Time of month and increased appetite



  • xLexa
    xLexa Posts: 482 Member
    Thought I was going crazy today haha have not had the night time munchies in so long and now today I feel like I could eat and eat! I do not even have a specific craving, just feel hungry! Know TOM is on the way so thought maybe that is the reason. Sorry you all get that too but I am so glad I am not alone! hehehe
  • The reason for increased appetite has more to do with hormones than energy. The hormone progesterone, which stimulates the appetite, is at it's peak right before you start. Also, seratonin levels are low which stimulates appetite as well.
  • Ahhhh explains my salt and pepper chip craving and munching I have been doing tonight.
  • jude4247
    jude4247 Posts: 4
    Thanks for making me feel I am not alone. I started using this app a few weeks ago and it's really helped me stay on track. I had lost 4.4 lbs since the 9th but the last two days I have been so hungry. I started my period Monday and those first few days I didn't even "use" all of my calories, I didn't feel the greatest (cramps etc...), so my appetite was low. But yesterday and today I am hungry all the time. My stomach is growling about every hour or two. I am like "what is going on?" It's not like I'm not eating. I've tried drinking more water to fill the void but my stomach still growls. So, maybe I do need a little more calories these few days? I want to stay on track so I don't want to go over my "allowed" calories but I can't get my stomach to stop growling and from feeling so hungry.
  • Thank you! Now I know why I am so hungry! I've been trying to munch on grapes to try and keep sweets out of my mind :)
  • mia_amanda1219
    mia_amanda1219 Posts: 1 Member
    Thank god I am not the only one! Unfortunately I caved :-( But a set back doesn't mean I'm out of the race. I already knew about the water weight thing which is why I don't even pull the scale out the week of my period (do not need another reason to feel worse lol). This was very insightful and I am glad there is a reason for the madness!
  • bizzybee38
    bizzybee38 Posts: 1
    Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you. I was searching the internet to try and find out what the heck was happening to me. I usually eat 6 small meals during the day and this week I've been dying between meals. I am so happy to see that I am not a crazed food junkie; it's just my aunt FLO making me feel this way. I'm sticking to my diet and next week this will all be behind me along with a couple of extra pounds, God willing.
  • Jude, I completely relate to what you are saying. This week has been especially bad for me....more than any other TOM. I also started Insanity this week. On day 4, I was actually so fatigued and sore from the program, then bloated from it being the week before my period, but my hunger is crazy. I've not even wanted sweets and junk. My stomach is constantly growling and I've been drinking tons of water. I'm making my Shakeology shakes, eating lots of protein and high fiber, but I still think I could eat an entire cow myself!!

    I just hope it doesn't affect my weight loss efforts as I've recently needed to replace an entire work wardrobe from losing 22 lbs doing turbofire and Chalean Extreme. We shall see next week! ;-)
  • Isis2123
    Isis2123 Posts: 36
    I'm just glad to know I'm not the only one who gets the sudden urge to eat through my entire pantry. Also really excited to try Arctic Zero products mentioned early. They sell them in the Kroger by me- sweet tooth success!
  • Ohhhh, yeah, going through this right now. It's the second day of that TOM and I am starving! I'm managing to stay away from the junk food and turning to fruit, veg or an extra portion of protein, but still... UGH!
  • In response to the question on how much lbs people gain during menstruation I know for myself it can be anywhere from 1 to 3 Kilograms and when finished it is gone again. I went to do my normal workout today and found myself tired and absolutely starving. I am due for my period in 2 days and have already gained a half kilo in water weight. Myself and my friends call it "loading up" before that time of the month :smile:
  • stefa711
    stefa711 Posts: 196 Member
    Hmmmm I wonder if this stands true for my current month-long time of the month?

    If so, that'd be nice.
  • CvJ626
    CvJ626 Posts: 6 Member
    Thanks for this thread. It's very helpful and now I don't feel so bad. T.O.M with a recent lower back pain equals a horrible week for exercise/diet.
  • sabified
    sabified Posts: 1,035 Member
    Thank you for posting! This explains so much! Where did u find this article?
  • missADS1981
    missADS1981 Posts: 364 Member
    Oh yes, this is me right now. Havent stopped today and never feel full.
  • Achaila
    Achaila Posts: 264 Member
    I'm going through this right now. I was fine until I took a nap. Woke up with insane hunger! I want ice cream and a cheese burger so bad!
  • emceeoftheburg
    emceeoftheburg Posts: 8 Member
    Going through this right now. The day before my period (today), I cannot stop eating. I NEVER snack - I never have the urge to. But today, I woke up and was starving - eating leftovers from the night before, crackers, soup...and couldn't stop. It makes me feel horrible, since I've been doing so well. :/
  • Now it is me too. Thanks for posting this! :smile:
  • littleburgy
    littleburgy Posts: 570 Member
    Extra calorie burning? Finally, something good about Aunt Flo. Thanks to her I have to delay my weigh in this week and I feel like a bloated whale.