a-okay. My problem is that I don't stop eating once dinner is "over" and then I graze and nibble and it's just bad! It's ESPECIALLY bad if I stay up too late. And I get so frustrated because I know that I am just going to go to bed and not even use all those calories :-(

Who else has this problem, and what helps? Right now I am thinking maybe I'll pledge to make and drink a cup of tea first for anything after 8 pm. Maybe once I have the tea I'll forget about the food. Other ideas?


  • saaaved
    saaaved Posts: 1
    Water helps! I was snacking because I was tired and dehydrated. Now I realize that, have a cold glass of water or two and head to bed.
  • 4lafz
    4lafz Posts: 1,078 Member
    I save my after dinner treat for at least two hours after dinner. If I am still hungry - they say we are seeking comfort - I drink something hot. Usually Good Earth Caffeine Free Original in Sweet and Spicy (like liquid gingersnaps). Occasionally - when I really want Chocolate I make Diet Swiss Miss. Hot really does work! Good luck.
  • xarrium
    xarrium Posts: 432 Member
    I'm exactly the same way. I've found that, being inherently lazy, if I don't have snack foods in the house I won't go out and buy them, I'll just make myself a cup of fruit tea instead. It doesn't work for everyone, but I just can't "willpower" myself into not snacking if the stuff is lying around my kitchen, so it works nicely for me. I also try and stock up on "better" snack foods--for example, I found these awesome cherry-chocolate cookies that have a decent serving of fiber (for cookies...), which is better than Oreos or something similar. I also love fat-free yogurt because it's sweet but still awesome for you and easy on the food log.

    Good luck with your snacking!
  • misspenny762
    misspenny762 Posts: 279 Member
    I just snack on berries at night. It satisfies my late-night snacking urges without adding many calories. I also sometimes like to play Wii Tennis as an easy, fun way to kill a few more calories in the evening.
  • Luckymam
    Luckymam Posts: 300
    I love the last comment, being inherently lazy too! I agree, if it isn't in the house, then I can't eat it. If I need savoury, I have a cup of vegetable boullion. If it's sweet stuff, I have a fruit bar like Nakd bars or 9 bars (dunno if you can get them in the states but you're bound to have something similar.

    I also make a rule that I can't have anything after 8 pm. Not that I think that eating calories later makes them stick to your hips, just it helps me control what I eat. I also make sure I'm in bed usually by 10pm. If I'm tired, I tend to crave stodgy, sweet food the next day.
  • Late night tip: Whey protein is fast acting and better after a work out to fuel your body/replenish your muscles during the day. Casein protein is slow acting and better at night to repair your muscles while you sleep. Cottage cheese is a good source of casein so not a bad choice before bed time. Just watch your calories and choose low fat and the right portion. I like it with half a whole wheat pita pocket toasted and broken to eat as chips with my cottage cheese.
    Info from: "Fast Track" book
  • sarahsmom1
    sarahsmom1 Posts: 1,501 Member
    At first I thought you ate 9 bars, I didn't know it was the bars name. oops
  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    As with everything else in life, there is a support group :wink:

    Feel free to join us anytime if it is support you are looking for, or even tips.
  • WallyMan
    WallyMan Posts: 18
    Yes. Water helps for me. Lots of water kills that urge for snacks. Tea or coffee with Splenda works fine too if it doesn't keep you up all night.. Maybe decaf but I don't like decaf. :smile:
  • I like to keep celery in the fridge in a bowl of water. This keeps it nice and crispy and is right there in front of me every time I open the door looking for a snack. Red grapes are good too. If you're really hungry, try boiling some eggs and mixing the whites with low fat cottage cheese. This is a great source of caseinate protein, the perfect thing to have in your stomach while sleeping. Also, the added protein will cut those hunger cravings.
  • Amarea
    Amarea Posts: 91 Member
    I don't go by the clock on the wall for my meals. In general I find I've switched the timing of everything. I know you're told to eat breakfast, and I do, but mine happens to be around 11 so I can eat lunch around 3-4 and dinner at 8-9, and then a snack before bed. May be going against all the rules but it works for me. I'm not hungry early but am ravenous at night. My hunger builds during the day so if I go with my body and eat when I'm really hungry, seems a good idea to me. It might work for you too :)
  • Yeah, time doesn't matter. Just calories in versus calories out.
  • Rivalee
    Rivalee Posts: 22
    Great ideas everyone, thanks! I just made myself a cup of tea, and joined Lulabelle's " support group" :smile:

    The berries idea is great for me and the water is a timely reminder!
  • lippold
    lippold Posts: 1
    I drink water like and hour and a half before I go to bed so I'm not up all night using the restroom....Keep veggies in the fridge already cut and cleaned easy snack...

    Good luck:smile:
  • TMDRyan
    TMDRyan Posts: 8
    Time does matter!! Your body produces HGH (Human Growth Hormone) in the wee hours of the morning - this hormone is what helps your cells repicate correctly, reduces aging and boosts metabolism - and it's inhibited by carbohydrates, so if you snack on carbs late at night, you'll not get the maximum benefit. If you're still feeling hungry at night after you've already eaten look for the root cause WHY? You're not actually hungry if you've been fueling your body properly. For instance, sleepiness can mask as hunger in addition to thirst (which we all know) - or maybe you're body is craving nourishment that it's lacking (think vitamin/mineral deficiencies). Have you started working out more? Maybe you need to boost post-workout protein intake or pre-workout carb intake. Are you hungry because you're bored? Can't focus? Try yoga, meditation or a hobby that keeps your hands and brain occupied at night. There are some very useful tips posted, but get down to the root of the problem or you'll fall harder into late-night snacking.
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,064 Member
    I was told by a dietician that the metabolism slows down approximately 12 hours after waking up in the morning, which I believe is related to the HGH surge in the morning. So it is easier to lose weight if you keep that in mind when planning your meals. I find it more difficult during the week because I'm out of bed at 6 and get home around 5 pm, but I'm trying to stop snacking after 6pm (Breakfast at 6, lunch at 12, dinner at 6). The meals are a little more spread out than I would like, but that's that. On the weekend, I get up much later (9am and so my dinner at 6 is not such a problem.

    My biggest problem with snacking late at night is habit. I'm working hard to get out of it, but sometimes, it just happens because that's when my body needs it. I do drink 12-24oz of water after dinner to help curb it, but I've come to the realization that I'm not hungry and if it is a little uncomfortable at the beginning, I will survive not having an evening snack some nights. Once I've broken the habit, I'm sure things will go more swimmingly :)
  • Ludie4
    Ludie4 Posts: 3
    I'm a newbie but I have the same problem - eating all evening. I actually do get hungry a few hours after eating and especially at night. There's two low calorie things that seem to help me best. One tablespoon of Omega 3 balanced crunch peanut butter. The other is Kroger's Carb Master yogurt -it comes in plain or with real fruits in it. It's the only brand I've found with the low 4 grams of carbs. I'm Type II diabetic and need to watch the carbs as well as calories. Thinking of checking out the dark chocolate candy, you know those with sections - see what the calories are in that, figure could break a section off when I have a chocolate craving. Have heard and found it's true for me when I crave something I'm better off eating small whatever than eating other things and still craving.
  • clptak
    clptak Posts: 8
    I have a problem with craving sweets, mom told me to eat a dill pickle before any snacking, especially at night. Kills any desire for sweets, I can tell you. If you have the time, try to begin a hobby that occupies your hands - scrapbooking, jigsaw puzzles, sewing, jewelry-making, etc. If your hands and your brain are engaged, maybe you won't feel hungry. I eat when I'm bored, so this also works for me. As one person replied, water is great, but for me, it didn't address the I-need-to-chew-something craving. I never tried sugarless gum at night, but it's worth a shot! Good luck and don't give up.
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